I raced home from the evils of the City and the office early this arvo and got home to this....an epic session - best since xmas and probably the swell of the summer by a mile....I should have taken a few more but decided to spend the time in the ocean. I love East Coast Lows
My local still had a few good ones coming through, long rides, but I had to bail out early from at least 2 good ones just before the best section because I had the sun right in my eyes and I simply could not see the SBs inside.
I'm thinking about getting some disposable contacts at my next checkup. Provided I don't open my eyes underwater, they'll probably stay in for a session.
OBCT, I was there today too, not surfing, due to having stitches in my foot at the mo, but it was good to watch for an hour or so.
Thanks craz, I reckon being able to actually see the waves coming could add a new dimension to my surfing
I surf with contacts all the time obct used to loose them at first not often now Thanks for the pics Ted
Not up early, just a very poor sleeper.
Just got a referral for a sleep study at the insistence of the trouble and strife.
Was everyone in NSW up before 6 or what, hope you all got some, swell was still pushing through up here but has dropped a bit now.
Or do what I did, I had laser surgery on my eyes. Unbelievable difference to your surfing. No more getting smashed inside when the big bombs come through
Hope you all got some water time today....south coast one day mission was worth the drive. Knackered and have rashes everywhere from too much paddling. Will post some pics if I ever make it home