if I can find new artwork for my new UFO,so what do you guys think of this?a copy of my sons UFO,I would off set a small black M (only) without the text mctavish under the M.I just like the colour combo's of red/black and white.The M would sit over the red to one side.
I reckon the black and red looks good together, Can't get the photo to post, but there is a similar one at the top of this page..
mctavish have moved right away from the big m on all their boards it seems. really stood out the other day when i was looking through the for sale section
Do yourself a favour and get the Brett Munro decal on your next board - you gotta step up if you ever hope to be anywhere near the same league of Sir Asea.
@Chrispy - (looking through the McTavish for sale) I thought you were trimming down your collection!
Looks like the McTavish guys have finally listened to most of the customers. Plenty of guys have been looking for little M's, and no Big M's for ages... When I ordered my 8'6 G2 Gun Custom, it cost me exactly the same as an identical rack board... except the rack board have medium sized M's that I didn't like. So I ordered it the same, but with small M's. The poor dealer missed out on a sale. (Grant at Tigerfish in Torquay).
2nd from left...
@Bill - cheeky!
@Mac - I like your white red and black one. Have a think about the same colours in a different tint combo... Get you colour pencils out and draw up a few different options! If you don't like any of the options, go for what you already have. Matching pair!
Here's a few options... I like what you already have... The other option I like is leaving the black in the same spot, and inverting the white & red.
(don't laugh too loudly! Badly draw double enders... use your imagination... visualise yourself on a magazine cover doing a big cuttie... the winning board is probably the same design as you already have Mac! )
What about this;
Same pattern as the one already...
Swap Red for Royal Blue.
Swap Black for Light Blue.
Then you have a Simondo Blue Special !!
hey mac what about a great big set of a womens pouty lips,with her tongue going down the board with a ice cube melting on her tongue about 3/4 of the way up towards the nose.
Every time I see a striped board I think of giant pregnancy test strips I think I know where you and Simondo get your colour inspiration from now
One nice retro colour is the go
So Mac I think I know the answer to this one but how do you like the Myerhoffer boards ( hope that's spelt right )
The M Word is up there with the S word...
A reminder of the Longboard Room etiquette;
1) resist discussion on SUP - there's a room for that stuff!
2) resist discussion on Meyerhoffer Boards - there's no room for those gastly things, and there never will be!
They look like something Chrispy woulda sold to someone to stick up there arse
Having said that,if I could get a meyerhoff to have a go on I would but I'd definitely do it somewhere where I wouldn't be seen.