SP said...Looked at mine that's sitting on the coffee table, price tag says 4/4 for the Lopez one, pretty poor yours took that long, I used to subscribe but my postman thought do not bend was a suggestion, always turned up ripped, bent or folded in half

so I gave up.
Looks like its off to the newsagent first thing to pick up this one

Lacey, if you asked Dude he'd say they are all worth collecting

Ahhh...I hate price tags....
As for the postie....last week the genius try to prove that
a piece of paper(a mag) could be folded more than 7 times to fit in a letter box..
Letter box removed the next day and replaced with a large sign......
Please do not perform origami on my mail.
You ****ed up my mail...
You scrotum....
Yep all the mags are important.....Those old paper ones are great
You never know when you are gunna run out of dunny paper....

letter box back in place no more sign....
Not much mail this week???????