Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Summer Movie Bonanza

Created by Simondo > 9 months ago, 27 Dec 2012
Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
11 Jan 2013 7:43PM
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I am a Rangers Fan - only because work used to have corp tickets to Madison Square Garden and I got to go a few times. Wicked sport live!

VIC, 8020 posts
12 Jan 2013 5:51PM
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Lords of War was really good actually. 5 Stars on Simondo's dodgey Film Review System. Did any of you at least watch my recommended Doggie movie... mini scene within the movie... pretty funny!

After watching Lords of War, I have another thing on my America Bucket List. 1) Play Golf at Pebble Beach, and 2) Go to a rifle range and fire off an AK-47*. * This is the new item on the bucket list!

Also, since watching Lords of War, I find myself researching the gun trade, and guns in general... just curious. Sadistic!? Maybe... I've now seen an interesting looking AK-47 with under-mounted grenade launcher... 400m range on the grenade launcher if I read that correctly! Don't mess with Simondo! Evil weapons though! Made to kill humans...

VIC, 8020 posts
12 Jan 2013 6:20PM
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And... Apple TV is the shiz... Should have bought the $44 Sony DVD player... Basically Apple TV is slicker, and easier to use than Sony Version, which is implanted into my Sony BlueRay DVD Player. Plus, the Sony device seems to not have iTunes... iTunes is like a DVD/Video Shop, and you don't have to leave home, nor do you have to return the bloody thing!!

But, the Apple device will encourage me to spend extra money on movie rental, etc... But that's OK...

Simondo's Star Ratings
Sony DVD Blue-Ray - 3.5 to 4 Stars
Apple TV - 4.5 to 5 Stars

I'm sure the Sony device does some things easily that Apple TV doesn't, such as Billabong (Surf) TV is a channel on the Sony Device... But the Apple TV device has the iTunes Movie Rental network...

VIC, 8020 posts
20 Jan 2013 11:32AM
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Watched this last night... Urban Legends - a B+ grade Horror... So bad in some parts, but at the same time it sucked me in, and I just couldn't turn it off!

Might watch Craigs List Killer at some stage...

10979 posts
20 Jan 2013 8:43AM
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Watched Dark night returns ( new Batman). And the campaign with will ferrel last week, campaign was a bit weak but still kinda funny and DKR was pretty good.

Best one I've seen lately is TED, watched it again and very funny.

New Tarantino one should be ok to, just downloaded it.

VIC, 8020 posts
20 Jan 2013 3:37PM
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Yeah, TED was pretty funny!
Which Tarrantino one did you download? Did you pay, or free download... Tell me more!!! I'm still on my Summer Movie Marathon!!

I haven't seen Brad Pitt in MoneyBall yet either... Might have to pay $5 or so to hire through iTunes.

VIC, 8020 posts
22 Jan 2013 9:28PM
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Urban Legends gets 4.5 stars on my dodgey ratings system!

This one gets 5 Stars! It's called "Thursday". A suburban Architect has a shocker of a "Thursday". Vastly different to his recent Thursdays, but more fitting of his Thursday's in a recent past life which he tried to leave behind... It has several fun twists, and ends up as a B+ Cult Movie!

VIC, 8020 posts
22 Jan 2013 9:36PM
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This might be fun tonight...

Funny mini-movie starts at 15:45, and goes for about 1 minute!

10979 posts
22 Jan 2013 6:44PM
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Simondo said...
Yeah, TED was pretty funny!
Which Tarrantino one did you download? Did you pay, or free download... Tell me more!!! I'm still on my Summer Movie Marathon!!

I haven't seen Brad Pitt in MoneyBall yet either... Might have to pay $5 or so to hire through iTunes.

Na mate, if you want to pay for it you will have to go to the movies next week

It's called Django Unchained [ the d is silent]

"get him to the Greek" is also funny with Russel Brand

10979 posts
22 Jan 2013 6:55PM
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How rude of me not to post a clip


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Summer Movie Bonanza" started by Simondo