was in the hurley shop today with big ted....and saw some phantom boardies on sale
well im always up for a deal and the pair i own im very happy with. so the lady goes through all their deals.....and then says, no not the top shelf,they are a new line
the new line was $200 for a pair of boardies
now to me that just seems completely nutty to spend.
would any of you pay it?
$60 for these;
(Quiksilver Bobby Diamond - super stretch, super soft inside)
to go with this;
And the boardies would also look OK with my new one - 9'6 Pintail Volane (18393)
after putting on the pair i paid $50 for...i will say they have almost given me the greatest feeling i have had around my sack in a long time
now i dont get why not sell the premium priced ones at your normal retail stores?
no competition when you can get 2 for a $100 in the rack below(almost the same)
mmm they feel sexy
oh they are seamless grom man
You would not knock back a BJ from the hurely chick the one in the element shop was even better.....I love the Goldie !!! Saw a few nice melons on the beach as well....Chrispy has as good eye
whats wrong with BIG W specials.
$10, and you dont feel bad when they fade and blow off the clothesline never to be seen again
Ted,we do have an online presents however its really a sampler to attract customers as they always want to see,touch before purchase.
I buy all my gear from Bali in the real deal stores,they sell products that are designed for the US and Euro market which is way better than what we are offered here in OZ.
I'm not a fan of the crap that's sold here.The tees are $20 boardies and walk shorts also cheaper.Bali has some really funky independent stores like Single Fin and Dues have some awesome gear as well.
200 bucks , thats about 150 too much
200 bucks is a reasonable way alongt to the next board for the collection
What manner of skulduggery are you up to chrispychampion we deserve pics of those joggers and possibly some of the russian bird too
, wait on she left didn't she