Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Dolphin killed at Mettams

Created by Zuke > 9 months ago, 2 Jan 2013
WA, 1403 posts
6 Jan 2013 1:14PM
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jbshack said...
Cottesloe will be even safer now. State Government just announced it is spending ANOTHER $300000.00 to build a specific shark tower[}:)]

More tax payers money well spent

Just happens to be Colin barnets local beach as well

Dawn Patrol
WA, 1991 posts
6 Jan 2013 2:03PM
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Mask said...
Dawn Patrol said...
I think the problem has just been blown out of the water. With all these sightings this summer they are obviously out there.

No one has been eaten this summer. The choppers only see about 17% of the sharks (apparently) so they miss a lot. If they wanted to eat us and were rioting killing machines, we'd be getting attacked more often.

I still think if you aren't prepared to risk it (which is still a tiny risk), there's plenty of swimming pools in Perth.

How the feck do you surf, SUP, Kite in a swimming pool?

Yeh precisely what Suba said.

Just get out there. Some days I might think it looks a little off and not go out (not just because of sharks). But that is the same with any sport involving mother nature.

It obviously isn't that bad because if it was noone would go surfing. It'd be stupid to paddle out if your odds were 50/50. But they aren't, and everyone here has accepted that the risk does not yet out way the benefit.

ps. Could probably SUP in a pool...[}:)]

8266 posts
6 Jan 2013 5:46PM
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62mac said...

Whoa that was interesting to see the huge amount of people who have been attacked in NSW & QLD. We consider WA to be the shark hot spot in Oz coz we have the highest amount of fatalities of 5 in that 10 month period. Its easy to see where researchers get their point of view of increased numbers in the water attributing to the number of attacks based on state by state data.

However personally I don't think that standpoint holds true with WA. Outside of Perth I don't think there are really heaps more people surfing places which mightt otherwise go unsurfed that day & everywhere there has been a WA surfing related attack. It has been a spot that has had people surfing it on a regular basis.

Researches or as I see them...people regurgitating the same old BS they've read or credited from someone elses to take simple facts I mentioned above into account. They constantly come out with these statistical quotes like the bloke at the end of this ACA have a 1 in 300,000 chance of being attacked by a shark...what, who me or my wife. I'm in the water at least 4 times a week, my wife not so often lol & not 2-3.5 hours at the back of some reefbreak.

They calculate this statistical BS based upon the population of Australia & the number of attacks for some unspecified amount of time...When if you were to determine the number of people who regularly frequent the beach & use that figure to make the same calculation using what I would say is a very high number of attacks in NSW & QLD. You would not get 1/300,000.

I'm tired of hearing people like that guy at the end of this story downplaying the seriousness of this issue & the gullible people who fall for their BS.

WA, 2154 posts
6 Jan 2013 5:55PM
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And I'm tired of listening to people having a sook about what really is a non issue.

You guys act like you're forced against your will into shark infested waters. What ever happened to surfers being watermen that respected the ocean?

You guys must watch too much ACA and Today Tonight.
"Serial killers on out beaches"
"Predators terrorize swimmers"
"Sharks lurking in our waters"

An so on. You lap it up like a bogan laps up ice coffee.

A healthy respect for sharks and what they can do is one thing, but all this histeria it's just unbelievable.

WA, 1403 posts
6 Jan 2013 6:08PM
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jbshack said...
bakesy said...
should have just red thumbed it eh soley? But really enjoy the discussion and input side of this forum and can't abide those that really think we should cull or those that don't get that we are witnessing major changes to the ecosystem. I trust science and those that study the ocean to help us all work through this and to perhaps make our coastline a bit safer.

I know you don't like me to reply to your posts as my english skills aren't up to your standard but i agree most of your post.

But the problem is the scientists are saying shark numbers are lower then ever. They are also saying there is a complete imbalance in our eco system as well but that the answer isn't to kill more sharks. I agree with both of those ideals and if you agree with the scientists you'd agree with me.

Comercial fisherman who have something to gain from re starting commercial fishing for sharks have a agenda, but they say there are more sharks then ever. I cant find any scientists who say they agree with culling but i do often read on here about remarks made about the so called scientists, or the comments made to Suba who is at this moment studying sharks, claiming he and his science is wet behind the ear. So what scientists do we listen to? Do we google the online experts? That was my point.

As for my point about the government and spending, well no one seems to care that they are throwing thousands, no millions of dollars at this and doing absolutely nothing. I have been in talks with another interesting party lately (he confirmed my ideas to me) and to say the depth of miss handling of this problem by our state government is a joke is a understatement of biblical pre portions. Soon a few people (I hope) will be left with massive amounts of trouble. But only if the public can let go of the emotional side of the argument and look more at the facts and risks

Sorry i did type this and my last posts on a i phone so it could be worse than normal But we cant all be school teachers[}:)]

The thing is JB, although I applaud Suba and his youthful enthusiasm, and the end of the day he is a uni student. Nothing wrong with that (I was one once), however when I think back to my time at university my aspirations massively outweighed my abilities. It's taken me 15 years of experience to work out how little I knew when I was at uni, and more to the point how little I know now. Scientists can be an unpractical bunch, and rarely are able to turn theory into application (thats an engineer ;-) ha ha). I would hesitate to blindly follow some so called expert who sits in his office theorizing (and no I am not talking about Suba, more about his lecturers and academics who call themselves experts). There is clearly more whites out there and the risk has increased of attack in WA). If you chose to believe scientists, then you will know that a recent research paper confirmed this. Peace everyone.(and no offence Suba I don't know you so I can only really comment on my own experience at university).

