hey lads, i think the term' a jack of all trades and a master of none' apply very rigorously to myself and only some trades.
btw nice looking board
You went ok on a shortboard if I remember correctly and I've seen you on a 14 footer sweeper,I think you would make the transition easy.
If I recall Dameli,Boofy and I all have nice boards for sale atm
oh boy, started a monster, i've had heaps of people asking me are you serious, are you getting a longboard.
and lots of offers to have a go on their boards- thanks everyone
the truth is, YOU NEED A LB....and you need to get one and keep it for a min of 6 MONTHS and get out on it, get use to it and ENJOY it.
Nice pose are you after asea's modeling job
Asea wouldn't fit into that tee anyway well over
100 marker
Hey were'd you get a photo of pipefins from[}:)]
Lacey, I've been thinking about it as well, I had a Mal over the Xmas break.
I'd go a full blown Log, I've been looking at them at Dans both his and others that he glasses for people.
If you're going to ride Short SUP, Mal and shorty the Mal will kind of get used when it's windy and small and a bad direction for a DW so the Log will be better for nose riding, trimming and riding it differently to the others.
Go a Log mate!