Morning all, kicking back watching the Americas cup, fantastic racing!!!!!
Kiwi's just need one more win, Ausie skippering the US boat isn't doing too bad though.
Aussies on 7 of those spots on the Oracle boat Vanders....78 kiwis in their team!!!!! Sadly Oracle have the advantage at the start again for this next race. I have no finger nails left now.
I knew you blokes would come out sooner or later,the question remains what boat shoes are they wearing.
morning all had some nice over head at the pipe , have to start calling gizzie the stig he got the flash new helmet with a visor
Good morning TB and all,small again here 10 footer day or 12.6 day
Big day yesterday 2 hour surf a little skate action 12.6 paddle for an hour
two wheel cruise for an hour all four in the one day may have over done it
Morning all hope you had a good w/e - I snuck in 3 surfs yesterday which was a joy.....once more though I am missing the early early surf to watch some sailing on youtube....wind conditions look promising today so we might even get 2 races in but I hope we only need one. This is the longest match point in the history of sport surely !!! Have a good one fellas.
Good morning gentlemen one step closer to the weekend,one step close to seeing those new CW boards of Blair and Lacey's.
Been another bad start to the day here with Team NZ losing again.....Greg Norman looks in danger of losing his biggest choker tag in world sport sadly
Morning sailing for me this morning as I can not bear it anymore. Driving to Sydney instead. Have a good one.
Love it when the surf forecast is crap , go for a look and find head high breaking in a protected corner out of the wind .
Got to love the unexpected
Only downer left the sealed wetsuits at home , bit fresh in the old wetty .