Forums > Surfing Longboarding

SUP is only for kooks

Created by foxsup > 9 months ago, 17 Nov 2011
QLD, 218 posts
19 Nov 2011 3:10PM
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DanOinkey said...

Very confusing SUPs, SB's and Dr Evil. Am I in the right place? How is the evil overlord going to know where to move this to?

(PS it just looks like Joel Tudor just took a big mal out with a paddle)

Joel Tudor is a freak - so I guess this thread is in the right place - with all the other freaks

WA, 24860 posts
19 Nov 2011 3:17PM
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Take your sup talk somewhere else,I just traded mine

QLD, 7932 posts
19 Nov 2011 5:51PM
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62mac said...

Take your sup talk somewhere else,I just traded mine

for what custom mac62tavish?

WA, 24860 posts
19 Nov 2011 3:53PM
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UFO 901 x 22 1/2 x 2 7/8 for me lad

QLD, 7932 posts
19 Nov 2011 6:09PM
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62mac said...

UFO 901 x 22 1/2 x 2 7/8 for me lad

WA, 24860 posts
19 Nov 2011 4:20PM
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QLD, 1820 posts
19 Nov 2011 7:47PM
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62mac said...

nothing wrong with sups mac i will be training on one once the gut is mended to get surf fit again and jump on the new mal!!

lay off the sups its just a board dudes fook me how anal can people get

WA, 24860 posts
19 Nov 2011 5:59PM
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All good mate just stirring the pot,I was surfing some log shops online and came across that sign.

WA, 24860 posts
19 Nov 2011 6:08PM
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Geez that thing must be a thousand years old judging by the logo's

Yes that's the one,collectors piece,a real investment

NSW, 2110 posts
19 Nov 2011 9:11PM
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62mac said...

Geez that thing must be a thousand years old judging by the logo's

Yes that's the one,collectors piece,a real investment

Its a beast looks like an inch thick stringer just the thing for sorting out the dropper inners at LM

WA, 24860 posts
19 Nov 2011 6:13PM
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All good I have vanders on my side

QLD, 7932 posts
19 Nov 2011 8:15PM
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62mac said...

All good mate just stirring the pot,I was surfing some log shops online and came across that sign.

i know where i got mine from......nice boards on there hey mate

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
19 Nov 2011 8:18PM
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62mac said...

i'll raise the stakes which will see me in trouble i think

6657 posts
19 Nov 2011 6:22PM
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this oughta be good!

QLD, 7932 posts
19 Nov 2011 8:22PM
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funny,cause that is actually a oversized shortboard,ironic huh.

thats just for fun

QLD, 1820 posts
19 Nov 2011 8:28PM
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62mac said...

All good mate just stirring the pot,I was surfing some log shops online and came across that sign.

i know ive seen it before on a kombi no peace sign but that ... thought i would stir back

WA, 24860 posts
19 Nov 2011 6:45PM
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chrispychru said...

62mac said...

All good mate just stirring the pot,I was surfing some log shops online and came across that sign.

i know where i got mine from......nice boards on there hey mate

True very nice,looking for some inspiration for the lads board

WA, 24860 posts
19 Nov 2011 6:47PM
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laceys lane said...

62mac said...

i'll raise the stakes which will see me in trouble i think

I cant believe I posed for that photo

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
19 Nov 2011 8:48PM
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i would still love to get a hold of this sticker for my sups

WA, 24860 posts
19 Nov 2011 6:48PM
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BulldogPup said...

this oughta be good!

Ha me PUP

QLD, 218 posts
20 Nov 2011 2:57PM
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Another die-hard longboard soul claimed by the dark side [}:)][}:)][}:)]

The evil dr foxsup strikes again

WA, 24860 posts
20 Nov 2011 1:11PM
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laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
20 Nov 2011 5:15PM
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Select to expand quote
62mac said...

because old dog longboarders can't learn new tricks

WA, 24860 posts
20 Nov 2011 3:27PM
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4627 posts
20 Nov 2011 3:33PM
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Yer lacey your aloud to tell truth on here mac said so lol

laceys lane said...

Select to expand quote
62mac said...

because old dog longboarders can't learn new tricks

WA, 24860 posts
20 Nov 2011 4:13PM
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One could only imagine the grief we would receive in Lacey's forum

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
20 Nov 2011 7:20PM
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62mac said...

One could only imagine the grief we would receive in Lacey's forum

maybe if you made it a fin issue as well he would not mind. We all know how much he loves to share his knowledge about fins! Personally I have not given them enough attention.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
20 Nov 2011 6:33PM
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62mac said...

One could only imagine the grief we would receive in Lacey's forum

just call me the longboard forum balancer- fighting injustice as i see fit

ps in reality, i don't really give a **** what any one surfs

WA, 24860 posts
20 Nov 2011 4:41PM
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Funny Lacey

QLD, 44 posts
20 Nov 2011 7:21PM
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me either as long as they don't talk BS


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"SUP is only for kooks" started by foxsup