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Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Something to keep Chrispy entertained

Created by 62mac > 9 months ago, 13 Dec 2011
WA, 24860 posts
13 Dec 2011 5:59PM
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VIC, 8020 posts
13 Dec 2011 9:39PM
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Gold... Has this been in the SUP room yet? Should "LaceysLane" post it in the SUP room !!??

WA, 24860 posts
13 Dec 2011 6:41PM
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I stole it from the Gen' forum its a classic

QLD, 5396 posts
13 Dec 2011 9:16PM
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my contribution

569 posts
14 Dec 2011 6:18AM
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10980 posts
14 Dec 2011 3:01PM
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Booze and skimboards

WA, 15849 posts
14 Dec 2011 3:52PM
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^^ Isnt that chrispy?!?

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
15 Dec 2011 12:00AM
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Kagey said...

Hey Doggie Chrispy is at 34 seconds on this one - landing on his fins.

Can not believe how crowded Pipe gets (11 second mark). Scary. I really do not understand why they all paddle out. If there are 100 people out there with 6 wave sets at 15 second intervals and a set every 5 mins - thats only 54 waves per hour.......and that is assuming every set has 6 rideable waves and there are no long lulls. So a low bound estimator (Simondo will love this analysis I reckon). So if everyone takes turns then it would be over 2 hours before your time came around. As we all know some of the fellas out there will own it, think they own it, do own it and so will take more than their entitlement (if everyone was sharing) and hence you will need to wait even longer for your wave. Now this is assuming you are even in the correct position for it when it comes, no one drops in on you, no one is in your way as you line up the take off, no one is sitting in the impact zone after getting a good lashing on the previous wave and you have to pull back so you do not kill them.........anyway you get my drift I am sure. Is it really worth paddling out there? I would not think so even with a crowd of 50 - things are still shocking.

Why not head up the beach 10 mins and get some other nice waves and get loads of them????? Are they all lining up for the glory? the magazine shot? or is the wave that good that it overrides all your other rational choices and you just have to sit there and hope that you will get lucky (win the lottery) snake a few wide ones? I mean come on its not a wave you can shoulder hop when someone farrrrrrrks up the drop.

Am I looking at this wrong??????? I hate crowds. I normally do not boother if there are more than 6 - 10 people as a general rule. I used to live in Manly though and was prepared to battle the crowd. I hated it. I hardly ever surfed on the weekends. These days I am lucky as I moved somewhere with minimal crowd problems. But farrrrrrrrrrrrrrk me I would love to just catch one wave out at Pipe one day so maybe I am no different anyway!!

Ok I will stop the dribble now and try and get some rest - hopefully this has entertained you for a brief period of time Chrispy why you mend.

QLD, 7932 posts
19 Dec 2011 8:25AM
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SP said...

Booze and skimboards

i wanted to see me on a skimboard,but it is removed loved the vid mac and kagey please people post some more for me

10980 posts
19 Dec 2011 2:14PM
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Bit of a close out set and a nice wipeout at the end.

10980 posts
20 Dec 2011 2:33PM
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Surfing mice

QLD, 7932 posts
20 Dec 2011 5:01PM
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^^^^^nice find mate,thanks. except they surf better than me

WA, 24860 posts
20 Dec 2011 3:17PM
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WA, 24860 posts
20 Dec 2011 3:19PM
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WA, 24860 posts
20 Dec 2011 3:32PM
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Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
20 Dec 2011 6:42PM
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62mac said...

Nice find Mac - I especially enjoyed watching the way those hips worked. Maybe we could all chip in and get her a legrope for Christmas? Who would be keen to deliver it?

QLD, 7932 posts
28 Dec 2011 4:53PM
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please lads,i need more vids. anything please. hint,funny things will be a treat

NSW, 3487 posts
28 Dec 2011 8:17PM
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There you go Chrispy, a musical interlude performed by a couple of hotties.

WA, 24860 posts
28 Dec 2011 5:43PM
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6657 posts
28 Dec 2011 5:57PM
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Chrispy I'd send a babe-vid but I reckon the complaint vultures'd be onto my carcass quicker than a rabbi would a porkchop in a synagogue so ..... it's a funny one

QLD, 7932 posts
28 Dec 2011 8:51PM
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pup...i live filth so no need for vids there mate thanks for thinking of this bored soul keep them coming. obct wtf. with humour like yours i want a bloody gem

NSW, 3487 posts
29 Dec 2011 8:40AM
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I particularly like the one on the right, she sang that whole song with a stick up her arse.

6657 posts
29 Dec 2011 9:05AM
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10980 posts
29 Dec 2011 9:33AM
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This might entertain you Chrispy, it's a vid of a drunk nutter hassling teenagers at a local skatepark a few weeks ago...

Warning bit of violence. Ended up on the news and the guy has been charged

10980 posts
29 Dec 2011 9:38AM
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Looks like fun

10980 posts
29 Dec 2011 9:45AM
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10980 posts
29 Dec 2011 9:51AM
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Another little Andrew Kidman trailer, if you haven't seen any of his stuff, check it out.

Hope the leg is feeling better. Hope you enjoy the few little vids... & for babes there is only one place redtube

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
29 Dec 2011 12:15PM
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he doesn't need surf vids boys- ya just teasing him.

this is something he can relate too

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
29 Dec 2011 12:37PM
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Ted the Kiwi said...

62mac said...

Nice find Mac - I especially enjoyed watching the way those hips worked. Maybe we could all chip in and get her a legrope for Christmas? Who would be keen to deliver it?

i'm not a long board rider, but there is something about those chicks in these couple of vids. all style and grace. non of the face pulling, muscle busting look the guys get

QLD, 7932 posts
29 Dec 2011 12:42PM
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thanks so much for the vids. yeh dont mind the surf ones,it is a tease though,still love them. have to wait another week for the stitches to be taken outthen another one to four weeks before i can do anything physical. nearly 200 stitches all up,inside and out,bloody good those doctors are and i am so thankful for the ones i got so once again keep the vids coming boys and thanks oh youjizz is better

QLD, 515 posts
29 Dec 2011 5:48PM
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Hey Chrispy,
Good to here your on the mend and back in the water soon.
I,ve just started to get back in the water myself 3 months out - Broken clavicale & scapular.(colar bone and shoulder blade ) then when it healed I also found my routor cuff was up the s#%t
Downhill Mountainbike stack = 6 weeks on the couch.
The doc said, you could lose some weight, maybe buy a bike & do some cycling when the surf is flat.
After that I wanted to wrap the bike around his ears
Rest up mate,
I took this about 5 weeks ago, its a little shaky as I was a tight ass and brought a cheap tripod which has now been replaced.
Hope it helps


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Something to keep Chrispy entertained" started by 62mac