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Forums > Surfing Longboarding

the official beer garden experiment movie

Created by chrispychru > 9 months ago, 8 Aug 2012
Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
22 Aug 2012 10:59PM
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obct said...

Does anyone know if the following would be possible in the editing?

You've got the camera mounted on the board, and rather than take it of after a sesh, you keep it on as you put the board on the roof, obviously with the cam upside down, and you drive to the next beach with the cam running.

You then get the upside down footage, and edit it so it's the right way up, speed it up and show the journey from one break to another.

Is that doable?

Probably if its nicely secured - alternatively just hold out the window. I told Chrispy the other day that I will make a hand pole for the Contour from the plumming section at Bunnings. Makes for a lot better shots out of the water (can be used in the water as well) as you can hold the camera steady. I will send it up to Chrispy once I make it this w/e. I made one for my machine which is clearly vastly inferior to the CONTOUR and it works a treat - shaky footage sucks.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
22 Aug 2012 10:59PM
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chrispychru said...
one problem with me talking is that i wont stop

+ 1

WA, 24860 posts
22 Aug 2012 9:11PM
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Ted the Kiwi said...

chrispychru said...
one problem with me talking is that i wont stop

+ 1

I have to agree with Ted

NSW, 3487 posts
23 Aug 2012 12:47AM
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62mac said...

Ted the Kiwi said...

chrispychru said...
one problem with me talking is that i wont stop

+ 1

I have to agree with Ted

Hey, I've never even met the chrispy one and I even know it's true

QLD, 7932 posts
23 Aug 2012 5:45AM
Thumbs Up

obct said...

62mac said...

Ted the Kiwi said...

chrispychru said...
one problem with me talking is that i wont stop

+ 1

I have to agree with Ted

Hey, I've never even met the chrispy one and I even know it's true

10980 posts
23 Aug 2012 7:46AM
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obct said...

Does anyone know if the following would be possible in the editing?

You've got the camera mounted on the board, and rather than take it of after a sesh, you keep it on as you put the board on the roof, obviously with the cam upside down, and you drive to the next beach with the cam running.

You then get the upside down footage, and edit it so it's the right way up, speed it up and show the journey from one break to another.

Is that doable?

I thought about that too, i was going to take it for a drive around town.Could you mount it on the dash somehow? mc Henry might have some ideas. Maybe a bit of the old gaff tape to the rear visions mirror.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
23 Aug 2012 9:51AM
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i will post some pics when I get home tonight of the pole mount I made for $7 from Bunnings. Works a treat.

4214 posts
23 Aug 2012 10:27AM
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Ted the Kiwi said...

i will post some pics when I get home tonight of the pole mount I made for $7 from Bunnings. Works a treat.

Thanks DJ.

SA, 1739 posts
23 Aug 2012 4:55PM
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For the footage on the surfboard on the car, you can just turn the lens so when its upside down it will film rightside up. Beauty of the Contour over the goPro. Yes you can speed the footage up no prob on editing software.

If you guys have any questions just email me and I can answer.

Super busy at work these days so limited time to go on. If you email me I will email back my mobile so you can just call, way easier.

NSW, 3487 posts
23 Aug 2012 5:37PM
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That would look cool, you turn on the Cam with the board sitting on the ground, you put it on the racks so everything is upside down, you reach up, put it the right way up and then drive to the next beach and do the opposite.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
23 Aug 2012 6:35PM
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Scotty88 said...

Ted the Kiwi said...

i will post some pics when I get home tonight of the pole mount I made for $7 from Bunnings. Works a treat.

Thanks DJ.

will be tom now as I am stuck in Sydney for another night sadly.....looks like te wharf bar in Manly is calling

4214 posts
23 Aug 2012 4:50PM
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Ted the Kiwi said...

Scotty88 said...

Ted the Kiwi said...

i will post some pics when I get home tonight of the pole mount I made for $7 from Bunnings. Works a treat.

