Forums > Surfing Longboarding

whats happening in the Goddard shed

Created by arkgee > 9 months ago, 19 Aug 2012
QLD, 7932 posts
3 Oct 2012 4:56PM
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arkgee said...
just picked up pups...too windy to take photos outside so I grabbed a few shots inside before "she who must be obeyed" gets home...will get some more exotic shots when weather improves...colour reproduction is pretty good inside though....thanks for your patience have been a pleasure to work with.

really needed to be near the top

6657 posts
3 Oct 2012 3:14PM
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Ted the Kiwi said...
Beautiful - another one from the master craftsman. I am sure Pup will be frothing now!!!!

Hey Pup - looks like you have the same fin as me!

aren't rhey just sweet sweet things Ted , took the opportunity without hesitation - mste I am rapt with how good RG got this board , shape is unreal

chrispy yeah man I thought for hours & hours how to get it happening right and now I can't wait to see what you have coming from Steve going to be a good month of spring

Now for a Silk more Traditional Log girl to round it out sweet

NSW, 7269 posts
3 Oct 2012 10:39PM
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Beautiful stick there Pup. Looks a good all rounder. Love that black pigment ball too You must be hangin to get your feet on it.

6657 posts
3 Oct 2012 9:32PM
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smh said...
Beautiful stick there Pup. Looks a good all rounder. Love that black pigment ball too You must be hangin to get your feet on it.

Thanks mate , Ronnie G crafted another beauty & I'm stoked with this girl Yeah

WA, 24860 posts
3 Oct 2012 9:38PM
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So Pup when and how will it get to you

WA, 24860 posts
3 Oct 2012 9:39PM
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11 footer is it possible Pup

Heavy tint single fin

6657 posts
3 Oct 2012 9:41PM
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RG may have someone and looking at it , otherwise I pick her up in December Mac

6657 posts
3 Oct 2012 9:44PM
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62mac said...
11 footer is it possible Pup

Heavy tint single fin

Good question , I'll ask for sure stylemaster actually I'll post up a question too

10979 posts
3 Oct 2012 9:44PM
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chrispychru said...
arkgee said...
just picked up pups...too windy to take photos outside so I grabbed a few shots inside before "she who must be obeyed" gets home...will get some more exotic shots when weather improves...colour reproduction is pretty good inside though....thanks for your patience have been a pleasure to work with.

really needed to be near the top

To put it bluntly....

I'd **** that....... That is awesome pup...... Great work RG...

Why the black mark? Is that cause you always had one next to your name at school

6657 posts
3 Oct 2012 9:48PM
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can you craft an 11 footer for the Mad Dog Mac

Heavy Tint with Single Fin (7 1/2 or 8 inch)

Genuine enquiry

6657 posts
3 Oct 2012 9:50PM
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SP said...
chrispychru said...
arkgee said...
just picked up pups...too windy to take photos outside so I grabbed a few shots inside before "she who must be obeyed" gets home...will get some more exotic shots when weather improves...colour reproduction is pretty good inside though....thanks for your patience have been a pleasure to work with.

really needed to be near the top

To put it bluntly....

I'd **** that....... That is awesome pup...... Great work RG...

Why the black mark? Is that cause you always had one next to your name at school

data dot ID I'll know it anywhere cheers mate

WA, 24860 posts
3 Oct 2012 9:50PM
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11 foot x ? x ? easy knee high paddle in rides for miles type of board

NSW, 7269 posts
4 Oct 2012 12:22AM
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62mac said...
11 foot x ? x ? easy knee high paddle in rides for miles type of board

I saw an article on Skip Frye with his huge boards. He calls it cross country surfing.
Wegener had a bit about it on his old site once surfing Noosa river mouth but the boards were 16 footers
I reckon RG would give you a good heads up on dimensions but from what Ive been looking at around 24 - 24 1\2 inches wide 3 1/2 thick. Get a ride on a big Spazz board next time your down there.
I'm still interested in that 11 foot Tak. Would be heaps of fun to ride.

NSW, 639 posts
4 Oct 2012 7:56AM
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62mac said...
11 foot x ? x ? easy knee high paddle in rides for miles type of board

no problem Mac.....thats my "stylemaster" model...done a few they are real section connecters...great for those long waves up your way

NSW, 946 posts
4 Oct 2012 2:06PM
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smh said...
62mac said...
11 foot x ? x ? easy knee high paddle in rides for miles type of board

I saw an article on Skip Frye with his huge boards. He calls it cross country surfing.
Wegener had a bit about it on his old site once surfing Noosa river mouth but the boards were 16 footers
I reckon RG would give you a good heads up on dimensions but from what Ive been looking at around 24 - 24 1\2 inches wide 3 1/2 thick. Get a ride on a big Spazz board next time your down there.
I'm still interested in that 11 foot Tak. Would be heaps of fun to ride.

yer mac, make a trip down to byron again and take 1 of my 2 11fts out for a trail, u wanna have some idea obviously. IMO at that size you cant afford to get something that isnt perfect for you. You are a big guy so you will be able to cope i believe with a large board, but things like square vs round pin, also rolled bottom?, flat? all things you need to consider. Fins you can change obviously if you go for a box

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
4 Oct 2012 4:07PM
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His biggest issue Big Spazz will be the rails and the graphics. I hear he likes a reactive board and obviously the bigger the board the more the flex

