never seen it done like that before Ted...but hey its the end product that she has one layer on the deck and an inlay on the bottom right?...I am assuming you will now glass clear over the deck...if that is the case, make sure it laps well over the join on the bottom, or else you will have no strength will have impact strength but nothing lengthwise....its the glass curving over the rail that gives it well as it will crack along the join you have created on the bottom....I would also put a small filler coat around that join first so you can sand down any high spots from weave standing up....otherwise you will have a nightmare trying to glass over them and not get bubbles...then you will have to sand through the glass you have just put down to make it flat...thus losing the integrity of that layer....good luck mate your working very neat...those thongs still look resin free
Thanks argkee - thats great advice. I had intended to wrap the 2nd layer of top glass well beyond the lap point. I will definitely do this!! I can see your point about adding a filler coat now and sanding it back a bit. I might try and do this tom as I cannot do anything else until my decal comes back from the printer. I should have held off doing the bottom until it came but got too excited. I had seen a few boards done like this on swaylocks and a couple of glassing videos I had seen as well as the other way - which on reflection I should have done. Oh well its a bit late now - hopefully it will be ok. I will make sure this is a lesson well learned! And yes the top layer will be clear. As for the thongs - lets just say its a slow road for me and Bucko keeps a very clean work environment so I am terrified of messing it up.
Thanks for yr advice - much appreciated.
Thanks for the advice arkgee - spoke to a few seasoned lads at the beach this morning who scorned me for my incompetence as well I have just put some filler coat through the join and its all ready for the top layer of glass - that will wrap well past the join! No more work on the board now until my decals come back from the printer sadly.
great job ted look forward to seeing it next weekend if i get off my lazy arse and drive up the track
(are you are wearing prescription specs ?
maybe try an "old pair "of prescription
specs while you are glassing because once resin gets on your lenses
it sticks like sh8t to a blanket )
Did the final layer of glassing on the top this morning. Very hot day here which made for some interesting times but we got away with it thanks to a 3 man pronged attack - Dingo just happened to be floating around at the crucial time - thanks!! Next week it will be time for the finish coast, sanding, plug and fin box then a polish - need to get it done so I can take it to Byron. Starting to get very excited now.
Thanks Doggie - a few bits not as flash as they could have been with the mix trying to gel on us before we were ready but they should sand out pretty well. Its a big board to glass so 3 sets of hands on deck was required!
go hard ted norah head bravo sir,that is so so fine
i know somebody is selling a mctavish ufo with a great art design from here
been waiting on someone to come back to me all day - finally got something back 30 mins ago - so I am rapidly putting together the finishing touches to the proposal - once send has been hit I will hit the road - sometime before midnight I hope!
MCTEDISH the new Mctavish heaps more character and way more collectable love the board Ted and have loved following this thread
Sorry fellas been flat out this week so have been lying low. Managed to sneak a few more hours in on the board though. Put the plug and fin box in today and did the filler coat on the deck. Will sand it tom and then do the polish coast and sand on Friday. If all goes well it will be finished on Friday night ready for the 4am road trip to Wategoes on Sat for its inarguable test ride. Fingers crossed / hopefully. Its been a mission but I have loved the experience. CMC will be pleased to know that I have a new found respect for shapers and glassers....although if you have the right tools and setup then life could be a lot smoother / easier