To all the guys meeting up this weekend at Byron, hope you score some fun waves, have fun and post some great stories for all those who can't attend.
Yep Ted was wasted haha. Was not great the day as Vanders had his car pinched from the pass with all their stuff in it. So we made sure that the boys were wasted and smiling. Geez I even got Mac to salute a clear water sticker I put up yeeew. Waves are very small but fun
Well it all started out nicely,surfed LM with Vanders and then made our way south popped into McT had a look around and Bob popped in and chatted for about 30mins,then our first surf at the pass all good,Blair arrived so we paddled out for the third surf of the day,met TB in the carpark and Ted was already in the water followed by Bigspaz, Chrispy and Daneli.
We had a great session good fun,Blair and I called it a day and left the others for one last wave,as we walked to the carpark Blair said **** the cars gone,I looked twice before it sunk in,no **** its gone,new car worth a lot of money also all out wallets phones board bags and cloths all gone.Friday night we hit the beers with the crew surfed again three times Saturday,being surfed out we couldn't be bothered today.
Vanders I hope they find the car and its in good nick mate and the grub just took the cash and phones and everything else is still in the car.Blair thanks for playing the dad roll and feeding Vanders and I
Byron can go **** itself.
Mac we drove past you blokes leaving coolly. We scored a park and empty glassy head high perfection. my body is rooted now. We are going for a feed and that is that
**** BYRON
I'm just ticked off the low life scum didn't utilise the fact he had our room key & come that night to try & rob some more gear off us, I guarantee the scene would have looked like a Tarantino movie.
Apart from that & a nasty head cold it was a good weekend, thanks fellas & Blair for funding it.
A plug for the Byron cops too, nice blokes who were as helpful as they could be.
Farken dirty pieces of shizz .... hope you guys get it sorted as best you can & V V brother that is an amen - shocker about ya wheels mate , really is
The stolen car was a **** but full cred to Vanders particularly who had the Manflu and Blair & Mac for sticking around when many would have bailed.
Great to catch up with Ted, hope you have a safe drive home mate. TB was also there but we didn't manage anything but a wave between waves.
Overall had a lot of fun surf and a few beers. Chrispy and I did get some more very nice waves at Greeny on the way home but I will keep that quite to ruin it for the others.
Next surf trip is angas and yamba not some coffee shop infested kook zone with kamikaze bqckpackers and mctavish riders lol