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Forums > Surfing Longboarding

whats happening in the Goddard shed

Created by arkgee > 9 months ago, 19 Aug 2012
NSW, 639 posts
6 Sep 2012 10:19PM
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well here it is thrill seekers...finished and humming...wish they were as easy to build as they have looked on this post...I must admit, I have at times thought I have bitten off more than I can chew...the build was not a problem, I could do it in my sleep...the documenting of the whole affair has been a chore to say the least with my poor computer skills...spellcheck not working and one finger typing, I need a break

hope you all have learnt something from it...even if now know were your hard earnt dollars are going when you order a custom built surfboard

maybe now you will understand why your local shaper gets a little grumpy at the sight of your new chopstick

some entrepeneur has gone to china and shown them what I have shown you over the last week or two....all to make some bucks...I now have emails from manufactures in china telling me they can manufacture my boards for less than what I can build them for it sustainable?...we will just have to wait and see...but I will be retired by then...going to the beach trying new toys every day so I dont really give a toss

old timers like me have whittled away over the years tweeking designs till they are with the aid of CNC machines complete non surfers can produce boards by the container load...riding on the backs of all the old of my favourite quotes, and I cant remember who said it...."surf design is from a long line of beggars and theives"

non surfers finishing off a rail!...what do they feel when they cup their hand over it?

will there allways be a little niche for guys like me...its getting harder all the time...and there are some beautifull boards being made...people doing great stuff

but I'm afraid its the power of the dollar....that board from china could go in the back of your car and you would have enough left over to buy a few cartons....hey that sounds good to me....just ask yourself first it a contemporary design with soul built in...or a cheap popout

"I may not know art...............but I know what I like and I love building boards

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
6 Sep 2012 10:21PM
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62mac said...

Pup get this forum under control.

Ring your mate RG and get some photos before I start posting in the 666 room.

pup you've got do do something about that ex prez continually undermining your authority.

you've seen what rudd has done to gillard, well this is BIGGER.

i recommend a couple of "large chaps" drop in for a cup of tea at the 62mac residence to discuss the weather and other 'problems'

well worth the money i reckon

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
6 Sep 2012 10:31PM
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RG I am sold !!!! I shall be coming for one of your eggs one day soon - just need to get one other purchase past the eyes of the Minister of War and Finance undetected.

Thanks so much for one of the best threads to ever hit the Grrenroom in my humble opinion - I have absolutely loved it.

Please keep up the good work

WA, 24860 posts
6 Sep 2012 8:33PM
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Ron for what its worth,this thread is the best in the history of this forum by a country mile.
Your craftsmanship is something to be very proud of and no, China will and could never make such a high quality board such as yours.

I forgive for not documenting The Pups new board but could you post progress photos .

Unreal stuff


NSW, 639 posts
6 Sep 2012 10:36PM
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swalkington said...

can we see a pic of the old pin tail as it is now RG?

35 years later...was a filthy favourite...ahead of its one was using 5" of nose could not buy a blank with that much lift so I would get them glued up with 2 stringers 11" apart and bend it in

NSW, 639 posts
6 Sep 2012 10:38PM
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the old logo

NSW, 639 posts
6 Sep 2012 10:42PM
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62mac said...

Ron for what its worth,this thread is the best in the history of this forum by a country mile.
Your craftsmanship is something to be very proud of and no, China will and could never make such a high quality board such as yours.

I forgive for not documenting The Pups new board but could you post progress photos .

Unreal stuff


pups will be more concise but informative just the same.

WA, 24860 posts
6 Sep 2012 8:45PM
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Looking forward to that one,when are you starting

So you have made another amazing HAND MADE board,so how will this be freighted to Tassie

6657 posts
6 Sep 2012 8:46PM
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Look Ronnie , I'll say on behalf of the Greenroom here , Thankyou so much for the education of Passion you've shown us in this brilliant thread ... as the Prez said above me here , it's right up there with the best threads ever imho .... resist the hordes mate , I'll be ordering a Traditional Log after mine is completed , as you say this type of hand crafted love may not be around forever .... Taz's LadyHawk is magnificent mate , sweet sweet girl!
Thanks mate - speak over the weekend if not before , I'm on nightshifts is all mate!

WA, 2520 posts
6 Sep 2012 9:01PM
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62mac said...

Ron for what its worth, this thread is the best in the history of this forum by a country mile. Your craftsmanship is something to be very proud of and no, China will and could never make such a high quality board such as yours.

Unreal stuff

Agreed 110%. Thank you.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
6 Sep 2012 11:06PM
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I am loving the look of that pin tail - it just seems to float effortlessly - a special board thats for sure

WA, 401 posts
6 Sep 2012 9:09PM
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What would you charge for a custom 9 foot mal RG?
My guess is you may get a few new customers. That board looks sick!
Wish I was a craftsman like yourself.

NSW, 7269 posts
6 Sep 2012 11:49PM
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What a great thread. That board has turned out very nice and the whole story with the process and pics were great. Enjoyed that heaps. Now for Pups stick.

