Same mac. But kadil man I would be staying home and watching surf movies mate. Some nice Bali clips on you choob as well. Otherwise I will watch the news tonight for Kadilman being rescued. Gale force winds predicted. Good luck mate
Nice day here had some fun waves 2 of of us on 12'ers 2on 10'ers just us out gotta love winter bigger swell coming tomorrow
Good sunday morning TB and the rest of you lot
.....The rumour on Hollywood Boulevard is that the Big Show might be gracing spot X today paparazzi have been sighted setting up their kit & the chickybabe groupies are already preparing their knickers for chucking before those swift moving feet of the vice-prez
Source: AAP (Asea Australia Paparazzi) rooters!
Morning chaps....should be pumping here again this morning with a light offshore and 2m of east swell at 10 seconds.....on it!
Wow still dark. Winter is coming hahaha make sure you all wear Ya leggies when surfing the net gents. And smile
xtra large
Good morning gentlemen.
Has everyone started an instagram account its been slow going in here of late.
Good morning chaps...Sorry Mac been out of town since Monday 9am.....back home now so look out. I would also like to pass on some of the blame to my boss who has been working me too hard which is not very fair during our prime wave season.
Beautiful morning here. Will be even more beautiful if the banks have cleaned themselves up for me. Enjoy the day hipsters