I am rebuilding my Quiver having sold just about everything. With the sand slipping through the hourglass I am attempting to not slide with it by going away from 9ft longboards to smaller boards and challenging myself to get fitter. I also want to keep everything under 8ft as as it fits easy in my car and with an OS trip in mind later this year. Besides, I've done my fair share of 9fters and 666 and while I will probably go back there one day I want to try something different.
So the Munro has unfortunately (fortunate for another Breezer) gone. I have just posted photos of the UF8.
I have been playing around with Firewires (Mac can't give too much **** because I now also have a McTavish). This is a recent addition to the quiver of a 6'5 Firewire "El Feugo". It is a very flat rockered board with lots of volume. The wide point is forward which I think suits my style of surfing. It floats me up to my belly button and is easier than I thought to paddle into waves with. I havent had it out in a really pitching beachy yet and not sure how the flat rocker will go in these conditions. It is very fast as you would expect with the flat rocker and I think waist to head high surf will suit this board best.
There is probably a spot for 1 more board for very small days and full waves (please nobody say "Log"). Any suggestions? bearing in min
d I still want to stay under 8ft. Maybe an 8ball ? I know there are other Firewire boards that would suit that purpose!
Anyhow here is the quiver. The middle board is my young blokes.
I just got back from a surf at Winki, and I'm greeted by the wonderful UF8 !! Wow-wee! Looks really skinny and narrow and thin actually. What are the dimensions!?
easy choice. fat bullet from muzza bourton. my next board. im in the same boat as you daneli with going shorter. head down to main and give my silver bullet a thrash mate...you will love it and will let you understand why i think the fat is the board for you. ps, i love my
Webber Minifish maybe if you something really high volume for small days.
or even a Firewire Sweet Potato.
mate good on you for turning back the clock.
keep those shortboard sessions shorter to keep yourself fresh
surferstu...120kgs is getting a bit big for these little things...however the one on the far left is 5'10"x22x2 5/8" which equates to 41.75 litres so your probably looking at 6'1"-6'2".
daneli...all boards go good some go better than others
I can hook you up with one of these on the Sunny coast, as the shaper made templates off this one. looks like it is out side the box I know but it is a VERY fun board.
This one in the pics is a 7' but looks and feels smaller, mate got one also at 5'6" and it went sic also.
Flat, wide Quad good in waves up to solid 4 foot.
^^^^^i would be going for more of a fish than a tak or a sumo and i love the tak. he wants more s/b. the sumo would be my pick out off the two
I have this going cheap if you are after more of a S/B look and feel Daneli ?
Dims are 7'2"x21"x2+7/8 (did I mention going cheap)....
PM me if your interested.