Morning TB - Morning Hall take it easy Chrispychampion no sense in busting a pancreas
cooler day thank Christ
here sick to death of this 40 degree crap we've had over the past 3-4 days
@TED - I know a place here that sells those ridgy-didge pies , good units too
Time to get filthy you humourous cluster of lads
Back home again , Thought about a lunch time surf at Ohope but it went on shore just after pulling up
The disadvantge of having a motor home you have to cart crap like this home we have more of these things than mac now
Morning all we have two fireball evo2 s in town now , ran into Benny Hutchings this morn lucky bugger won his in the Burleigh comp think that's pretty good could just about call him a Kiwi .
The old bugger's riding just as well too , you could put him on a door and he would still look good .
^^^^^so your busy then mac lol funny how things happen Doug Stewart just brought the property next to were Bob shaped boards for Davies off me .I think he is going to run his business from there he would be the best Laminator we have in town . Next door on the other side is place doing clubie boards I thing Steve Johnson still makes the odd Mal there as well .
I had read that article before mac , I surfed the point on my own this morning wasn't prefect but it was Ok couldn't do that over your way
still a great place to live if you can handle the winter
I googled Benny and found the link good read and I loved the picture of the gang hanging round the shop/house classic pictures.
Busy not yet mate still at home sucking down coffee atm.Hope a delivery comes early so I can head down to pick up the new sup equalizer.
Sounds like your in a good spot there TB
Morning equalisers , neutralisers , immortals & mere mortals that should safely cover everyone in here hahaha
Hey TB give that Buddha a bellyrub for some waves for me over here please - we have a new type of swell it's called invertedWA [}:)]
^^^Yeah its still tiny, I thought it would be showing an increase by now. But I think its even smaller lol Hopefully it'll start picking up with the tide...& some actual swell this arvo
mmmm I'm going to slip over mid morning mate - at the very least it's a Steak n Potato pie & Capo ..... hey a "Fartknocker" for $525 in 3 different sizes
gotta be back just after lunch tho
I saw a fartknocker for like $400, but way too does look better now, I'm gonna hit the beachie for a paddle soon