Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Surf Mags

Created by DUDE > 9 months ago, 17 Aug 2012
NSW, 1132 posts
18 Aug 2012 12:24AM
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Looking for a bit of help Please......

Does anyone have any of the following mags that you may consider parting with.....

Thanks in advance.....


Aust Sport&Surfriding 64jan,64feb,64june
Country Surf #1,2
Crank #17,19
Free Surf Press #6
Freesurf #6
Groundswell Qld 3#1
Lineup #1,5,13,41,51
Longbreak #8,9
Off the Lip #1,2,4,6>onwards
Oceans #1,3,4,5
Southern Flyer #1,3 1976
Splash #2
Surf adventures by P,Crawford #1,4,5
Rod and Drag, Rod Cartoons and Surfie
Surf City Extra #4
Tracks Annuals 1996
Underground Surf #37 Autumn 2003
Underground Surf World Surf #1 and 2
Wave Talk #1,2
Waverider #42,44,46
West Coast Surfer #2,4

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
18 Aug 2012 1:18AM
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They look like collectors editions sorry Dude I can not help you on any of them - good luck in yr quest

6657 posts
17 Aug 2012 11:20PM
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You're unreal mate - unbelievable dedication

NSW, 1132 posts
18 Aug 2012 1:44AM
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Ted the Kiwi said...

They look like collectors editions sorry Dude I can not help you on any of them - good luck in yr quest

How about this one Ted.........

BulldogPup said...

You're unreal mate - unbelievable dedication

Again not my list,trying to help someone who has helped me with my Tracks collection.

And pup you do not want to see the full list.

6657 posts
18 Aug 2012 2:47AM
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^^^^ there not enough room on here for the full bloody list geez


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Surf Mags" started by DUDE