Pollies [}:)] mate from what I see the only farking thing they want is their over-inflated paycheques and lurks & perks ... useless pricks all of them full of excuses and falseness ... oh and themselves [}:)][}:)][}:)]
Man what a week , started with bushfires
worked in snow flurries midweek
woken by an earthquake this morning
looking forward to this week , bring it on
normally pretty quiet and calm here Pup , all good on the home front
spoke to some firefighters and we were pretty lucky , have a nice firebreak around our place now
ahhh the Cabin of Love's influence Taz
[/quote will have to spend some more time there then
Haha , told you
Was that this weekend you were up here a week too early there was supposed to be a fair northwest swell this weekend should have been nice at Hawley
Missed it all myself been over on the west coast With work
Did you get to the wooden boat show , the old surfboard collection looked amazing
You bastards up there get recreation day, whats the **** is that for, at least we have the regatta on down here so we need the day of to go to the regatta !
Ferked if I know what recreation day stands for
Procreation day sounds like a much better holiday to me .
Geez theres some great pics - really good gear RR might have to start calling you Rolls Royce brother .... cheers for them
this is a wave I have been dreaming of surfing for many many years.....one day soon I hope. The dreams started when I saw a shot of a similar angle to this one with all the boys gathered around a fire as the sets rolled in. As for wetties the old man always told me the used to go diving in woollen jumpers etc in the old days. I much prefer the wetsuit option.
Did a road trip down the east coast and across to Bruny Island and then back up the west coast last year .2 weeks worth .
River rider wont beleive me , but the Best surf we copped the entire trip was at midpoint 5 minutes drive from home ,
I think we have all done that, spend all day driving and end up surfing back at your home break.the east coast is very fickle, but when it does turn it on you can see why we drive up there in the hope of a wave only to find it flat.
Great photos,
growing up in tassie, i remember seeing guys surfing in the old woollen footy jumpers. My first rip curl wetsuit was a 4/3 and like wearing steelwool. Instant rash and stiff as a board
Found a couple more old pics
Footy jumper
skurfing, before we had wakeboarding, $1 worth of outboard fuel and we would go all day.