No hi jacks No bs just Real Surfing Chat Only.
Who knows Asea might even return to the
Longboard Forum!!!
OK doggie,if you want to jump into every forum on seabreeze and hi jack with your comedy act that's fine I am not the forum police,but I also want some serious longboarding discussions and if you want to hi jack it,well it defeats the purpose for other forum uses,ask yourself why Asea is no longer in here,enough said.
Had a couple of good little sessions with him at LM at the start of the year on my annual cooly holiday. Good times
If Asea, reads this, can we get some more photos of that board in your Avatar, looked at the 2 in your profile looks nice.
Longboard Surfing Discussion - OK then;
- I like sliding along in the pocket on my new pointy nosed 9'6 longboard. I like getting onto the open face, then draw a smooth cut back towards the pocket, and then stand on the tail hard, to stall in the pocket, and rise back up the face, then rock back onto the front foot for speed, and drive hard off the bottom.
There you go Mac!
^^^^ It is Bob just saw it today on his website, they just announced a competition, win a couple of boards and a holiday at Byron.
Check out that dog sign I would love to stand directly under that sign with my dog off its leash and one paw on one side and the other paw on the other the dopey council rangers that live down this way would not cope with it they would go off on stress leave for a coupla weeks
sorry Mctavish back on track