Theres a quaterly out called Paper Sea. Its $10 and is more like a book. groovy stories and pictures. Drifts away from surfing but always holds a coastal aspect. Really good gear.
Bought one called Foam Symmetry, very arty and well its garbage.
$10 bucks worth of metro sexuals riding longboards and fishes, I think I will stick to SW and ASL.
Haha, you should posted that in the LB room, few readers of it in there.. But .i agree I bought it and nice photos but that was where it ended for me..
Best one around IMO is SW, I also read Stab occasionally, hey it's still got nude chicks, and is only $5. Then I'd say tracks then ASL.
Surfers path is good.
But i think the age of good Mags is gone, I can get nearly all the stuff online and not have to wait a month. But nothing beats opening the crisp new pages of a Good surf mag.
thanks Doggie was speaking to a photog for that mag. i had never heard of it or saw it, thanx for saving me the money i owe you a beer mate
I think ASL lost it when Tim Baker and Derek Reilly moved on
As for their cartoonist at the time "Collins" absolute gold
When surfers ruled the world was one cartoon that comes to mind
With political correctness and the big companies paying the bills they'd probably all lose their jobs if they carried on with the same humor these days
Today seems very polished and professional
I think because surfers today cross such a wide section of society they have to try and cater for a very wide range of tastes
The result is Boring
That's why I'd rather read people talk sh$t on seabreeze
Come on guy's you make me laugh, the tread is about surf magazines...they meant to talk about surf no tits.... playboy maybe show a few !!!
Most of the magazines these days have lots of advertising and crap and a few pages of surf = waste of money.... That collection of tracks it is amazing i have to say. SW and Surfers path they are not too bad comparing, worth reading and spending the money
Sent the pics of to a few of the Eds of the mag from the past.....
Got this back......
"Your collection is ludicrous you realise... way past being extraordinary or merely impressive... and I love the picture of you and your dog..."
Never has the pile of paper been described so eloquently or accurately.....
I normally like asl, but just got the new look mag today and its crap. Its gone like waves mag with heaps of photos of guys doing aerials. Give me a big barrel photos anyday.
Surfing World is so much better than the others its not even funny.
Hey crew check out this link its a free online surf mag, has some joy high def photos and good short read articles ( go down from the top to features ).This is where the future lies as far as magazines go!
"About Drift Surfing
Drift Surfing is the new incarnation of a once modest British magazine started about seven years ago. Now exclusively online, the idea is to create an open venue for shared creative output, focusing on what's happening both in and out of the water. We seek out the perspectives of innovators, instigators, inventors and icons in hopes of gaining a broader perspective on the continually changing culture surrounding surfing."
Dude if you ever need to get rid off that collection, you would be much better off giving it to me than burning it.
I used to have a decent collection of tracks, but it ended up in the bin. It was a day I regret
Yeah, Its funny a lot of people have made the offer to take the mags.
Have added you to the got no hope ....hahahahjahaha
Dude, I wish I could help, I know I had a few of those surfing snaps mags, and I did have the Calender (The oldies owned a newsagency)
When I left home my mum threw them all out (Along with two old Al Bean surfboards)
Hope someone can help you out
I had the full collection of the Freak Brothers, ex wife ditched them on a clean up when I was away for the weekend.
What's worse, they belonged to a mate.
I just bought Foam Symetry, it was a great read and cool photos, but at $10 its a gamble to try a new thing.
Got this one some where definitely ... I'll let you know
I would be stoked if you did have it......beers for you
$10 say's that the missus had a clean out last week and got rid of all your old surf mags......