Given the seriousness of this thread (and the fact that some of you guys seem to be moonlighting here instead of the SUP forum), you might like the Broo website :
run by a local Melbourne guy Kent Grogan (aka Grogsie) who has put his nuts on the line to get this thing up and running. will probably make a squillion $$ out of it, but good luck to him.
BTW you guys were sprung by Nozza, who strayed here whilst drinking beer at work instead of going home to his wif.
James Squire- Golden Ale
Matilda Bay - Redback wheat beer
Tooheys - New (which is what I can really afford as a regular)
What do you guys think?
I don't mind the the Sainte Etienne (which is their Stella rip off, I think). Made in France, $30 a case. Not too bad.
I usually drink $40-$45-$50 / case stuff... Sometimes I start with 2 x Asahi perhaps, and wash that down with 1 or 2 cheaper Aldi beers!
Taking the p1ss of course.
Mum used to say Dad was "very careful" with his money.
It was basically a nice way of saying he was a farkin tightar5e.
Just saying Simon.
Nice selection Chrispy, ATM for me it is Stone and wood, pale ale and lager.. Squires is always good and is usually the fallback and as SMH said any will do, the amber ale is great.