Thanks DJ.

will be tom now as I am stuck in Sydney for another night sadly.....looks like te wharf bar in Manly is calling

Wharf bar or F3 in arvo peak ? - priceless.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
23 Aug 2012 6:55PM
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exactly.....was looking forward to getting home as its been a long week of work but sadly another meeting popped up for the morning and another at 1:30pm so decided to stick around and save my F3 adventure until tom at 2:30. Ahhhhh So the Wharf Bar wins by default. Love that place a little too much

NSW, 1132 posts
24 Aug 2012 11:25AM
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I have had several "brilliant ideas"............However back to the movie.(my segment)

My current idea is for the...

"The Second Inaugural Ripaquikbong Intergalactic Worlds Title Comp"

The comp is an invite only affair.

Invitees will be a mixture of....

Fat,over forty,unfit,****ed up middle age men trying to relive their youth
(you know who you are).
A fair few village idiots.

Entry fee...

If you don't know and it has to be explained your not invited.


Will be made up as I go along.
(Judges are open to bribes,Yes I am the only judge)

Contest and rules...

Both to be made up as I go along.
Judges decision is final.
(It can only be change if a better bribe comes along.)

Rule1;See above...
Rule2;Did you read rule1!!!.....
Rule3;****ed if I know........

To be held in what ever wave conditions I deem best for me to win.

Any excessive claiming of waves or hooting will be dealt with 1970/80s style grom abuse from other contestants.(Judges exempt).

Any invitee not seen in the Ripaquikbong Intergalactic Worlds Title Comp HQ tent
at least once during the comp will face a penalty of either..

a;Full nude beach run....(female contestants only)....(bonus double points)
b;Skull a warm beer....
c;Perform "spit the winkle"...........

Contestants who do not leave the tent during the comp will have to perform all three.

At some point all contestants will be expected to surf,regardless of condition.....Failure to do so...see above.

Bonus point for any blood spilt during the day.


Ripaquikbong Intergalactic Worlds Title Comp Champion

(That's it...there is no crown,no money...nothing........
(**** what did you all expect I made this **** up))

Entertainment on the day will be....

Any contestant that survives the tent and makes it to the surf and back.

The guy in the g string.......Yes the chrispychru is expected to make a showing.

The guy who will show up and make an asshole of him self.
(You know who you are) <<<note to self.

Special musical guests.....

Singing some very bad songs and out of tune ............

"pup and his ho's"

Appearing with pup......

Rhonda Rottenbox
Fat Agnes
Wanda Wobblethighs

The Ripaquikbong Intergalactic Worlds Title Comp HQ Tent


6657 posts
24 Aug 2012 4:42PM
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Priceless dungeon weed is bad shiz

QLD, 7932 posts
26 Aug 2012 6:16PM
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ok.....our movie is about to start in the high def contour camera world come wednesday at the clearwater super centre off surfboard excellence

i will be posting a few things on the facebook page the DUDE set up and contour page in the next week. a bit off board stuff and a small blurb from my local saying what this is about.

i want to say a few things but cannot as yet...but it will be good lads

so,get your spray tans going you bunch of kooks and lets make a fillum

10980 posts
28 Aug 2012 11:42AM
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So tomorrow it begins....?

What did you and Mr Del decide on shape wise Crisp?

QLD, 7932 posts
28 Aug 2012 3:37PM
Thumbs Up

SP said...


So tomorrow it begins....?

What did you and Mr Del decide on shape wise Crisp?

yep sp,the games start tomorrow. will sit down with steve and film us doing the custom order..i have the rest of the week of so will be playing with the camera as much as i can before the board gets shaped next week.

shape will be very user friendly as there are so many different skill levels,yet for those of you who can will have a blast.

..will post up some still pics and all the dims tomorrow night.

will post some footage on our facebook page and link it here on monday. also on the contour page as well.

have been a wee bit slack as of lack off time this week...but am back at full steam ahead again now

10980 posts
28 Aug 2012 6:07PM
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^^^^ sweet mate sound good....

6657 posts
28 Aug 2012 8:05PM
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chrispychru said...

SP said...


So tomorrow it begins....?

