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Forums > Surfing Longboarding

What's on tv

Created by vanders1 > 9 months ago, 1 Jan 2014
QLD, 3809 posts
1 Jan 2014 5:45PM
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Just thought we could have a topic to notify the crew if there's any shows that we all should know about.

I'll start with this Friday 3rd 4:30pm AEST on Fuel Tv - Blazing Longboards

WA, 24860 posts
1 Jan 2014 4:10PM
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Good idea Vanders I've hit the record button for that one.

NSW, 1650 posts
1 Jan 2014 7:51PM
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vanders1 said...
[br]Just thought we could have a topic to notify the crew if there's any shows that we all should know about.

I'll start with this Friday 3rd 4:30pm AEST on Fuel Tv - Blazing Longboards

How good was that movie ?
Thanks heaps for the heads up.
I have T Box and it won't record Fuel though. Damn. Sicky perhaps. Lol.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
1 Jan 2014 7:39PM
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hang on guys, crickets not far away

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
1 Jan 2014 8:41PM
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laceys lane said...
hang on guys, crickets not far away

It's been on today

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
1 Jan 2014 7:45PM
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Ted the Kiwi said..

laceys lane said...
hang on guys, crickets not far away

It's been on today

you've got some cheek

NSW, 1317 posts
1 Jan 2014 8:55PM
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Ted the Kiwi said..

laceys lane said...
hang on guys, crickets not far away

It's been on today

its not really 100

1 New Zealand Dollar equals
0.92 Australian Dollar

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
1 Jan 2014 9:19PM
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Very funny Sean !!

Where I am at present $100 AUD gets you 11,641 RPH or 41 625ml Ice cold Lion beers or 5 nights standard accom or 1 night beach front luxury (where we are for next 8 days) in front of a right hand point break or 32 chicken curry with 3 veg curry dishes or 290 vegetable roti's or 225 275ml cokes !!!! Bargain your money can go a long way here if you want it to reminds me of Indo a few yrs back. A shame the surf does not

QLD, 5396 posts
1 Jan 2014 8:25PM
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Ted the Kiwi said..

Very funny Sean !!

Where I am at present $100 AUD gets you 11,641 RPH or 41 625ml Ice cold Lion beers or 5 nights standard accom or 1 night beach front luxury (where we are for next 8 days) in front of a right hand point break or 32 chicken curry with 3 veg curry dishes or 290 vegetable roti's or 225 275ml cokes !!!! Bargain your money can go a long way here if you want it to reminds me of Indo a few yrs back. A shame the surf does not

how many cheap hookers for that Ted

2350 posts
1 Jan 2014 6:30PM
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Ted the Kiwi said..

Very funny Sean !!

Where I am at present $100 AUD gets you 11,641 RPH or 41 625ml Ice cold Lion beers or 5 nights standard accom or 1 night beach front luxury (where we are for next 8 days) in front of a right hand point break or 32 chicken curry with 3 veg curry dishes or 290 vegetable roti's or 225 275ml cokes !!!! Bargain your money can go a long way here if you want it to reminds me of Indo a few yrs back. A shame the surf does not

I'll go the 41 beers
Where ya at ?
Don't tell me secret spot please

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
1 Jan 2014 8:30PM
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weiry said..

Ted the Kiwi said..

Very funny Sean !!

Where I am at present $100 AUD gets you 11,641 RPH or 41 625ml Ice cold Lion beers or 5 nights standard accom or 1 night beach front luxury (where we are for next 8 days) in front of a right hand point break or 32 chicken curry with 3 veg curry dishes or 290 vegetable roti's or 225 275ml cokes !!!! Bargain your money can go a long way here if you want it to reminds me of Indo a few yrs back. A shame the surf does not

how many cheap hookers for that Ted

come weiry, who are you kidding- you know very well

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
1 Jan 2014 9:51PM
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NewScotty said..

Ted the Kiwi said..

Very funny Sean !!

Where I am at present $100 AUD gets you 11,641 RPH or 41 625ml Ice cold Lion beers or 5 nights standard accom or 1 night beach front luxury (where we are for next 8 days) in front of a right hand point break or 32 chicken curry with 3 veg curry dishes or 290 vegetable roti's or 225 275ml cokes !!!! Bargain your money can go a long way here if you want it to reminds me of Indo a few yrs back. A shame the surf does not

I'll go the 41 beers
Where ya at ?
Don't tell me secret spot please

Would you believe me if I said at the sea breeze?

Yes I am staying at surf sea breeze in Mirissa. Lovely spot. Shame the surf is 0.5ft. Been watching a few blokes and euro babes on the point al day....would love to have a longboard over here - you would have a ball. Might try and hunt one down tom but it looks like it might pick up to 2 to 3ft over the next few days so the sweet potato should be fine will post you some pics tom Scotty as I know you hate reading more than 50 words

Weiry - not sure how far they cashola goes on the professional ladies but I can assure you my one needs her head pulled in!!! I am thinking of misplacing her wallet this evening

2350 posts
1 Jan 2014 7:36PM
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Ted the Kiwi said..

NewScotty said..

Ted the Kiwi said..

Very funny Sean !!

