Forums > Surfing Longboarding

The Good Morning thread

Created by towball > 9 months ago, 20 Jun 2012
Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
25 Nov 2012 8:11AM
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Morning TB and thanks for the shots....she sure looks as good as last time I was there....lovely part of the world. One day I will return

6657 posts
25 Nov 2012 5:19AM
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Morning to you too TB - no mate it's my last weekend shift for the month ... but yes Owls unfortnately

QLD, 1538 posts
25 Nov 2012 7:36AM
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Thanks for pics TB. That first one is a cracker.

This morning spare a thought for a great family who are good friends of mine. Tony and Marty Hegarty are great blokes and I have known them for many years. They are not surfers but if they were they would be like Chrispy and full of Stoke.

This year Martys 9year old son Declan developed a cancerous tumor and doctors had to cut through his vertebrae and open up his spinal cord to get to the tumor to remove as much as possible. Declan is now paralysed from the waist down and requires 24 hr care. He has started the second phase of his treatments, which is six months of twenty-eight day cycles of Chemotherapy, and this is where the dosage of Chemo is doubled to fight the cancer.

To raise awareness of cancer in kids Marty and Tony have been riding around Mt Cootha in Brisbane since 10 am yesterday and intend go 24 hours till 10am today. That are up to 25 laps now and will have climbed 8,800m.

Some facts on Cancer in kids:
?Cancer is the leading cause of death in children in Australia.
?One child under eighteen will be diagnosed with cancer every nine hours.
?One child in Australia will die of cancer every two and a half days.
?Approx. 15,000 children living with cancer today - in Australia.
?Approx. 40% of children diagnosed with cancer will die from the disease.

Marty & Tony would like you all to give your kids and grand kids a big hug.

6657 posts
25 Nov 2012 5:42AM
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Oh mate - that really breaks my heart to bits & bits .... way way way too young to get that horrible thing
Please send your mates my very best thoughts will you ????
and geez thats a fair hike around that hill , big effort from the dads there

edited a bit (oops) see below a couple of posts good folks

4627 posts
25 Nov 2012 5:52AM
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Very sad Daneli I wish them well

QLD, 5544 posts
25 Nov 2012 8:00AM
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morning all,so much for cancer being an old persons disease very sad for the young kids out there.

QLD, 1538 posts
25 Nov 2012 8:02AM
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Thanks TB.

Pup mate, just sent you a PM. Kind and Generous thoughts.

Have a great day guys.

4214 posts
25 Nov 2012 6:12AM
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Life just ain't farkin fair at times.
You just want to take the pain away from the kids.
My thoughts are with Declan and his fam.

WA, 24860 posts
25 Nov 2012 6:17AM
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Scotty88 said...
Life just ain't farkin fair at times.
You just want to take the pain away from the kids.
My thoughts are with Declan and his fam.

Well said Scotty.

QLD, 605 posts
25 Nov 2012 10:40AM
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Morning all :-)

QLD, 7932 posts
26 Nov 2012 3:33AM
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i know its monday and all...but hey,it is still a good a thing. enjoy the day lads

6657 posts
26 Nov 2012 1:43AM
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Morning folks .... yep it will be mate , only got another 6 hours and I'll have the rest of Monday off sweet drrrrrrrrive carefully chrispyman wear a connie

4627 posts
26 Nov 2012 2:01AM
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Yep Monday no swell sleeped in arrr work

6657 posts
26 Nov 2012 4:57AM
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Where's da Prez musta slept in too either that or he's off on an executive trip to Uncle Bob's joint to pick up the Green Tiger early

WA, 24860 posts
26 Nov 2012 5:20AM
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'Im here Pup,no trip today maybe tomorrow,good morning all a very hot week ahead for us QLD'ers,the weekend is going to be stinking hot hope there's some waves to cool off.

6657 posts
26 Nov 2012 6:14AM
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hmmm we got a good one today 27 deg & sunny .... but the next 4 days are looking very ordinary despite 4m+ swell forecast midweek bloody big huey winds by the looks ...come on Loz , do ya best mate please

4627 posts
26 Nov 2012 6:26AM
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62mac said...
'Im here Pup,no trip today maybe tomorrow,good morning all a very hot week ahead for us QLD'ers,the weekend is going to be stinking hot hope there's some waves to cool off.

Warmed up here a bit to still surfing in a 4/3 though

6657 posts
26 Nov 2012 6:35AM
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towball said...
62mac said...
'Im here Pup,no trip today maybe tomorrow,good morning all a very hot week ahead for us Qld Legendaries,the weekend is going to be stinking hot hope there's some waves to cool off.

Warmed up here a bit to still surfing in a 4/3 though

TB loved those pics yesterday , you are spoilt rotten as a chop with that scenery mate

6657 posts
27 Nov 2012 1:13AM
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Morning TB ...
Macca ..... he's a farking stylish smoking hot legend of a Prez isn't he .... geez
Asea (48 cans vice , 48 cans )
Scotty (or is that Jen drooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool[}:)]stand up you've got some fluff we need to assist in removing)
Boof (Porpoises mate , porpoises )
Lacey (come on mate LONGBOARD for you pal)
SMH (mate stoked you're almost there)
Uncles RG,Bob & SDR
Obct (you're a dirty dirty man but I love you)
Jase (yewoooooooooooo dude)
daneli (farking good man you ARE)
DUDE ( ya dropped ya dacks I know ya did )
Ocka (hope the art's stoking up mate)
Weiry (where the fark are ya - beer fine for being AWOL[}:)])
Boardculture (ditto the above & hows stinky pete?)

These are not in order and I know I've missed some farking good folks but my bloody fingers hurt from typing ..... geez and my memory aint what it used to be too .... geez geez

4627 posts
27 Nov 2012 1:17AM
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Ground hog day again today might have to ride my bike to work this morn , try for a surf tomorrow

QLD, 7932 posts
27 Nov 2012 4:07AM
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intresting...very very intresting it is still warm but very muggy atm. see ya soon asea

WA, 24860 posts
27 Nov 2012 5:22AM
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Good morning fellow longboarders and groupies

NSW, 3487 posts
27 Nov 2012 9:02AM
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Guten Morgen Herr Mac.

Werden Sie Trimmen haute?

6657 posts
27 Nov 2012 8:02AM
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obct said...

Guten Morgen Herr Mac.

Werden Sie Trimmen haute?

Yeah mate I trim my pubes every 4 days

4214 posts
27 Nov 2012 8:05AM
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BulldogPup said...
obct said...

Guten Morgen Herr Mac.

Werden Sie Trimmen haute?

Yeah mate I trim my pubes every 4 days

Lacey won't be happy with that comment.

WA, 24860 posts
27 Nov 2012 8:47AM
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Hairy Beast

QLD, 7932 posts
28 Nov 2012 3:44AM
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it is that time again. be safe and make the most off what you have...enjoy the day

WA, 24860 posts
28 Nov 2012 5:29AM
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Good morning all,I think traffic will be slower and the forum poorer from the loss of Pup,who has many friends.That devil wind has been hanging around these parts is still blowing and will continue for the next few days

QLD, 5544 posts
28 Nov 2012 9:55AM
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morning all another fun day of waves 3 days in a row shoulder high take offs today looking forward to tomorrow, chrispy will be there to enjoy the beachies.Mac the ufo loves it

WA, 24860 posts
28 Nov 2012 7:57AM
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Great asea,so you like the new board


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"The Good Morning thread" started by towball