Forums > Surfing Longboarding

whats happening in the Goddard shed

Created by arkgee > 9 months ago, 19 Aug 2012
WA, 24860 posts
19 Sep 2012 7:31PM
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Oh come on RG now your just teasing us.More please and some insight into the artwork,tint I guess

10979 posts
19 Sep 2012 7:47PM
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arkgee said...

hey pup here you you can see by the rack (I love a good rack ) I've been busy but yours is all good...colour in the flesh is much better.....its a sweet looking sky blue.

Wow, nice rack of boards there, midlength thing look good, like the blue one how big is that 1 RG ? More phots if ya can...

NSW, 639 posts
19 Sep 2012 9:49PM
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62mac said...

Oh come on RG now your just teasing us.More please and some insight into the artwork,tint I guess

not really a tint mac...I call them semi there is a lot of white in them which gives them a milky can still see the stringer but its cloudy

WA, 24860 posts
19 Sep 2012 7:53PM
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Yep I like the milk effect,more more pic's if you have the time sure looks like your one busy man

NSW, 639 posts
19 Sep 2012 10:27PM
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Select to expand quote

Wow, nice rack of boards there, midlength thing look good, like the blue one how big is that 1 RG ? More phots if ya can...

havnt any other photos as yet...will try to post more...the midlenght you mentioned is a new model I am working on called "all that jazz"...its interesting...8"2" quad...masterflex stingerless with continious rovings through the centre... the whole board flexes like a fishing rod...the blue is a pygmy..6'0"

6657 posts
19 Sep 2012 8:57PM
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Looking real nice Ronnie thanks for the time taken mate - cheers

TAS, 2249 posts
22 Sep 2012 8:19PM
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Had to laugh this afternoon

Got the new nimbus out putting the fins in , the young fellow is sitting there watching and says dad when you get too old for surfing can I have that board . I say yep mate , so when do you reckon that will be

He comes back oh maybe next week

Sh.t I'm not that old yet

10979 posts
22 Sep 2012 6:29PM
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Tassiedevel said...

Had to laugh this afternoon

Got the new nimbus out putting the fins in , the young fellow is sitting there watching and says dad when you get too old for surfing can I have that board . I say yep mate , so when do you reckon that will be

He comes back oh maybe next week

Sh.t I'm not that old yet

Cheeky little Grom... .
So is tomorrow the first surf, how was the trout fishing?

TAS, 2249 posts
22 Sep 2012 8:54PM
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Trout fishing went well SP , caught enough for a few good meals even caught a couple of giant freshwater lobsters which we threw straight back in due to the $10000 fine for catching them . nice to be back home to a nice warm shower and my own bed

Was planning on getting out tomorrow depending on how much swell comes through .Looked pretty flat this afternoon

TAS, 2249 posts
23 Sep 2012 8:23PM
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Took the Nimbus out for it's 1 st run this afternoon .very very happy with it .in pretty messy 3-4 foot beach break caught every wave I went for and rode every wave through to the beach .

Looks great with the timber fins in .

6657 posts
26 Sep 2012 3:44AM
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Time for some more Coffs nectar I believe RG

WA, 24860 posts
26 Sep 2012 6:00AM
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Morning Pup no sleep hey

Yes it must be close to finishing and some pic's would be a bonus

6657 posts
26 Sep 2012 6:20AM
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62mac said...

Morning Pup no sleep hey

Yes it must be close to finishing and some pic's would be a bonus

Owls looking over the forum we are .......... Tedious nightshifts mate

Dr Funk
NSW, 348 posts
26 Sep 2012 11:17AM
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Great thread! A few of us have been building some boards lately and its great to see some tricks of the trade to make it easier. Love the resin work, Its my favourite part of the whole build.........I hate the sanding!

WA, 24860 posts
26 Sep 2012 9:25AM
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BulldogPup said...

62mac said...

Morning Pup no sleep hey

Yes it must be close to finishing and some pic's would be a bonus

Owls looking over the forum we are .......... Tedious nightshifts mate

not the only owls mate I see red wank is back

WA, 24860 posts
26 Sep 2012 9:58AM
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I love it
Anyway lets not ruin a great thread

WA, 24860 posts
26 Sep 2012 10:01AM
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Dr Funk said...

Great thread! A few of us have been building some boards lately and its great to see some tricks of the trade to make it easier. Love the resin work, Its my favourite part of the whole build.........I hate the sanding!

just had a look some unreal stuff you boys are making

WA, 24860 posts
27 Sep 2012 1:35PM
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NSW, 639 posts
29 Sep 2012 8:57AM
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John has your board now pup...won't be long now...just if you thought I was being slack

WA, 24860 posts
29 Sep 2012 7:04AM
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Hey some more nice stuff RG,any pictures of Pups finished stick

6657 posts
29 Sep 2012 7:28AM
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No sweat Ronnie , I saw that pile of blanks in the last batch of pics - realised you had a christload of work mate .... looking forward to seeing the new girl though!
Cheers from da Pup

NSW, 639 posts
29 Sep 2012 9:30AM
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62mac said...

Hey some more nice stuff RG,any pictures of Pups finished stick


WA, 24860 posts
29 Sep 2012 8:07AM
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I want to see what Pup has come up with

Oh only pic's of the board mid rack with red strip and what is it

NSW, 639 posts
3 Oct 2012 3:30PM
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just picked up pups...too windy to take photos outside so I grabbed a few shots inside before "she who must be obeyed" gets home...will get some more exotic shots when weather improves...colour reproduction is pretty good inside though....thanks for your patience have been a pleasure to work with.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
3 Oct 2012 3:34PM
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Beautiful - another one from the master craftsman. I am sure Pup will be frothing now!!!!

Hey Pup - looks like you have the same fin as me!

6657 posts
3 Oct 2012 1:34PM
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mouth open moment

Ronnie that has come out deadset sweet as ..... thankyou mate also for putting her up for us

WA, 24860 posts
3 Oct 2012 1:45PM
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I know my stalker will red me

What an amazing piece of art,wonderful workmanship

6657 posts
3 Oct 2012 2:11PM
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WA, 24860 posts
3 Oct 2012 2:20PM
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Awesome board Pup you must be stoked

QLD, 7932 posts
3 Oct 2012 4:55PM
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what a beautiful blue...same colour as a type 3 vw i owned i got a wee bit excited when i saw her...well done mr goddard

pup you a lucky man


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"whats happening in the Goddard shed" started by arkgee