Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Avtar For Loner!!!

Created by KEARNSY > 9 months ago, 1 Feb 2008
WA, 1321 posts
1 Feb 2008 5:54PM
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Loner, Its time mate!!!

We're giving you 48 hrs to post an avtar on your profile or I we find one for you!

If you have any problems Im sure we can find one for you mmuahahahahaaaa

WA, 122 posts
1 Feb 2008 9:50PM
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KEARNSY said...

Loner, Its time mate!!!

We're giving you 48 hrs to post an avtar on your profile or I we find one for you!

If you have any problems Im sure we can find one for you mmuahahahahaaaa


!!! And there lies the LONER AVTAR COMPETITION.
A first and only prize of the famed Blues Band LONER's preview EP release and subsequent full 12 track original Blues CD recording by the band will be awarded to the winning entry AVTAR for Loner - the Sea Breeze Forum member.

Conditions : The winning Loner AVTAR should reflect Loner and his personality.
Description of Loner : He keeps forgetting his car keys , and one morning , he spent 1 hour trying to find his right foot sock, after putting both sox
on his left foot.
He's always getting himself into trouble just like Mr. Bean, and Fred Spencer who is the guy on the TV show "Some Mothers Do Have 'em "
He's a bit of a dinasour, but these days his loving wife looks after him and tells him excatly what to do every day.
Contrasting to all that, ( he boasts ), get him out in the surf on a good day, right conditions , and another side of his Dr. Jeckyl / Mr Hyde character reveals itself.

WA, 7608 posts
2 Feb 2008 12:31AM
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WA, 7608 posts
2 Feb 2008 12:33AM
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WA, 7608 posts
2 Feb 2008 12:37AM
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WA, 1321 posts
2 Feb 2008 2:18AM
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WA, 1321 posts
2 Feb 2008 2:24AM
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WA, 1321 posts
2 Feb 2008 2:28AM
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Here ya go mate. So I figure you got till Sunday arvo, this should be interesting....
First prize looks allright eh?

WA, 1321 posts
2 Feb 2008 2:34AM
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Haha this is great!

WA, 7608 posts
2 Feb 2008 11:59AM
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KEARNSY said...

I saw this image but thought it was very depressing.
But I like it though. It says a million words. Great photography

WA, 122 posts
2 Feb 2008 7:38PM
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Greenroom said...

a classic Greenroom. You is definately contender !!

WA, 122 posts
2 Feb 2008 7:41PM
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KEARNSY said...

Here ya go mate. So I figure you got till Sunday arvo, this should be interesting....
First prize looks allright eh?

Kearnsy, .....I'm touched....that photo is me. It's what I do a lot.
Hey, at my age I cherish every moment. .. nice one.

WA, 122 posts
2 Feb 2008 7:48PM
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Greenroom said...

KEARNSY said...

I saw this image but thought it was very depressing.
But I like it though. It says a million words. Great photography

Major depression is what I was once diagnosed with Greenroom.
Depression affects us all in it's various ugly ways. Check out my new Blues song :
Title track - " Keepin' It Down In The Hole " at / local Blues artists > Dave Simmons. That's what the song is all about.
Since I started surfing again a few years ago, that's where I've kept it, and that's where it will always and forever be.

WA, 1321 posts
2 Feb 2008 10:04PM
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OMG Look what I found Loner!! Could it really be you ya handsome devil????????

WA, 11 posts
2 Feb 2008 10:12PM
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How's this one David????

big gill
WA, 649 posts
3 Feb 2008 3:27PM
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WA, 122 posts
3 Feb 2008 10:36PM
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KEARNSY said...

OMG Look what I found Loner!! Could it really be you ya handsome devil????????

WA, 122 posts
3 Feb 2008 10:39PM
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KEARNSY said...

OMG Look what I found Loner!! Could it really be you ya handsome devil????????

Bang on , dead right Kearnsy !! That's one of the photo's for the new CD.

WA, 122 posts
3 Feb 2008 10:42PM
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Foxy said...

How's this one David????

Yes quite good but I grew out of that habit many years ago.
Mind you, if I'm on a bus, or in a crowded lift I might just surcumb out of boredom.

WA, 122 posts
3 Feb 2008 10:44PM
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big gill said...

Good one big gill.

WA, 122 posts
3 Feb 2008 10:46PM
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Loner said...

KEARNSY said...

OMG Look what I found Loner!! Could it really be you ya handsome devil????????

Bang on , dead right Kearnsy !! That's one of the photo's for the new CD.

One more week to go guys before the winner and runners up are announced for the prizes.

WA, 1321 posts
3 Feb 2008 11:02PM
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One more week to go??? The deal was 48 hours mate- we want prizes..............

WA, 122 posts
4 Feb 2008 4:14AM
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KEARNSY said...

One more week to go??? The deal was 48 hours mate- we want prizes..............

....48 hours huh. ..... ....well ok.
OK if I announce the winner / s now ? Thing is I've got 2 busy days tomrrow & Tuesday. Gotta see Music Lawyer tomorrow re my agent's " deal ".
And Tuesday doing my new website. I'm gonna be workin' all nights recording.

OK FOLKS !!!.... !!!

The winner of the Loner Avtar Competition is ....Kearnsy.
But hey EVERYONE GETS A PRIZE on this one !!!
6 original Blues tracks on CD. " Keepin' It Down In The Hole. " For whoever would like a preview 6 track CD, just email me a postal address to my direct email which is
But as Kearnsy's the winner, he'll get the full CD of 12 tracks when the CD is released in June..maybe before depending on how I go, plus a CD recorded in '98. Moodswingers live 'n' Lo Fi.
Kearnsy if you do the same I'll send you the 2 CDs .
I can't give you guys pro printed CD booklets etc, but I'll make something up.
I do like the Freo shot . The one of me outside Munchies in Freo.
Interesting story on that one. I did a few gigs at the pub across the road which used to be called The Australia Tavern. It was a pretty rough dive.
Had a fairly harrowing night there a few years ago when we thought there was a bunch of guys after our pay.

WA, 11 posts
4 Feb 2008 5:34PM
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Whoa, way to go Kearnsy....what a score! Aren't you a lucky boy

WA, 1321 posts
4 Feb 2008 11:17PM
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Woohoo thanks mate Now lets have that Avtar posted!

QLD, 1628 posts
5 Feb 2008 4:23PM
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Not really an avatar for loner .But she's just so lovely

WA, 122 posts
6 Feb 2008 11:55AM
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KEARNSY said...

Woohoo thanks mate Now lets have that Avtar posted!

Got woken up by chain saw going next door.,, Avatar posted. time.
..if there's any way you guys would prefer to have your CDs got to you without having to worry about security , giving postal address etc , let me know.
I don't quite know how we'd do that though. ..?? Any suggests ?
Otherwise, my email address is above. cheers.

WA, 122 posts
6 Feb 2008 11:58AM
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stribo said...

Not really an avatar for loner .But she's just so lovely

..that's my sister stirbo. .......


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Avtar For Loner!!!" started by KEARNSY