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Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Regrettable board sales

Created by 62mac > 9 months ago, 25 Jul 2012
WA, 24860 posts
25 Jul 2012 5:46AM
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I received a few text messages from a lbf member who's name I will leave for you guys to guess who.

After repling he called like 10.30pm asking about if he should swap one of his boards for a board he sold this guy,I said made if you don't.

I've had three, a Surf More shortie way back in time and my flamed Fireball (in my profile pic's ) and the redline I sold Asea.

So how many have you had

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
25 Jul 2012 8:47AM
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Ok so reading between the lines here I am guessing that Asea wants to swap back for the board that Simondo presently loves?

I have not had any regreattable board sales in recent memories - but have had 2 board purchases that were. These were promptly sold and I felt a zillion times better with their replacements

QLD, 3954 posts
25 Jul 2012 8:49AM
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Wow, great thread.

Relevant to this room a very very nice custom Peter White, Classic Mal 50/50 railed diamond tail
60's style log. Full Volane pin lined with a wooden fin. Every time I rode it I got stopped walking on the beach. Sold it to get to my brothers wedding in Bali.

So many boards I have collected and sold that I loved in times of need of cash, the Boardroom must have made some money out of me over time.

NSW, 2110 posts
25 Jul 2012 9:06AM
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Should never have sold my redline miss it bigtime, and my DC17 downwind board was heaps of fun and would love that back to my little mate across the road never sells his boards and he has them all in racks he would have maybe 50-60 boards all with a story, especially the 666 that he got run over on by a jetski its mounted like a trophy under the house.

NSW, 946 posts
25 Jul 2012 9:10AM
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never gunna sell any of my boards will just have to purchase larger sheds

4627 posts
25 Jul 2012 7:19AM
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My Evo is one I know I would regrett parting with Thinking of getting another one made next year just wont go near chrispy with it

WA, 24860 posts
25 Jul 2012 7:51AM
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Ted the Kiwi said...

Ok so reading between the lines here I am guessing that Asea wants to swap back for the board that Simondo presently loves?

asea yes but not simondo's evo2

WA, 24860 posts
25 Jul 2012 7:54AM
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CMC 666 are allowed mate

QLD, 3954 posts
25 Jul 2012 10:45AM
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62mac said...

CMC 666 are allowed mate

Only my first one I regret selling a little bit. Custom 10' DMS. But I think they're different to surfboards in that they are so big they kind of work anyway, you just make them work.

So no, no real regrets on the 666 front. You know you can ride 2 x identical 6'2's and one you love and the other you hate. Those minute differences in edges, flex, stringer timber, foam density, glass tightness and whatever other myriad of things that completely change the way a board goes do not really apply on these. Of course Lacey would disagree, he changes his boards with each underwear change

On shortboards of note great boards that I got to spend more with though are:

6'2 Yorky
6'3 Dahlberg
6'5 Channel Bourton
6'3 Channel Quad Bourton
6'1 Carbon Wrap DMS
6'6 Widow Maker Bourton
6'0 Bourton Fish

It goes on and on.....

WA, 15849 posts
25 Jul 2012 9:00AM
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My 6,5 LSD, swapped it for the firewire

10980 posts
25 Jul 2012 9:13AM
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A stewart LB, was made for jeff Kramer, if anyone remebers that name,
I swapped it for a 5'0 and a 4'0, courtesy of a solid wave right to the bottom as I rolled under it...


As for selling boards I wish i kept, I had an early Mac t 7' carver in epoxy with a wood veneer, sold it cause it looked like the veneer was delaminating, still wish I had it. And my dad threw out his 1960s - 70s Sam Egan, shortboard revolution era type board. Would have been a nice resto job with a bit of sentimental value.

But usually I try not to sell the ones I like, if I don't like it they get sold but a keeper is a keeper.

WA, 24860 posts
25 Jul 2012 9:17AM
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doggie said...

My 6,5 LSD, swapped it for the firewire

You foolI mean it in the nicest possible way.

NSW, 3487 posts
25 Jul 2012 12:04PM
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I don't regret getting rid of any boards, but I would have liked to still have my last PU board, a 9.6 O'Donnell if only to see if I have improved enough to surf it. I reckon it would be the same, I just would not be able to catch waves on it.

Funny thing is, if I wanted a new PU board tomorrow, I would go back and talk to him, only this time I would know a lot more and I'd get the board I wanted, rather than the board he thinks I want.

WA, 15849 posts
25 Jul 2012 10:09AM
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62mac said...

doggie said...

My 6,5 LSD, swapped it for the firewire

You foolI mean it in the nicest possible way.

