this is my pimp thread. i bought a book the other day. great read. h.g nelson,the book is called "sprays". if you like the roy and h.g sense of humour,you will love this book. basically it is h.g doing his big business talks in his style. made me laugh hard in parts.
so this is for anything that has made you laugh,cry, or you just want to spruik something that makes you smile. it can be anything. so if you want to pimp it,hey i want to see it..maybe
Fark yeh. Roy & HG were the best. Loved listening to the radio of them commentating the Origin many years ago and just loved their commentary on the gymnastics at 2000 olympics with the "Hello boys" call when the boys do the inverted splits on the pommel horse.
Best $7.95 I have ever spent in an electronics shop in town have had heaps of fun with it leaves a nice criss cross pattern at point blank raids on my wifes ass as she steps out of the shower
Got one of these POD handsurfers today should be fun when its big closeout for 1 second barrels and all else fails $59 Aus made
^^^mate i have one those cameras. i am now having a warrant dispute with the tight ****ers[}:)] the camera is rooted
My Life As A Pork Chop. 1973-1981
Tony Edwards, Edited by Sean Doherty
Captain Goodvibes, the thinking man's f_ckwit, a lovable abomination, a cartoon pig who became a cult hero to a generation of Australian surfers. Valiantly battling the three-headed Hydra of sobriety, employment and authority, the Pig of Steel took bad taste, substance abuse and pointless revolution out of the gutter and onto the beach, souring young lives and stealing the promise of a bright future from the tiny hands. But The Captain's story cannot be told without telling the story of his creator, Tony Edwards; an artist, family man, a man of refined sensibilities... and a man who had this horrific creature living inside him.
My Life as a Pork Chop is 400 pages of the very best and very worst of Captain Goodvibes.