Forums > Surfing Longboarding

What to do this arvo?

Created by Ted the Kiwi > 9 months ago, 7 Oct 2012
Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
7 Oct 2012 3:25PM
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So its blowing a gale here - dead south. I am trying to do some work at the table, the great race is on in the background but I can not help watching the kite surfers go nuts out the front on the lake.....

this bloke looks a little confused / annoyed.....

But you can sort of see why - poor fella but its a right royal mess. I have heard stories about people getting their kites stuck but watching it unfold in front of my eyes is almost amusing. Yeah I feel for him but There must be 30 people now watching so I am not alone..........

NSW, 946 posts
7 Oct 2012 3:31PM
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haha classic, take a beer over to him lol

10979 posts
7 Oct 2012 12:34PM
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BigSpazz said...
haha classic, take a beer over to him lol

Take six and sit there and take photos of him.

Great post Ted...... You should put it up in the kite forum...

Keep us updated

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
7 Oct 2012 3:38PM
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its finally come down and there are dejected looks around the place...they are now trying to pull all the ropes from the looks a mess!!!!! I do feel for them....have decided to take some of Big Spazz's suggestion on board and cracked a beer for myself

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
7 Oct 2012 3:39PM
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SP said... You should put it up in the kite forum...

What should I call the thread??

Is this you?

10979 posts
7 Oct 2012 4:15PM
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Ted the Kiwi said...
SP said... You should put it up in the kite forum...

What should I call the thread??

Is this you?

I just put it up in general . The windsurfers will have a field day...

QLD, 7932 posts
7 Oct 2012 6:21PM
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i watch **** like that everyday ted...i always wanted to have a crack at kiting until i realised that i would be the poor ****wit in the tree,or as i often see,people being dragged through carparks and unit blocks. in summer its great drinking a six pack and mocking them

SA, 3589 posts
7 Oct 2012 8:37PM
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and just think, he could be a future olympian

1421 posts
7 Oct 2012 6:54PM
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Are those powerlines in the picture?

Kites have been known to take a whole district out.

cRAZY Canuk
NSW, 2528 posts
7 Oct 2012 10:02PM
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Stuthepirate said...
and just think, he could be a future olympian

Doubt it, future olympian will be an x windsurfer, there's a couple at the worlds currently, think it was the danish rs:x sailor - doing pretty damn well too.

Pretty sure I've driven to that spot to kite once but there was no wind.

WA, 4263 posts
7 Oct 2012 7:09PM
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Ted the Kiwi said...

Drinking piss while gloating over somebody's misfortune.

Is that your new sport, sport ?


1011 posts
7 Oct 2012 7:29PM
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waveslave said...
Ted the Kiwi said...

Drinking piss while gloating over somebody's stupidity

This is a great new sport!


Fixed it

6657 posts
7 Oct 2012 9:56PM
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Fark sakes bugger that shizz

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
8 Oct 2012 8:58AM
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waveslave said...
Drinking piss while gloating over somebody's misfortune.

Is that your new sport, sport ?


Look to be fair I did feel for the bloke, it was also a sunny Sunday arvo and it was time for a beer. It was a co-incidence that both events occurred almost simultaneously. I repeat that these events were independent of one another

Those power lines were very close to the kite. I wish they would put them under ground so events like this did not cause to much grief and more importantly my view was improved

Hey CC - its a very popular spot for the kiters and windsurfers whenever we get a howling SW to SE wind. They love it. Let me know if you are ever in the area - you can stop in for a cold beer after your water time. Maybe even throw some lamb on the BBQ.

WA, 24860 posts
8 Oct 2012 6:39AM
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Funny threat TedIts the Aussie way isn't it laugh at someone's misfortune


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"What to do this arvo?" started by Ted the Kiwi