I know, I might have to get Luke to shape me another one

NSW, 1317 posts
25 Jul 2012 12:37PM
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might call it a loss rather than a sale, two brand new boards the local shaper made me for tahiti a 6'6 and 6'10 ,got them the day before i left ,stuffed them into a board bag with another board and a load of other gear..including a boat propellor for a mate
last i saw of them was the oversize baggage conveyor at sydney airport...missing was the reply from the airline...never got to ride them..although the baggage handler crimes at the airport blew up about a week or so after i got back .......

QLD, 5544 posts
25 Jul 2012 3:56PM
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Mac you must have been pissed it was 9:30pm and yes Simondo has got one of mine but we are about to do a deal and he is taking my Redline off me in exchange of the EVO11

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
25 Jul 2012 4:03PM
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I knew it Asea!!!!!!

So what is Simondo getting ?

Hey Prawnhead were you covered for insurance? What a bummer. Did you have access to any over boards to ride? That sounds like my worst nightmare.

WA, 24860 posts
25 Jul 2012 2:12PM
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asea said...

Mac you must have been pissed it was 9:30pm and yes Simondo has got one of mine but we are about to do a deal and he is taking my Redline off me in exchange of the EVO11

What drugs are you on really,your doing WHAT

Flick the Gleave and get that Redline back OK

QLD, 5544 posts
25 Jul 2012 4:14PM
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62mac said...

asea said...

Mac you must have been pissed it was 9:30pm and yes Simondo has got one of mine but we are about to do a deal and he is taking my Redline off me in exchange of the EVO11

What drugs are you on really,your doing WHAT

Flick the Gleave and get that Redline back OK

got the Redline and Simondo wants it

VIC, 8020 posts
25 Jul 2012 4:23PM
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Have you sent it off yet Asea?
I sent you the shipping details for the EvoII yesterday. Did you get it?
Board is due up your way on about Monday. This Friday is pushing it.

WA, 24860 posts
25 Jul 2012 2:32PM
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You two are full of it,I smell a rat

6657 posts
25 Jul 2012 3:42PM
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mmmmmm new boards

VIC, 8020 posts
25 Jul 2012 6:49PM
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62mac said...

You two are full of it,I smell a rat

Sh!t that EvoII goes well. Nothing gets past you Mac. I must confess, that EvoII will never be fore sale. I will only sell it if it ever ended up in 2 pieces. Even then, I would order another one immediately...

Got a ripper of a wave through Winki-Pop Lowers (Vic) on Monday. Steve Ryan was there shooting photos too. Overhead screamer, locked and loaded, just working down the long wall, full speed, only minor speed trim turns off the bottom, and a few back foot jamb speed wash turns off the top, but mostly just pumping for speed, mid face. Such an awesome wave, I went in on it... I'm thinking awesome, will get some great pics off Steve...

So I head in... I ask Steve, did you get some shots of me on that last set through Lowers. He was aimed up more for Uppers... But confessed was talking, and got caught off guard and missed it. Bummer!!

This is Chiza... Ian Chisolm, shaper/owner at South Coast / Flow Surfboards. Pic by Steve Ryan.[pp_gal]/1/

VIC, 8020 posts
25 Jul 2012 6:52PM
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Chiza at Winki, through Lowers... Speed burns...

WA, 24860 posts
25 Jul 2012 4:54PM
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BulldogPup said...

mmmmmm new boards

woof I was wondering where the fk you've been

WA, 24860 posts
25 Jul 2012 4:58PM
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Simondo said...

Chiza at Winki, through Lowers... Speed burns...

nice artwork

6657 posts
25 Jul 2012 5:00PM
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hey mate - was on a course , got a new neighbour she's nice too , out today and couple of others for a surf been hectic week - hey almost got a board sorted , thinking milk band & blue FB square triple string , almost I think

VIC, 8020 posts
25 Jul 2012 7:08PM
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62mac said...

nice artwork

Yes, and the matching Fins Mac!! Red fins, not black!

10980 posts
25 Jul 2012 5:08PM
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I would of contributed earlier but I was confused, now I'm more confused but thought I'd just ask.

WTF is going on?? So who is swapping boards or was Asea just taking the piss out of Mac?

That is a great photo Simo

WA, 24860 posts
25 Jul 2012 5:10PM
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Pup please don't go the square tail mate rounded pin all the way

VIC, 8020 posts
25 Jul 2012 7:12PM
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I dropping into Chiza's shop the other day, because I was having a look at Wettie's for Chrispy across the road...

I had just had a nice surf, and Chiza was about to go for a wave... We have had a great run of swell, and Chiza goes, "I'm gunna go left today, I'm sick of going right". Note, he's a goofy footy, and the lefts around here don't hold the bigger swells too well, so even if a Goofy Footer wants to go left, sometimes there are very few options!


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Regrettable board sales" started by 62mac