Yes - can think of worse places than waking up there with a Cappucci & crumpet or having a few beers in the evening looking at that mate.
Sorry mate wish I had a gopro that works cause paddling into a wave and seeing that mountian saw unreal , try and get a surf here this morning and spend the night in Taupo heading home morning all
Morning pup
Sounds like a fun road trip......also sounds like you should stay awol for the rest of the weekend
"It's Friday and it's time to SURF! If you know ya country you will be getting deep inside the pit at a number of our premium breaks with the west coast boasting the pick of the bunch as solid 4-5ft ground swells from the WSW back each other up and non stop offshore winds from the E-NE keep it mean and clean for the next week! Watch for the peak of the bunch as a solid 8ft+ of 18sec period WSW swell heads up the country with perfect offshore winds on Sunday! The south coasts of the country also have some sick conditions"
Bit slack to day , we headed south from New Plymouth swell had droped a bit surfed a place called Sky Willams which was enjoyable . If you go to Taranaki local knowledge is a big help a lot of places you have to drive across farm land (not for the fainthearted if your driving a motorhome ) there is breaks every were in someways reminded me of Hawai guys siting in spots here and there .
So we drove from NewPlymouth north then inland heading for home got to Taupo 8pm ,parked up at Taupo airport for the night and headed of at 6am hoping to get a surf at Mahia , the last photo say's it all the guy on the wave is called Mahia Max maybe Ted knows him We decided not to join him and head for home 40mins up the road . Sorry about the pics sent Mark off with the camera while I was loading Boards not that I could do better . As a matter of fact we sent Mark out first to warm the locals up at every break avery frendly bloke worked atreat
Who the faaak is alby mangles
Thanks prez but I think The Last of The Summer Wine is Closer
Morning Harold beat yr father out of bed again Back to work today rain till tuesday 31st they say how lucky were we roadtriping
Morning all,
I borrowed a DSLR on the weekend and got a pic of my mate Chris having some fun at Leighton Beach.
My first outing with a real camers so it was just a point and shoot session but pretty happy with the results for a noob
Just gotta work out how to get a really good zoom happening
" As a matter of fact we sent Mark out first to warm the locals up at every break avery frendly bloke worked atreat"
Yes Mark is the happiest surfer in the land
....sort of like that mirror mirror on the wall snow white stuff
Sorry recently saw "Snow White & The Huntsman"
g'day everyone - first post - long time lurching.
Dotcom - i think i was in the water at the same time you were taking photos. Straight out the front of the carpark infront of the overpass
saturday was really clean compared to sunday.
Thanks dotcom for the pic's.
Now I am going to give you the ultimate challenge,are you up for it,if so you will become THE seabreeze longboard forum legend an overnight superstar.
OK this is the deal YOU are going to take a bucket load of photo's of the shortboard seabreeze legend DOGGIE riding his longboard