Forums > Surfing Longboarding

sharin DI love again

Created by jasdeking > 9 months ago, 19 Nov 2012
QLD, 1820 posts
19 Nov 2012 6:58PM
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with the weather sounding so promising for the weekend NOT we took the punt and headed to the inside tip of double island for a couple of nites, were treated to pristine conditions, nice clean waves, great company of other surfers and just all out epicness

sharing di love with some pics for yall
hope you like

got stuck once :(

no dogs allowed... its not a real dog :)


wife on the right staring down the dude...super nice bloke :)

fenna ( my wife ) stylin yew

yewoo truck

yes that IS NOOSA behind me ..wont see that in the brochures

big will !!

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
19 Nov 2012 8:04PM
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That brought back some memories! Thanks for the great pics - I love the look of that storm front you have coming at ya! Would have made for a fun drive back down to Nossa along the beach in the rain.

6657 posts
19 Nov 2012 5:04PM
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Great pics Jas - gotta love that stuff & thanks for the post up mate cheers

QLD, 1538 posts
19 Nov 2012 7:32PM
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Thanks for posting. Awesome

WA, 24860 posts
19 Nov 2012 5:56PM
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Yep great quality pictures Jas',one day I'd would love to do that trip and the ute looks sick mate.

QLD, 1820 posts
19 Nov 2012 8:00PM
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was awesome time out guys r & r

Mac get your cruiser wet man...i will post you next time we are going.... its ok i will pull you out "when" you get stuck

QLD, 7932 posts
19 Nov 2012 9:02PM
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nice quality pics there jas.

QLD, 211 posts
24 Nov 2012 11:17AM
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that place never dissapoints

4627 posts
24 Nov 2012 9:50AM
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Nice pics jas thanks for posting

NSW, 2110 posts
24 Nov 2012 12:54PM
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+1 Jas love the pics matelove that big hole in the beach on the second shot good for a fish we have booked Moreton island North point for chrissy for a week only taking 666,s though which is probably a good thing

QLD, 1820 posts
24 Nov 2012 6:51PM
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boofy said...
+1 Jas love the pics matelove that big hole in the beach on the second shot good for a fish we have booked Moreton island North point for chrissy for a week only taking 666,s though which is probably a good thing

sweet where are you camping ?

NSW, 2110 posts
24 Nov 2012 9:54PM
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jasdeking said...
boofy said...
+1 Jas love the pics matelove that big hole in the beach on the second shot good for a fish we have booked Moreton island North point for chrissy for a week only taking 666,s though which is probably a good thing

sweet where are you camping ?

Jas we are camping at north point most northerly campground we have been there before and loved it. It will be my new utes first decent adventure I have it well kitted out now cant wait will get heaps of pics
Cheers boof

QLD, 1820 posts
24 Nov 2012 9:41PM
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boofy said...
jasdeking said...
boofy said...
+1 Jas love the pics matelove that big hole in the beach on the second shot good for a fish we have booked Moreton island North point for chrissy for a week only taking 666,s though which is probably a good thing

sweet where are you camping ?

Jas we are camping at north point most northerly campground we have been there before and loved it. It will be my new utes first decent adventure I have it well kitted out now cant wait will get heaps of pics
Cheers boof

is that on the inside or out ? havent camped there b4 would be cool to hook up if poss

NSW, 2110 posts
24 Nov 2012 11:14PM
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Jas it is on the northern tip near Cape Moreton we have booked from 22nd Dec till 30 Dec it would be great to hook up its a great place heaps better than Fraser IMO great diving on the wrecks at Tangalooma great fishing and great surfing
Cheers boof

NSW, 2110 posts
24 Nov 2012 11:32PM
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QLD, 1820 posts
25 Nov 2012 7:44PM
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boofy said...

Jas it is on the northern tip near Cape Moreton we have booked from 22nd Dec till 30 Dec it would be great to hook up its a great place heaps better than Fraser IMO great diving on the wrecks at Tangalooma great fishing and great surfing
Cheers boof

sweet yeh know the wrecks very well will take the tinny over if the weather suits and let you know

WA, 24860 posts
25 Nov 2012 5:48PM
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Jas' Boofy said hook up,just saying

NSW, 2110 posts
25 Nov 2012 9:05PM
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62mac said...
Jas' Boofy said hook up,just saying

You have a good eye for picking up those sort of things love ya new board lets get together at LM soon

WA, 24860 posts
25 Nov 2012 6:11PM
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Boofy,the term hook up as we knew it has changed,now it means shag.Get with the times mate

Yes to hooking up at LM soon

NSW, 2110 posts
25 Nov 2012 9:15PM
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62mac said...
Boofy,the term hook up as we knew it has changed,now it means shag.Get with the times mate

Yes to hooking up at LM soon

Yep I googled hook up oh dear I am getting old

WA, 24860 posts
25 Nov 2012 6:20PM
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haha I said it a while ago when talking to my wife,I said sure we will hook up later,the kids said oh dad,then they explained the modern term as I did the old term,bloody youth of today always changing things.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
25 Nov 2012 10:17PM
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boofy said...

Jas it is on the northern tip near Cape Moreton we have booked from 22nd Dec till 30 Dec it would be great to hook up its a great place heaps better than Fraser IMO great diving on the wrecks at Tangalooma great fishing and great surfing
Cheers boof

I have always wanted to go there Boofy - looking forward to seeing all yr pics. Hope you get some good dives in and score some swell....ENjoy.

QLD, 1820 posts
25 Nov 2012 9:25PM
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WTF where did this conversation go?

i was just looking for some primo hooch

boofy ol chap perhaps lets see if we can meet for tea... that would be delightful.

NSW, 2110 posts
26 Nov 2012 7:32AM
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Thanks Ted maybe the moons will align one weekend and we can have a breeze weekend and meet Jas at DI point.
I am about to do a 4 week hospital placement so I will be frothing to get there at the end of the month

4214 posts
26 Nov 2012 6:34AM
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boofy said...
62mac said...
Boofy,the term hook up as we knew it has changed,now it means shag.Get with the times mate

Yes to hooking up at LM soon

Yep I googled hook up oh dear I am getting old

I'm with you Boof , hook up still means catch up in my book. Unless catch up means hook up these days. My 10 year old daughter walks down the stairs and says "Mum,Dad what's this big clunky thing ? She had a VCR tape in her hand. So for the first time ever I started the convo I was hoping I wouldn't have to have. It starts like this "Back when your mother and I were kids......

6657 posts
26 Nov 2012 6:40AM
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old codger

NSW, 2110 posts
26 Nov 2012 4:39PM
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Scotty88 said...
boofy said...
62mac said...
Boofy,the term hook up as we knew it has changed,now it means shag.Get with the times mate

Yes to hooking up at LM soon

Yep I googled hook up oh dear I am getting old

I'm with you Boof , hook up still means catch up in my book. Unless catch up means hook up these days. My 10 year old daughter walks down the stairs and says "Mum,Dad what's this big clunky thing ? She had a VCR tape in her hand. So for the first time ever I started the convo I was hoping I wouldn't have to have. It starts like this "Back when your mother and I were kids......

Scotty my kids amaze me I got an iphone this week and started to try and link it to itunes on the computer etc, I lasted about a minute before frustration set in my 10 yo who has a ipod touch formatted my whole phone in about 5 mins


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"sharin DI love again" started by jasdeking