Morning......finally home. Another long day. Today will be International Ted Surf day after all this hard work of late.
Morning all road trip today picking up two longboarders and a knee boarder heading north to start hope for asurf at Whakatane heads then across to the west coats 10 hr drive from here , will try and get some pics
towball dont get slack with that camera buddy. you are the face of new zealand tourism...well you take great pics anyway
Here we go chrispy
pic number four i could put up on my wall looking forward to the rest towball. hope you get some goodens
Morning boys nice frost on the ground here swell has droped over night so we off to Taranaki sorry about the pic s hard to multi task drive surf keep these other galaars under control
Well say hello to my brother for me TB as you head through Taranakai and if you get the chance say hello to one of my all time fav waves - Kumara Patch - Love that place. Also a big fan of Sky WIlliams and Managahumes if you make it that far down the surf highway.
We should all be jealous fellas - TB is off to an area that picks up any swell - can handle lots of wind directions and has about 50 quality waves to choose form. Here is just a few of them........if you are ever over in NZ this part of the place is a must stop Looking for ward to more pics TB.
Conditions look good today
Surf Highway
Looking pretty clean on the coast today with the swell easing a bit but still solid in the 4-6ft+ range and bigger on the super exposed SW breaks. A light SE breeze and light winds on for today
Been a bit slack with the camera sorry didn't surf the mount this morn had the big drive , Check one place the wind had pick up tide abit low , then find somone left there board be hind spent the next hour trying to find a Police Station any day was buggered after that hope tomorrow is better parked up at Fitsroy on the beach , willlok at stent rd if not that good here
Morning all gotta be home sunday Scottie snow on the mountan here not too cold still too dark to see what the swell is doing think we'll head south ,will try and take some pics , big drive yesterday
Morning fellas.....hope you hit the road early TB and did not drift back to sleep. Conditions looking like they should be pretty fun over there. Enjoy. Must say I am enjoying the photos - please keep posting them - if you can get one of the snow capped Mt Taranaki that would be appreciated
Surf Highway
Early is the go, we have clean SW groundswell lines on the HWY this am, and offshore winds light to breezy early. A good 3-5ft+ and bigger 6ft+ on exposed magnets - watchout for a NE wind change later today.
Morning TB's road tripping crew and all.
Today's avatar is for you TB.
I'm probably skating on thin ice atm. The mods are onto me
Morning all,half asleep went down for a coffee and on my way up I got out of the elevator and my room door wouldnt open after five attempts I realized hmm wrong ****** floor
Have a great day lads,Melbourne is a great city a real buzz.
Hope you go see your mentor DJ
Had good look round had surf south of Opanaki water is warmer than home , stent rd look big lot of guys out small take off area gave it a miss
End of a good day, was good to be in the water and see that bloody great mountain ,
Just going to Taranaki boad riders club rooms been invited
im so envious of you towball. new plymouth is where i want to live though. just waiting for this global warming to really kick in first. i did expect a better effort with the amount of picks though