Looking at getting a 7.6 Vouch Rolled Vee for the local beach breaks. Anyone had any experience that they would be happy to share?
I personally do not care for them that much. Yet you must be after a old school feel. Have you ridden one before? If not what is making you want to go down that path?
Good for the points.......not sure about the beachies. Had a go on one the other day I think it was around 7'10 went good down the the line.
My brother has a 8'0 & he rides it on smaller days in Bali (he lives in Sanur)
Thx guys. A month or so ago i spent some coin and bought my first longboard. Felt i was getting old and starting to struggle with the paddle on my shortboards. Iwhile i like the glide of my McT i ffind it a bit boring. So i thought i would try a happy medium by buying a 7.6 rolled vee. Havent ridden one though and am a bit worried that they may not do well in the beach breaks.
Stay away from the vee then. Go talk to a shaper and get a big boy shorty. Here is a 6'10 made for a very big unit
I don't bbelieve anymore that bbecause someone is fat,old,slow etc that they are forced to ride a longboard. A good shaper can make you a board you can still turn
Get a wombat.....
No idea if it would suit but just wanted to post this beau young clip....
He makes it look so easy.
I've got a Scorpion which can do something like this (shame about the rider), just wanted something a little longer with a bit more glide.