What did you and Mr Del decide on shape wise Crisp?

yep sp,the games start tomorrow. will sit down with steve and film us doing the custom order..i have the rest of the week of so will be playing with the camera as much as i can before the board gets shaped next week.

shape will be very user friendly as there are so many different skill levels,yet for those of you who can will have a blast.

..will post up some still pics and all the dims tomorrow night.

will post some footage on our facebook page and link it here on monday. also on the contour page as well.

have been a wee bit slack as of lack off time this week...but am back at full steam ahead again now

QLD, 7932 posts
31 Aug 2012 8:53PM
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update.....the clearwater factory is almost 100% finished and looks crazy,so steve is back making boards again...the man is a 150% burning the candles at both ends,yet will be posting up some info and what we can look forward to with the board shortly.


6657 posts
31 Aug 2012 6:58PM
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can't wait to see how our girl goes - fark it all .....I'm putting another Fiddy into the Kybosh ----> why not it's for a sweet Chrispycause innit
I'll do that on wednesday payday

QLD, 7932 posts
31 Aug 2012 9:04PM
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BulldogPup said...

can't wait to see how our girl goes - fark it all .....I'm putting another Fiddy into the Kybosh ----> why not it's for a sweet Chrispycause innit
I'll do that on wednesday payday

dont do that it for a carton when you get over here

6657 posts
31 Aug 2012 7:37PM
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fark it I'll do both hahahaha

NSW, 3487 posts
1 Sep 2012 12:05PM
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Had a word to one of my surf buddies this morning about having a go on it, he's keen, unlike me, no matter what the board turns out like, he will get a wave on it.

QLD, 7932 posts
1 Sep 2012 6:09PM
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sweet obct. get a few of your mates to surf it,the more the merrier

then get on the piss and let your wiked tongue unleash a part of your mind that would even inspire roy and hg

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
10 Sep 2012 11:33AM
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What the hell is happening here Chrispy - its all gone a bit quiet in recent times. Has the board been built yet? Is it in production? Is everyone still fired up? How is the sponsorship program coming along? Is there anything you would like help with / delegate?

SA, 1739 posts
10 Sep 2012 12:02PM
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I was wondering the same thing myself. My boss is keen to see some footage and I havent heard anything.

QLD, 7932 posts
10 Sep 2012 1:45PM
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Ted the Kiwi said...


What the hell is happening here Chrispy - its all gone a bit quiet in recent times. Has the board been built yet? Is it in production? Is everyone still fired up? How is the sponsorship program coming along? Is there anything you would like help with / delegate?

not quite mate. have a few sponsor conflicts atm.

well after speaking to a few breezers of the problems(they are good) i have made a executive decision

first problem i had was trying to keep everyones ideas as valid as the next persons. problem solved. so here it is...if anyone would like to add anything please let me know.

so this will be OUR movie...but made by me,i am the director and will tell all the beer garden actors what to do. i have done a semi script(hard to do a full one when you do not know what footage i will end up with)so i will be posting or speaking directly with all actors

second problem i keep it as a muck around with a movie for us..or do i make it all fancy and make a heap off coin. well after a lot of emails i believe i can make a fair bit of coin with a few suprises thrown in. it will become time consuming to do,yet i am looking forward to the challenge ahead.

i will make this a full production and try to make as much coin as possible as i have applied for a arts grant and it is looking very good atm that i will get it

this will be on television,radio and the internet, as they will also be sponsoring us to help raise awareness and money.

after a lot of talking and harassing people and with the potential sponsors lined up to all play their part...this will be one hell of a movie

so i need everyones yes or no..keep it small...or let chrispy live out his fantasy and go hard. if we go with the let me run with it,there will be updated video clips every week so we can all keep stoking(will not mean it will be in the movie though)

on the movie side,we will all have a copy off the un-edited version and only a edited version that is approved by everyone will be released if i receive an arts grant it does mean it will be entered into film festivals and such.

the board is going through the machine this week and will be posted early next week(ted might even shape it on saturday,so then next friday)

i have computer eyes now

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
10 Sep 2012 2:25PM
Thumbs Up

Its for a good cause so there can only be one response in my humble opinion


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"the official beer garden experiment movie" started by chrispychru