Forums > Surfing Longboarding

single pin build

Created by Dr Funk > 9 months ago, 4 Apr 2013
Dr Funk
NSW, 348 posts
4 Apr 2013 9:04PM
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Rightio.......I need a nice point board for winter and the last 5 i shaped were all under 6' so this one will be a 7 foot pintail single fin similar to the blue Mctav that Simondo posted in another thread. we go....
7'2" blank with a slightly thicker stringer than normal

Template taken off a tracker

Standing it up to check the lines and eyeball need to eyeball it...haha

cutting it, love the tail!!

Still cutting

Rough cut done and eyeballing it again!!

VIC, 8020 posts
4 Apr 2013 9:25PM
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Just do some measurements off the stringer too... Good reference point, for clarity of symmetry.

That's my board label;
Clarity of Symmetry

QLD, 5396 posts
4 Apr 2013 8:28PM
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i hate people with talent

QLD, 5396 posts
4 Apr 2013 8:30PM
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First time at shaping Dr

WA, 24860 posts
4 Apr 2013 6:30PM
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Looks great,how does one find a template?

Dr Funk
NSW, 348 posts
4 Apr 2013 9:38PM
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Hey mac, I get templates in 2 ways. If I find a board on the net that I like the look of I can chuck the photo into a program called aku shaper. From there you can trace the outline then print a template. Option 2 is easier.... Find a board I like that a friend owns and trace one side onto mdf sheet, cut it out and smooth it out. You can use the curve for longer or shorter boards if you need to as well.

WA, 24860 posts
4 Apr 2013 6:40PM
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Which do you find works best?

I love these board build threads.

Dr Funk
NSW, 348 posts
4 Apr 2013 9:41PM
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weiry said...
First time at shaping Dr

Hey mate, first 7 foot pintail but not the first board I've shaped. I think this will be 8 or 9. So I'm no expert by any means. Better than sitting in front of tv though.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
4 Apr 2013 9:45PM
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62mac said...
Which do you find works best?

I love these board build threads.


I used a thick but strong and flexible cardboard for my first templates. Ended up using different ones for the nose, tail and scoop under the nose. My plan was to transfer them to wood but I am still yet to do this. I have gone with this approach again for number 2.

Dr Funk
NSW, 348 posts
4 Apr 2013 9:46PM
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62mac said...
Which do you find works best?

I love these board build threads.

Tracing from an actual board is heaps better. That way you can get a rocker template and fin position as well. But it is nice to shape new stuff that none of the crew owns.

QLD, 5396 posts
4 Apr 2013 8:51PM
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Dr Funk said...
weiry said...
First time at shaping Dr

Better than sitting in front of tv though.

Or computer
hey Dr if its no trouble can you keep the pic's up mate i love it.
as long as it don't go 8 Pages like Mac's

QLD, 7932 posts
4 Apr 2013 8:53PM
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^^^^and thats just for macs artwork

Dr Funk
NSW, 348 posts
4 Apr 2013 10:04PM
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I actually just made a jig to measure a treat!

NSW, 853 posts
4 Apr 2013 10:18PM
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Nice shape Doc, and I love the rocker jig! Well done.

For my skatey, I drew a shape to scale and had my brother print out a full sized re-usable vinyl template. Just stick it on the timber, draw around it and cut it out. Or. You can leave the vinyl on and cut around.

Would be a good option for a foam blank, but i dont think it would stick to the foam very well.

Keep the photos coming!

WA, 312 posts
4 Apr 2013 7:32PM
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Dr Funk said...
I actually just made a jig to measure a treat!

Nice piece of tooling there!. Well impressed

13831 posts
4 Apr 2013 7:58PM
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Thats a ripper of an idea there DeeFunk - a sliding/adjustable template & measure you should slap yaself on the back for this baby !!!

Dr Funk
NSW, 348 posts
4 Apr 2013 11:13PM
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thePup said...
Thats a ripper of an idea there DeeFunk - a sliding/adjustable template & measure you should slap yaself on the back for this baby !!!

Yeah cheers, a mate of mine was always trying to trace rocker templates or clamp paddle pop sticks to a straight edge. I thought there had to be a better way and that's what I came up with.... Should have seen how stoked I was when it worked!!!

VIC, 5904 posts
4 Apr 2013 11:51PM
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top jig funkster !! good idea !! and neat fabrication !!

VIC, 3829 posts
5 Apr 2013 8:46AM
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Nice work you glue up your own blanks and cut your own rockers?

QLD, 5396 posts
5 Apr 2013 7:56AM
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Hey Dr
do you shape you rocker then put your V's in.

QLD, 5396 posts
5 Apr 2013 7:58AM
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^^ and concaves

SA, 1739 posts
5 Apr 2013 8:46AM
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That shape looks sick!

13831 posts
5 Apr 2013 6:50AM
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weiry said...
Hey Dr
do you shape you rocker then put your V's in.

cross or width template ?????

Dr Funk
NSW, 348 posts
5 Apr 2013 10:27AM
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Tux said...
Nice work you glue up your own blanks and cut your own rockers?

nah not yet, I buy the blanks from farrelys with rocker close enough to what I'm after that I dont need too much.

Hey Dr
do you shape you rocker then put your V's in.

Yeah, rocker first I tend to leave the bottom profile till much later on. But as I said earlier this is only the 8th or 9th board I've shaped so I'm learning from it as I go along.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
5 Apr 2013 11:18AM
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That jig is a great idea......I bet that has spurred a bit of interest in the backyard board building community

Dr Funk
NSW, 348 posts
7 Apr 2013 9:17PM
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Okay so I spent some time in the shaping bay today in between surfs. I didnt get as much done as I wanted to but the new rocker template jig works a treat. Got the rocker and thickness I was after, I'll be getting the deck and rails done through the week ready for glassing next weekend.
Wish I could claim it but its a mates shed.....

using the surform to get the outline wobbles in the rails...

thickness line.....cant put foam back on!

ready to mow some foam

rocker check...all good

Planing done, ready for the surform again

Time to get the bottom contour going....I'm going for concave from about 30cm from the nose all the way through the fin

starting to plane down that stringer!

Dr Funk
NSW, 348 posts
8 Apr 2013 9:23AM
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One more just for good measure....
Pretty happy with the thickness...

13831 posts
8 Apr 2013 7:56AM
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looking good Funky

QLD, 3808 posts
8 Apr 2013 10:13AM
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Looking great mate, keep them coming.

Love the man cave too, she's a beaut!!!

QLD, 3954 posts
8 Apr 2013 11:14AM
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Loving the look of this board.

I built one with the same idea. Long story short it's now pretty much my go to board regardless. Paddles well in sweep and swell, trims in small junk.

Had a great surf on it yesterday in nice peaky beachies.

You wont regret building this board, be ready to sell the rest though. Photos have been posted before, sorry for the repeat....

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
8 Apr 2013 1:15PM
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CMC said...
Photos have been posted before, sorry for the repeat....

No need to apologise for that CMC - how would Mac get on if he could not re-post his Mac pics a thousand times

Thanks for the updates Dr Funk - this thread rocks.


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"single pin build" started by Dr Funk