Chrispy I'd send a babe-vid but I reckon the complaint vultures'd be onto my carcass quicker than a rabbi would a porkchop in a synagogue so ..... it's a funny one
pup...i live filth so no need for vids there mate thanks for thinking of this bored soul
keep them coming. obct wtf. with humour like yours i want a bloody gem
This might entertain you Chrispy, it's a vid of a drunk nutter hassling teenagers at a local skatepark a few weeks ago...
Warning bit of violence. Ended up on the news and the guy has been charged
Another little Andrew Kidman trailer, if you haven't seen any of his stuff, check it out.
Hope the leg is feeling better. Hope you enjoy the few little vids... & for babes there is only one place redtube
thanks so much for the vids. yeh dont mind the surf ones,it is a tease though,still love them. have to wait another week for the stitches to be taken outthen another one to four weeks before i can do anything physical. nearly 200 stitches all up,inside and out,bloody good those doctors are and i am so thankful for the ones i got
so once again keep the vids coming boys and thanks
oh youjizz is better
Hey Chrispy,
Good to here your on the mend and back in the water soon.
I,ve just started to get back in the water myself 3 months out - Broken clavicale & scapular.(colar bone and shoulder blade ) then when it healed I also found my routor cuff was up the s#%t
Downhill Mountainbike stack = 6 weeks on the couch.
The doc said, you could lose some weight, maybe buy a bike & do some cycling when the surf is flat.
After that I wanted to wrap the bike around his ears
Rest up mate,
I took this about 5 weeks ago, its a little shaky as I was a tight ass and brought a cheap tripod which has now been replaced.
Hope it helps