Hawkes Bay was looking very dry Ted one of the lake just for you , the water was very blue coming up the sounds .Now are you happymate
Thats what I am talking about TB - thanks a lot!!!!!!!! Keep posting please
Nice work Boofy - I can not wait to see all of your pics! Hope you have a wicked time. I think you will be getting some waves!!
Good morning all I hope you have a great last day at work for those lucky enough to have some time out.
TB awesome new van mate and great pictures cheers
Swell has cleaned up here still very small hoping for a good weekend of waves for everybody.
Morning guys .came south from Christchurch after getting old girl of the plane .parked up just north Timaru for the night,watching TV in the middle of nowhere don't seem right . Heading inland now try for Wanaka to ninght , maybe get asurf on the westcoast tomorrow not looking to bad yes Ted yes will make big effort for pics today
morning pup me old mate
i think i must have slept for a few days....the surf is smaller not bigger.
anyhoo,have a great day peeps drive safe towball
Morning to you too TB (and Mumzee too)
.... the Mayans were wrong so we're all still on middle earth someplace
Loving that Winnebago brother , nice work!
morning all , the mayans stuffed it up
Screw that fellows I'm going surfing Chrispy the swell it smaller but also hidden under a higher tide be good fun 8.30.
Good morning all at Wanaka this morning , here's some crappy photos from yesterday they are not what I had hoped for . The scenery is unreal this middle earth.
Lake Tekapo
The veiw from the Church of the good Sheperd well it is xmas
A view of mount cook not sure how well you can it .
Hope to get some surf shots to day anothe 3hr drive to the Westcoast
The timeless shot form the church at the Lake - every tourist has one of those Jeepers I miss those alpine lake colours.....beautiful. Make sure you stop at Rippon whilst you in Wanaka for a glass of red or 4. Best location for a vineyard ever!!
Great pic's TB good quality.
Good morning all,Chrispy just received your text mate good to see your mate has come out of his cave.
geez that is one beautiful country you live in towball. i am going to start taking some pics on my sunnycoast runs...i think we might have a few places too compete with you lucky bastards as well
What a magnificent backdrop TB could just sit there and smash a carton a bit for sure .... wow what a top view
Wont bore too much some more from yesterday Wanaka to Haast
At Franz Josiphe not good wi fi so morning all
Morning all ..... awesome 2nd pic , looks to be superb weather you're getting TB so crisp looking mate - cheers again brother
Merry Christmas all, abit over cast her this morning looking good for asurf at Greymouth tomorrow.Hope you all have agreat day
Morning and merry xmas to u all. Hope santa is good to you and you get some waves as well.....looks like we will be 2-3 and offshore - out there