Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Shortest length

Created by Ctngoodvibes > 9 months ago, 30 Oct 2013
WA, 1403 posts
30 Oct 2013 8:00PM
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You have ridden?

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
30 Oct 2013 11:43PM
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presently a 5'10"....I think I had something smaller back in the early nineties but not by much........

NSW, 7269 posts
30 Oct 2013 11:52PM
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5'8 twin fin back around 1982. Got a 4'8 bellyboard now it's a twinnie as well.

13831 posts
30 Oct 2013 9:30PM
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Farken hell .... where's the bloody LB Prez oh that's right he's off gliding in Bat Island when he should be smashing this rubbish hahaha

QLD, 5396 posts
30 Oct 2013 11:35PM
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6ft with a lot of rocker,god that was a hard paddle
about the first time boards made under 6'6"late 70s

WA, 24860 posts
30 Oct 2013 10:35PM
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5.8 back in the day but as this is a longboard forum 9.1

VIC, 3829 posts
31 Oct 2013 8:31AM
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5'11 back in the day

Dr Funk
NSW, 348 posts
31 Oct 2013 10:11AM
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My 5'5 simmons is my go to shorty. I'm putting the fins on a 5'3 today so I'll be interested to see how that goes.

VIC, 8020 posts
31 Oct 2013 11:16AM
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62mac said..

5.8 back in the day but as this is a longboard forum 9.1

As this is a Longboard forum, my shortest 9 footer is marked up as 9'0, but I bet it's 9'2 if I run a tape over it!

WA, 1258 posts
31 Oct 2013 8:32AM
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6'5 fish thing, low nose rocker with width through the nose, meat in the shoulder, surf it like a skateboard!

QLD, 2286 posts
31 Oct 2013 1:29PM
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Nothing under 9'.
Presently, 9'1" McT.
9'6' - 666


VIC, 8020 posts
31 Oct 2013 4:27PM
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My shortest board I rode was 5'10 Stringerless Fish, by Neil Purchase Jnr.
This is it...

VIC, 8020 posts
31 Oct 2013 4:29PM
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I also spent a considerable amount of time on the white Single Fin 6'6 Merrick / Rob Machado (Generation 2 - they carry a cool sketched logo, not the normal Channel Islands logo).

WA, 24860 posts
31 Oct 2013 5:24PM
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Simondo you truly are a board whore nice collection.I checked out the Dues shaping room today wow its amazing.

NSW, 893 posts
31 Oct 2013 9:00PM
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3 foot surf-o-plane, rubber inflatable with the bung in the bum

VIC, 8020 posts
31 Oct 2013 9:06PM
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Yeah, I've had some fun on some 3'6" boards!


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Shortest length" started by Ctngoodvibes