QLD, 7932 posts
7 Sep 2012 6:24AM
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great read and great looking board. as the beastie boys would say mr goddard "you got the skillz to pay the billz"

on the china front...i do not believe that customs will die for the majority off surfers.
i think there will always be people who compare products by money alone,and for that market you will never change. yet for those who love to surf,well i cant see it happening.

now what do you think about people who can hand shape but use the cnc machines. like your dhd/bourtons etc?

once again kudos to you mr goddard

TAS, 2249 posts
7 Sep 2012 7:33AM
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swalkington said...

What would you charge for a custom 9 foot mal RG?
My guess is you may get a few new customers. That board looks sick!
Wish I was a craftsman like yourself.

Swalkington I will leave it to Ronnie to give you a price but I will say for the amount of work that has gone into that board and the quality of it IMO it is an absolute bargain

6657 posts
7 Sep 2012 5:35AM
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Have you got a fat Taz

TAS, 2249 posts
7 Sep 2012 7:36AM
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62mac said...

Looking forward to that one,when are you starting

So you have made another amazing HAND MADE board,so how will this be freighted to Tassie

Mac Ron has gone to the trouble of packing the Nimbus and the egg for the young fellow , and getting one of his mates to deliver it for me . Could not ask for a better service .

TAS, 2249 posts
7 Sep 2012 7:38AM
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BulldogPup said...

Have you got a fat Taz

, nice looking board , hope I can do it and Ronnie justice

Happy birthday to me , happy birthday to me . , great present Thanks Ron

Love the old Logo wonder why Ron changed it

6657 posts
7 Sep 2012 5:43AM
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A question maybe the maestro can answer tonight Taz ..... hope you enjoy mate , she looks wicked AND also hope the lad is stoked too , he'll be washing Dad's car and cleaning the surf gear up for a while I'm thinking

WA, 24860 posts
7 Sep 2012 5:44AM
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Tassiedevel said...
one of his mates to deliver it for me . Could not ask for a better service .

How good is that

6657 posts
7 Sep 2012 5:46AM
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62mac said...

Tassiedevel said...
one of his mates to deliver it for me . Could not ask for a better service .

How good is that

How good could it be for you

WA, 24860 posts
7 Sep 2012 5:51AM
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No idea you tell me

TAS, 2249 posts
7 Sep 2012 7:51AM
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BulldogPup said...

A question maybe the maestro can answer tonight Taz ..... hope you enjoy mate , she looks wicked AND also hope the lad is stoked too , he'll be washing Dad's car and cleaning the surf gear up for a while I'm thinking

I am pretty lucky Pup he is a great kid helps me at work so has earnt the board . Has saved his pocket money to pay for his own fins . Funny little bugger took out a school book called " how to make money " to try and make enough to pay for it himself , had to laugh . Future entrepreneur

6657 posts
7 Sep 2012 5:55AM
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62mac said...

No idea you tell me

I farken have been geez he's a temptress you have to give in , I'll do you a deal you buy that stick and I'll buy that McT you're trying to offload ... what are the dims again
Thats fair isn't it mate

6657 posts
7 Sep 2012 5:58AM
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Tassiedevel said...

BulldogPup said...

A question maybe the maestro can answer tonight Taz ..... hope you enjoy mate , she looks wicked AND also hope the lad is stoked too , he'll be washing Dad's car and cleaning the surf gear up for a while I'm thinking

I am pretty lucky Pup he is a great kid helps me at work so has earnt the board . Has saved his pocket money to pay for his own fins . Funny little bugger took out a school book called " how to make money " to try and make enough to pay for it himself , had to laugh . Future entrepreneur

thats great stuff mate , nice to hear , love those coulours heaps on the egg

TAS, 2249 posts
7 Sep 2012 8:19AM
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BulldogPup said...

Tassiedevel said...

BulldogPup said...

A question maybe the maestro can answer tonight Taz ..... hope you enjoy mate , she looks wicked AND also hope the lad is stoked too , he'll be washing Dad's car and cleaning the surf gear up for a while I'm thinking

I am pretty lucky Pup he is a great kid helps me at work so has earnt the board .

love those coulours heaps on the egg

Great colour scheme Pup would look unreal on a nice shiny new longboard

WA, 24860 posts
7 Sep 2012 6:29AM
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BulldogPup said...
I'll buy that McT you're trying to offload ... what are the dims again

I'm sure Lacey wants it

6657 posts
7 Sep 2012 6:30AM
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ah the master of avoiding the question thats our leader

TAS, 2249 posts
7 Sep 2012 8:34AM
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BulldogPup said...

ah the master of avoiding the question thats our leader

Are we referring to our dear prime minister Julier

6657 posts
7 Sep 2012 6:38AM
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Greenroom Prime Minister Mac - I like that got a nice ring to it Taz


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"whats happening in the Goddard shed" started by arkgee