smh said...Simondo said...Disclosure - I rode a Booger or three in my earlier days! Sorry!

Got really bored with it when I was about 25-26... Saw the light!
One day I woke up to myself!

Looked around, and realised all my mates had stopped too!

My son rides one and although he can stand up and ride a board he's sticking with bodyboarding because his mates are into it. There's some pretty nasty ledges around here perfect for bodyboarding but one day he will understand that there's more to surfing than gut sliding.
I have managed to convert a few gutsliders over the years....
First I ask them how many guys over 20+ are in the water riding lids,then I point out what a dick they look like being that old on a lid.
Next I point out that no chick will want to root a 20+ year old lid rider.
The mates riding thing is sorted when I point out by the time that they all get older some of there mates will be ****ters and appearing in the Mardigras,so because thier mates are doing that,will they also do it..............
What sux is a few years later the little ****s are ripping up on a surfboard and have some little hottie under their arm.