Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Strange bottom shape

Created by obct > 9 months ago, 23 Apr 2011
NSW, 3487 posts
23 Apr 2011 1:37PM
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Took the dear wife into the CBD today and dropped her off to do a bit of retail therapy 
While I was killing time I went past the ripcurl shop in Market st and noticed this ripcurl mal in the window called "Magic Carpet".

9'6 & 23.25 but the thing I found most interesting was that it carried the width almost all the way to the nose and the nose was very blunt.
It was obviously a thailand knockoff but what I found odd was the underside. It was really difficult to see while it was in the window display but it appeared to carry a conc all the way from the open nose right he way out through the tail.
Rails were hard to pin down but for the most part they looked to be 50/50 and very rounded.
What's the theory behind this sort of a bottom?

No point asking any of the spotty faced kids in the shop, they were too busy worrying about their hair and how to keep their pants up

Bugger me it's hard doing a long post on an iPhone 

WA, 24860 posts
23 Apr 2011 2:34PM
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Nice little story obct,i-phones have cameras mate

Yeh,the cool staff exposing their undies and making sure
their hair is untidy[}:)]

NSW, 7269 posts
23 Apr 2011 5:04PM
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sounds like some kind of noserider. a concave running all the way from the nose to the tail sounds unusual. the back half is usually a rolled bottom.

NSW, 3487 posts
23 Apr 2011 7:43PM
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62mac said...

Nice little story obct,i-phones have cameras mate

Go easy on me mac, I was struggling just to do the post on the phone let alone work out how to resize and post a 1.5mb image in the middle of the CBD while it's peeing down with rain.

here you go, not that it says much, I'm reasonably sure there was no roll on the underside, just more conc.

Anyway, because about the only thread that's happ'n at the mo is a comp thread, and comps bore me poopless, I thought I would bore you with the story of my day because I just got back and there's one more surf theme to go, however remote it may be.

I'm always amazed at the places I find in a city that's the only place I've know for almost 6 decades. It's our anniversary today and I thought I'd do the right thing for a change and just take her any place she wanted to go, spend as much time there as she wanted to spend and most importantly of all, I was to maintain a cheerful disposition, no mater what crap was thrown at me.

So after the CBD shopping was done I took her back down to Darling Harbour to show her the new building I'm working on and on the way went to this fantastic little Thai place in 299 Sussex, 35 bucks and possibly the best Thai I've ever eaten.

Then on to Paddys Market and China Town for more shopping before we jumped back in the car and drove up to the Antique Centre in South Dowling Street, just a stones throw from the SCG.

I'm telling you the missus was so excited in there she just about needed a panty liner. Especially when she managed to score this outstanding genuine fur jacked for $180, far better than one she had been eyeing off on the net for well over $300.

So what's the surfing theme I hear you ask, well apart from a really nice pure silk work tie in a grey snake skin print for 28 bucks, I also managed to score this incredibly loud semi antique Hawaiian shirt with pics of old jalopies carrying surfboards.

When I say "Hawaiian shirt" I really mean it because it was made in Hawaii USA.

Even for a fat turd like me it's too big to wear as a normal shirt but it will work well over a white tee, and I'm sure to get noticed.

Or laughed at.

WA, 24860 posts
23 Apr 2011 6:01PM
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Congratulations obct,you did good mate

Sounds like you had a massive day,hit the sack
and get some waves tomorrow,you deserve it

BTW,great post once again

NSW, 7269 posts
23 Apr 2011 8:17PM
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Looks like a standard hp mal.

VIC, 8020 posts
23 Apr 2011 8:55PM
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Pure gold. Loved you tales of woe !! Suck it in... You did good today son !

I read your first post, and I knew exactly what board you were talking about before you posted the pic. I have run many a close eye over those Maurice Cole Thailand Mals. They look quite good. Brilliant price too, but probably the usual half suspect glass job from Thailand. It's always hard to beat a McT... McT have the daily double wired... the quinella... a great proven shape with great glass.

Yes, I have pondered about those concaves. Maurice is possibly the worlds biggest fan of concaves. But I know Maurice, and I know he hates Mals, and since I have not ridden his classic malibu creation, I wonder if it is good, or if it is his sick joke to malibu riders. But I did chat to a guy at Bells one day riding one, as I was curious... And he said he liked it... So it can't be all bad. But for my $5, they have a little too much concave in the rear end, for slower and smaller point waves... but the concaves in the rear probably go fine in juicier stuff....

I'll try and get a few iPhone pics from the RipCurl (Torquay) store once the Easter "Hoopla" dies down. Show you the concaves. But, the iPhone camera is not brilliant inside....


Foot Note: Maurice would win most Free Surf sessions in the Bells Bowl.... I rate that guy ! Most people don't surf it enough to know it... Joe Sweeney's son knows it, T-Ray Tony Ray knows it, Maurice knows it well... T-Ray's Dad is loopy (sorry, off track).... Joe Sweeney paid for the original road into Bells, cost him 30 quid, and he made 29 mates pay a quid each !!

NSW, 3487 posts
23 Apr 2011 9:09PM
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The sticker said $900.

BTW, do shapers actually go to Thailand to shape them or do they just send over one and ask them to copy it?

VIC, 8020 posts
23 Apr 2011 9:39PM
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Computer shapes... Machine shaped. Finished shaping by.... an Aussie or a Thai, and glassed by Thai's.... (I think)....


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Strange bottom shape" started by obct