Hows it at your place today? Been 35 here and far too hot to do anything and its now after 5pm. We have also had a howling offshore which is worth an extra 10 degrees of heat. Managed to have a surf on the LB on some 1 to 2ft peelers with the occasional 25 to 30 knot winds making life interesting....the kite boarders out front on the lake have been having a blast - this must be a 9/10 day for them...with the massive amount of flies that seem to have hatched in recent days, today has not been the best day going around though....think it must be beer o'clock
I walked up to just north of the pylon at no mans land and went in for an hour at about 9am, I swear, without the word of a lie, I got 2 waves and I drifted so far south, I got out of the water almost at Dee Why surf club.
Every wave I paddled into, the NWer just kept getting under the nose and pushing me back.
It was disgusting.
Not as hot as yesterday,still crap waves. Had a skate and got ****ed I'm sure there will be waves for everyone tomorrow. Bathurst is a boring as,cricket is still more boring than boring
Rubbish here all weekend . Today roaring SW winds , sleet even a bit of snow thrown in .
Currently 7.2 degrees with a 25 knot offshore wind . Wouldn't bother jumping in the ocean unless I was planning a holiday in Victoria
Weather forecast towards next weekend looking pretty promising with a bit of a northeast change coming through . Surf here has been great last few months , lots of northwest winds so some pretty big swells coming in .my favourite last Wednesday forecast 2 foot swell with 25 knot NW wind , got there head high with a gentle easterly breeze .
The old Southerly Buster!
It's been blowing hard onshore this arvo for my 40th Birthday. A whopping 8 degrees!
Speaking of blowing hard...
Flight attendant say, "would you like some headphones?"
Customer says, "yes, and how did you know my name was Phones!"