Where I am at present $100 AUD gets you 11,641 RPH or 41 625ml Ice cold Lion beers or 5 nights standard accom or 1 night beach front luxury (where we are for next 8 days) in front of a right hand point break or 32 chicken curry with 3 veg curry dishes or 290 vegetable roti's or 225 275ml cokes !!!! Bargain your money can go a long way here if you want it to reminds me of Indo a few yrs back. A shame the surf does not

I'll go the 41 beers
Where ya at ?
Don't tell me secret spot please

Would you believe me if I said at the sea breeze?

Yes I am staying at surf sea breeze in Mirissa. Lovely spot. Shame the surf is 0.5ft. Been watching a few blokes and euro babes on the point al day....would love to have a longboard over here - you would have a ball. Might try and hunt one down tom but it looks like it might pick up to 2 to 3ft over the next few days so the sweet potato should be fine will post you some pics tom Scotty as I know you hate reading more than 50 words

Weiry - not sure how far they cashola goes on the professional ladies but I can assure you my one needs her head pulled in!!! I am thinking of misplacing her wallet this evening

Pics are best thanks Ted.
Tamal Tiger territory ?

QLD, 5396 posts
1 Jan 2014 9:52PM
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laceys lane said..

weiry said..

Ted the Kiwi said..

Very funny Sean !!

Where I am at present $100 AUD gets you 11,641 RPH or 41 625ml Ice cold Lion beers or 5 nights standard accom or 1 night beach front luxury (where we are for next 8 days) in front of a right hand point break or 32 chicken curry with 3 veg curry dishes or 290 vegetable roti's or 225 275ml cokes !!!! Bargain your money can go a long way here if you want it to reminds me of Indo a few yrs back. A shame the surf does not

how many cheap hookers for that Ted

come weiry, who are you kidding- you know very well

i know one thing Lacey,yu gotta watch out for the lady boys

QLD, 3809 posts
2 Jan 2014 9:17AM
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Monday 6th Jan 4:30pm AEST Fuel TV - Seaworthy by Nathan Oldfield

"The surfing encompasses just about the whole spectrum of wave-riding equipment available today, from massive flatrockered wooden Olo's to fish, modern and traditional longboards, surfmats, boogie boards, short stubby single-fins, wooden toothpicks etc etc."


NSW, 439 posts
2 Jan 2014 7:51PM
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vanders1 said..

Just thought we could have a topic to notify the crew if there's any shows that we all should know about.

I'll start with this Friday 3rd 4:30pm AEST on Fuel Tv - Blazing Longboards

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills - 830 Tuesdays on Arena ... so awesome

QLD, 3809 posts
2 Jan 2014 9:12PM
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kitegirl21 said...
vanders1 said..

Just thought we could have a topic to notify the crew if there's any shows that we all should know about.

I'll start with this Friday 3rd 4:30pm AEST on Fuel Tv - Blazing Longboards

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills - 830 Tuesdays on Arena ... so awesome

Geez KG I suppose I should say thanks for contributing to the topic but personally I'd rather slam my fingers in a car door.

NSW, 439 posts
2 Jan 2014 10:18PM
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Hey Vanders, dont knock it till you try it. Only one episode and you'll be hooked!!!

QLD, 5396 posts
2 Jan 2014 9:30PM
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Eastbound & down
kenny at the beach

NSW, 814 posts
3 Jan 2014 1:40PM
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kitegirl21 said..

Hey Vanders, dont knock it till you try it. Only one episode and you'll be hooked!!!

Hooked on what??? My brain hurts watching the shorts!!

2350 posts
3 Jan 2014 11:59AM
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I saw this cool movie yesterday on Fox with Reece Withaspoon in it.
Can't recall the name of it but fark she is looking hot.

QLD, 5396 posts
3 Jan 2014 6:18PM
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yep blazing longboards on now not bad, but how bad is that music

WA, 24860 posts
3 Jan 2014 4:37PM
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weiry said..

yep blazing longboards on now not bad, but how bad is that music

Its on record I'll catch it later tonightI've got it on video somewhere.

WA, 24860 posts
3 Jan 2014 6:04PM
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Watching it now really nice to see all those mctavish's rip hehehe

How good was Ray Gleaves segment

2350 posts
3 Jan 2014 6:15PM
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62mac said..

Watching it now really nice to see all those mctavish's rip hehehe

How good was Ray Gleaves segment

Channel Mac ?

Edit: Fuel

WA, 24860 posts
3 Jan 2014 6:20PM
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Yes mate Vanders gave us the heads up I recorded it,think it was on at 4

edit- Bart Wilson 8 yrs ripping must be Julian's brother.

QLD, 5396 posts
4 Jan 2014 12:22AM
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62mac said..

edit- Bart Wilson 8 yrs ripping must be Julian's brother.

he was good hey

QLD, 3809 posts
1 Feb 2014 1:37PM
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Tonight at 9:06pm AEDT on Fuel TV - "Longboarding is not a crime"

WA, 24860 posts
1 Feb 2014 12:48PM
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You'll enjoy it mate I've got it on VHS

NSW, 7269 posts
1 Feb 2014 4:25PM
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vanders1 said..

Tonight at 9:06pm AEDT on Fuel TV - "Longboarding is not a crime"

Some good NSW south coast footage on that one

NSW, 1650 posts
1 Feb 2014 5:36PM
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Some good footage of Dane Wilson on this one.

Waves at Bendalong / Green Island area's and the rolled car in the Royal National Park.

They were good times back then.

Bystrom's Vids were amazing and it's such a shame he took his own life.


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"What's on tv" started by vanders1