NSW, 946 posts
4 Oct 2012 4:30PM
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Ted the Kiwi said...
His biggest issue Big Spazz will be the rails and the graphics. I hear he likes a reactive board and obviously the bigger the board the more the flex

ohhhhh gawd, forget george clooney and his reactive boards lol 10ft and over there aint no reactiveness like to see mac convert to old school rolled bottom hatchet fin with a heavy glass job and 11ft. No leg rope of course :)

WA, 6913 posts
4 Oct 2012 2:44PM
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BulldogPup said...
RG may have someone and looking at it , otherwise I pick her up in December Mac

OMG i haven't looked in this one for a bit. But what a board Pup

Oh and you've got to be happy when your shaper has your hand shaped board in his own house. Looking at those picks Ronnie took, i was half expecting to see a few of him in a compromised position with it

Very nice

WA, 24860 posts
4 Oct 2012 2:50PM
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BigSpazz said...
Ted the Kiwi said...
His biggest issue Big Spazz will be the rails and the graphics. I hear he likes a reactive board and obviously the bigger the board the more the flex

ohhhhh gawd, forget george clooney and his reactive boards lol 10ft and over there aint no reactiveness like to see mac convert to old school rolled bottom hatchet fin with a heavy glass job and 11ft. No leg rope of course :)

your just wanting me to turn all hipster

10979 posts
4 Oct 2012 3:19PM
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BigSpazz said...
Ted the Kiwi said...
His biggest issue Big Spazz will be the rails and the graphics. I hear he likes a reactive board and obviously the bigger the board the more the flex

ohhhhh gawd, forget george clooney and his reactive boards lol 10ft and over there aint no reactiveness like to see mac convert to old school rolled bottom hatchet fin with a heavy glass job and 11ft. No leg rope of course :)

Accesorised with the A1 hipster pack. Includes,
A polaroid camera, leather over the shoulder "satchel", including a book on how to start your own blog.

A fashion Pack Including a shell necklace and assorted braclets, A captains hat, boat shoes,a floral shirt and a beaver tail for the colder days... Did i miss anything, you can also get the evening wear, Jeans or White slacks, black Tshirt, a suit jacket and a scarf, pointy shoes not included

Mac you will have to grow your own pencil style moustache or bushman beard.. and Id be thinking a 1967 Rudy red valiant for you... youre to cool for one of those japanese vans

10979 posts
4 Oct 2012 3:23PM
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youd be super hip if you started dressing like Charlie..

this is my new avatar too....

QLD, 7932 posts
4 Oct 2012 5:44PM
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SP said...
youd be super hip if you started dressing like Charlie..

this is my new avatar too....

NSW, 3487 posts
4 Oct 2012 6:38PM
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SP said...
BigSpazz said...
Ted the Kiwi said...
His biggest issue Big Spazz will be the rails and the graphics. I hear he likes a reactive board and obviously the bigger the board the more the flex

ohhhhh gawd, forget george clooney and his reactive boards lol 10ft and over there aint no reactiveness like to see mac convert to old school rolled bottom hatchet fin with a heavy glass job and 11ft. No leg rope of course :)

Accesorised with the A1 hipster pack. Includes,
A polaroid camera, leather over the shoulder "satchel", including a book on how to start your own blog.

A fashion Pack Including a shell necklace and assorted braclets, A captains hat, boat shoes,a floral shirt and a beaver tail for the colder days... Did i miss anything, you can also get the evening wear, Jeans or White slacks, black Tshirt, a suit jacket and a scarf, pointy shoes not included

Mac you will have to grow your own pencil style moustache or bushman beard.. and Id be thinking a 1967 Rudy red valiant for you... youre to cool for one of those japanese vans


You stole my look

WA, 401 posts
4 Oct 2012 6:01PM
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Pup...that blue board has given me slight wood..,,,

QLD, 1538 posts
4 Oct 2012 8:03PM
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Love it Pup. Stoked for you. Great colour too

TAS, 2249 posts
7 Oct 2012 9:28PM
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pics of the nimbus after its 1st surf .
sorry the pics arent great as you can see I was having too much fun didnt want to get out until it was getting dark ,

almost too dark for pics

6657 posts
7 Oct 2012 9:45PM
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Looks great Taz , cheers for the post up mate

TAS, 2249 posts
8 Oct 2012 8:34AM
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Yours looks very similar in shape and I assume performance to mine Pup .

When do you get to play with it .

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
8 Oct 2012 8:37AM
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So Tassie I think it must be time for a review on yr new board!!!!!! Hows your son getting on with his new stick?

TAS, 2249 posts
8 Oct 2012 9:02AM
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Ted the Kiwi said...
So Tassie I think it must be time for a review on yr new board!!!!!! Hows your son getting on with his new stick?

New board is going great Ted . It's a real alrounder .in 4 foot beaches has been the most fun so far , 2 foot gentle point breaks no worries , even got up the nose a few times a 1 st for me .

The young fellow has yet to try his board out .Only got the fins for it last week .We went to the west coast with the boards for the weekend but it was way to cold ( f...cking freezing) and wild for him . Forecast for all this week is no surf could be a while before he gets out

Will try and get some decent pics to post


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"whats happening in the Goddard shed" started by arkgee