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Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Vuelo8 reviews??

Created by kitegirl21 > 9 months ago, 26 Sep 2013
NSW, 439 posts
26 Sep 2013 9:42PM
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With Christmas around the corner, I have been given the go-ahead to start looking for a new board!
I am 50kg, 160cm tall and currently ride a standard 8'0 cheapish import board, which has been fun dont get me wrong.

Ive been looking at the Mctavish Vuelo8 online and was wondering if you guys have any feedback to provide on this board.
I basically want something that turns better and a bit quicker (more responsive), a little less volume than currently have, and a bit more rocker and some sharper (?) rails. I'll prob get a custom hand shaped, suited to my weight etc...
I like the tints Ive seen but they reckon will make the board heavier and I want something pretty light as I hate getting dragged, hehe...
My hubby reckons if I want to turn better/faster I should get a short board but I just couldn't be bothered!!!

Any advice, recommendations of other boards etc all appreciated!
Thanks in advanced!

WA, 9675 posts
26 Sep 2013 7:57PM
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WA, 24860 posts
26 Sep 2013 8:03PM
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The Vuelo ticks all your boxes go for it,contact either Dave English of Ben Wallace to discuss dims.

1195 posts
26 Sep 2013 8:05PM
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I reckon the Vuelo8 looks good, but know nothing about it... i LOVE the McTavish Carver and it would seem to me to meet your criteria " turns better and a bit quicker (more responsive), a little less volume than currently have, and a bit more rocker and some sharper (?) rails".
Best of all you can get a secondhand one for a pretty good price. There's a good one (7'8) on the McT site, but it looks a bit more like an M&M than a McT.
You could consider getting one around that 8' length - AND/or a 7 footer. It would be still a lot of board for your 50kg.
My head is 50kg.

WA, 24860 posts
26 Sep 2013 8:08PM
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Agree that art is

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
26 Sep 2013 11:54PM
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kitegirl21 said..

I like the tints Ive seen but they reckon will make the board heavier and I want something pretty light as I hate getting dragged, hehe...

They will make no real noticeable difference unless your name is KS and even then its irrelevant as he could surf a door

Go forth and get something made that you want in the colours that you want.........and then post lots of pics !

WA, 1382 posts
27 Sep 2013 10:05AM
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wavelength said..

I reckon the Vuelo8 looks good, but know nothing about it... i LOVE the McTavish Carver and it would seem to me to meet your criteria " turns better and a bit quicker (more responsive), a little less volume than currently have, and a bit more rocker and some sharper (?) rails".
Best of all you can get a secondhand one for a pretty good price. There's a good one (7'8) on the McT site, but it looks a bit more like an M&M than a McT.
You could consider getting one around that 8' length - AND/or a 7 footer. It would be still a lot of board for your 50kg.
My head is 50kg.

+1 Carver

WA, 24860 posts
27 Sep 2013 10:07AM
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Doggie I know you liked the carver you rode over here but the Vuelo is a whole new beast you would love it.

NSW, 439 posts
27 Sep 2013 12:40PM
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Thanks everyone for all your helpful advice, will prob go this board, tint and all! Maybe I might get lucky and get an extra early Christmas present! Will post pics for sure!

1195 posts
27 Sep 2013 10:48AM
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Good on you. I reckon Ted's right - the tint won't add enough weight to be any concern. Just make sure your husband doesn't like the board better than his own one.

WA, 1382 posts
27 Sep 2013 11:09AM
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62mac said..

Doggie I know you liked the carver you rode over here but the Vuelo is a whole new beast you would love it.

If I had the cash on hand when big spaz was selling his GFs board I would have bought it.

SA, 1739 posts
27 Sep 2013 2:04PM
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If BigSpazz still has his gf's board you should check that out, it looked unreal!!

WA, 9675 posts
27 Sep 2013 12:38PM
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McHenry said...

If BigSpazz still has his gf's board you should check that out, it looked unreal!!

Two completely different boards

VIC, 8020 posts
27 Sep 2013 3:08PM
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WA71, that Sunset Board you speak of... They have soft old school rails... Not the modern harder rails...

VIC, 8020 posts
27 Sep 2013 3:08PM
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Here's Kitegirl in action!

VIC, 8020 posts
27 Sep 2013 3:11PM
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And, after having the benefit of watching you surf, watching your style, I would definitely steer you down the direction of a Vuelo8. This board is a "short Longboard". An 8 foot Carver, is a Hybrid Board. Part Longboard, and part Shortboard.

Your style really suits Longboarding!

VIC, 8020 posts
27 Sep 2013 3:18PM
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Kitegirl, you can still go for ANY type of tint, and still go light. Just ask that you want it to be a light board. You could also settle for the "wet rub" or "matt finish" (non-gloss finish). The gloss coating isn't applied, and probably saves a few hundred grams...

