Forums > Surfing Longboarding

ding repairs

Created by twinkletoes > 9 months ago, 2 Nov 2011
QLD, 7 posts
2 Nov 2011 6:39PM
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g,day all just wondering has anyone had any probs fixing there dings with fullers builders bog, moneys short at the mo so i had some builders bog in the shed and tried it was easy to use and easy to sand and i sealed over it with a clear sealer, am i going to have any probs down the track. thanks chris

QLD, 7932 posts
2 Nov 2011 6:47PM
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i was going to say something dirty....but i got nothing,,they know their sh1t

VIC, 8020 posts
2 Nov 2011 8:10PM
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I'd go with yes! I'm no expert though. I take my problems to the experts!

WA, 15849 posts
2 Nov 2011 5:11PM
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Well those two things dont mix, fiberglass and builders bog

A good ding repair kit shouldnt be anymore than $20-$30 and it will have the lot in it.

Your repair will last for a while but I would think it would fall out after time.

Dont do it again!!

VIC, 8020 posts
2 Nov 2011 8:18PM
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5 minute araldite is a variation on Solarez too. You can dab a little bit of araldite (R) on the problem sport if minor. Repairers can pop the araldite off easily enough. But if it's a serious cavity, go the ding repair kit like Doggie said. You're meant to fill the whole with a little bit of foam... Then pretty much put some resin over than, lay some clothe over, add some more resin, and let it dry, and rub it back....


VIC, 8020 posts
2 Nov 2011 8:20PM
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Follow up video.

VIC, 8020 posts
2 Nov 2011 8:20PM
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QLD, 7932 posts
2 Nov 2011 7:47PM
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doggie said...

Well those two things dont mix, fiberglass and builders bog

A good ding repair kit shouldnt be anymore than $20-$30 and it will have the lot in it.

Your repair will last for a while but I would think it would fall out after time.

Dont do it again!!

far out,i just got a ding repaired with spray for $30. far easier and im povo

QLD, 1820 posts
2 Nov 2011 9:52PM
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QLD, 7 posts
4 Nov 2011 9:42AM
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thanks for the reponse guys the only reason i used the bog was it said on the tin polyester resin kit and i thought resin was fibre glass ? anyway it works so far
next time im flush i will have it redone professionally thanks chris

WA, 24860 posts
4 Nov 2011 7:58AM
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Show us some pictures of your boards chris they look sweet

VIC, 8020 posts
4 Nov 2011 11:00AM
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A Poly Resin bog should hold up OK. But the fibreglass helps seal it up better. You might have ultimately get a hairline crack between the existing glass, and the bog... But by then, you'll probably have other dings in it anyway!


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"ding repairs" started by twinkletoes