WA, 1382 posts
27 Sep 2013 1:18PM
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Simondo said..

WA71, that Sunset Board you speak of... They have soft old school rails... Not the modern harder rails...

Spaz said they were sharp rails and they looked it in the pic as well.

VIC, 8020 posts
27 Sep 2013 3:26PM
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WA71, he might have meant 'knifey' rails, as his definition as 'sharp'. Basically the rails on all the Involvement Boards, are "rolled" / old school rails... The bottom is essentially 'rolled'. A little bit like the original Trackers in 67/68, and by 69 the Trackers were getting a more modern flat bottom... Same templates (roughly).

(Wasn't Big Spazz selling an Involvement Sunset Board?)....

Kitegirl, this board had the 'wet-rub' or 'matt' finish, but was tinted. Glassed light...

VIC, 8020 posts
27 Sep 2013 3:27PM
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PS - I'll do a Vuelo9 review within about 2 weeks...

WA, 1382 posts
27 Sep 2013 1:51PM
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Simondo said..

WA71, he might have meant 'knifey' rails, as his definition as 'sharp'. Basically the rails on all the Involvement Boards, are "rolled" / old school rails... The bottom is essentially 'rolled'. A little bit like the original Trackers in 67/68, and by 69 the Trackers were getting a more modern flat bottom... Same templates (roughly).

(Wasn't Big Spazz selling an Involvement Sunset Board?)....

Kitegirl, this board had the 'wet-rub' or 'matt' finish, but was tinted. Glassed light...

Yep, thats the one Im talking about.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
27 Sep 2013 6:50PM
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Simondo said..

Kitegirl, this board had the 'wet-rub' or 'matt' finish, but was tinted. Glassed light...

Thats how I do my boards as well....although I have not yet perfected the art of super light glassing

NSW, 439 posts
27 Sep 2013 7:01PM
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aww you guys have got me frothing, Im gunna order it over the wkend! Never knew how hard it was to pick a tint colour! Im thinking baby pink (girly I know, but would be pretty unique at my local!), have you guys got some suggestions or cool board art to put up? Im thinking single tint though i do like two different colour tints overlapping! I like the glossy finish best, you dont think it would weight it down much? (ps am no KS, I just dont like being dragged so in my mind lighter is better! Its also a big reason I gave SUP away as boards are too big/heavy). Ahhh so excited! Thanks for all feedback!

1195 posts
27 Sep 2013 5:11PM
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It only looks like feedback. Really it's part of an elaborate, collective, multi-thread, ongoing argument between a lot of old fat blokes.

NSW, 439 posts
27 Sep 2013 7:16PM
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lol. Its good to hear everyone enjoying the stoke and not being too caught up trying to be legends like in some of the other rooms!!!

WA, 24860 posts
27 Sep 2013 5:42PM
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kitegirl21 said..

aww you guys have got me frothing, Im gunna order it over the wkend! Never knew how hard it was to pick a tint colour! Im thinking baby pink (girly I know, but would be pretty unique at my local!),

Trust me art does my head in,Dave will look after you with board dims and art,GO THE PINK but I'd keep it clean should look hot.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
27 Sep 2013 7:46PM
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Go a pink resin swirl.........this is my last effort - I think swirls looks great

NSW, 439 posts
27 Sep 2013 8:21PM
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Wow! thats a great looking board! Very pretty! Will def look into it! Just sent McT an email to get the ball rolling!! Woooooooooooooo!!!!!

WA, 24860 posts
27 Sep 2013 6:25PM
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kitegirl21 said..

Wow! thats a great looking board! Very pretty! Will def look into it! Just sent McT an email to get the ball rolling!! Woooooooooooooo!!!!!

Good but get on the phone tomorrow Dave is your man.

WA, 9675 posts
27 Sep 2013 6:40PM
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wavelength said...
It only looks like feedback. Really it's part of an elaborate, collective, multi-thread, ongoing argument between a lot of old fat blokes.

That's funny

But I'm in a mood.for people to learn lessons the hard way

Nah enjoy whatever you get. Yet after watching your vid again and the waves you Surf I would be going a small 8ball with some refined rails,would be a very nice board to surf,plus some.deep concave under your feet yeeeeew

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
27 Sep 2013 9:41PM
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chrispy said..
Yet after watching your vid again and the waves you Surf I would be going a small 8ball with some refined rails,would be a very nice board to surf,plus some.deep concave under your feet yeeeeew

There are some very nice / nasty / exciting / testing waves not too far from kitegirl


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Vuelo8 reviews??" started by kitegirl21