8266 posts
6 Jan 2013 6:14PM
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subasurf said...
And I'm tired of listening to people having a sook about what really is a non issue.

You guys act like you're forced against your will into shark infested waters. What ever happened to surfers being watermen that respected the ocean?

You guys must watch too much ACA and Today Tonight.
"Serial killers on out beaches"
"Predators terrorize swimmers"
"Sharks lurking in our waters"

An so on. You lap it up like a bogan laps up ice coffee.

Look mate...I know what your studying & it would be great if you could attempt to think outside of the box. Do the figures for yourself, think for yourself & do the right thing for when you finish your studies. When I was your age I didn't give a fark about sharks either. I got payed out big time when I was 24 for paddling across from Cactus mainbreak to caves by a local coz apparently the middle ground was infested by sharks. I've been surfing a long time & the last 5 or 6 years have been very bad for shark attacks compared to the 80's/90's...I'm trying my best to get something done about it. I mainly only watch the abc news at 7 & don't drink coffee...from my pov, most of the media coverage I see is tainted with people constantly making out its a non issue or just a freak turn of events. I'm taking things from the pov of just how many people have been killed in the last 10 years compared to the previous 20. I simply do not beleive great whites should be protected, when most other marine life is not. Thats my stance, I can respect your beleifs too & won't bother with the silly red thumb ****e...words speak louder ; )

WA, 2154 posts
6 Jan 2013 6:28PM
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Can't really be bothered getting into this too thoroughly, but you guys should really put my study and work experience with sharks aside in these arguments. Everyone else brings up my experience (or lack of in some peoples eyes) far more than I do.

Regardless of whether I was pursuing a career in marine research and conservation, I would have the exact same opinion.

I say all these things as someone who goes in the water, not as an arm chair scientist confined to his office and books. I'd argue the fact that I am probably in the water than most of you guys. That's not a bragging right, but it's just likely given the position I am in at the moment.

In saying that, I am just as likely or unlikely to be attacked as any of you guys, if not more. I was there when the Wedge incident happened. I was meters from that Tiger Shark yesterday according to the lifesaver on the jetski that came out to me. I've been in the water with White Sharks, admittedly, against my wishes.

Put aside the fact that I go to university and am involved in research. It's irrelevant to how I feel on the topic.

I don't know about the rest of you guys, but growing up in WA I was always aware of the potential risk from sharks when I went in the water, even as a little nipper and grom. I've always just considered it a fact of life if you're going to be an ocean user and a salty dog. I understand peoples concerns and apprehension, but I don't think anyone can defend the total histeria and overreaction of some people, driven by the media.

Yesterday with the Tiger Shark(s) was a prime example. Ch10 claimed to have spotted the shark at Trigg first and informed the SLA....bull5hit, that's not how it happened. They also claimed we were terrorised by the shark...also bull5hit, almost no one left the water even after the SLA guy on the jetski informed us of the situation. No one really cared, but boy did the media talk it up.

8266 posts
6 Jan 2013 6:49PM
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Yeah no worries career choices have been due to my love of the ocean also...& I'm very happy you go along with the higher risk of attack from spending more time in the water at least. I just want you on our side mate, because you should be. You have a greater chance in the future of making a difference than we do, coz you'll have the "shark expert" tag & could one day be in a position to make a difference.

WA, 933 posts
6 Jan 2013 6:57PM
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I was in the water not far from where the chopper came down below 20m a the crewman waved us out of the water, the guys on jet skis were informing us of the 3m tiger but there was no real push for anyone to get out NOW!!
I like the chopper and the ski and the fisheries boat being there as it lets you know where the shark is!!! When it turns away they all follow and we re enter the water

Was interesting to follow the news choppers when the area we surfed was cleared they flew up to a populated area to film all the "surfers refusing to leave the water" when the shark clearly was heading in the opposite direction

Was good surf too on Saturday , shizen from 6-8 ish then good from 8-10 am when spaghetti arms took over.....Bali tomorrow .....yehaaaaa dua bintang besar dingin sekali terima Kasi

654 posts
6 Jan 2013 6:57PM
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Research left me so empty, don't know how you do it Suba

^Careful with the drinks though Mocha!

WA, 933 posts
6 Jan 2013 7:01PM
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Bin tang only for wifey n me always. Poor kid passed on I hear RIP

WA, 2154 posts
6 Jan 2013 7:03PM
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Thanks Mick

I have to say though, I do think people have it a bit wrong when they think of shark/marine biologists in general. A lot of the experts are as salty as they come and spend plenty of time in the water. THey certainly aren't all bound by a chain to their books and numbers.

I'd love to see more cooperating between researches and commercial fisherman/ocean people because their observations and experience is worth taking notice of. But we then have to issue of many fisherman making claims based in what they see, without taking other things into account. An example is we get a lot of fisherman seeing lots more sharks around and claimin there is a population boom; but that is not a valid statement if you exclude all other reasons why people could be seeing sharks more.

Edit: mocha, I was probably right near you then. If you were ripping I probably have you on video too.

WA, 933 posts
6 Jan 2013 7:20PM
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Slater like I was Suba!!!
Where u with a mate on a board and another on a sponge, far nth scabs far sth trigg?

At the risk of hijacking the thread

Check out the photo of Nusa Dua today on Magic Seaweed

WA, 2154 posts
6 Jan 2013 7:21PM
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Yeah about that spot, but not with anyone. Wasn't on a board, was just in the water with flippers and a camera.

8266 posts
6 Jan 2013 7:30PM
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@Suba...True I surfed with Fiona from the North Beach facility a couple of times back in 2003 when she was up to do some crayfish study where I used to live (can't say apparently its secret lol)...the thing is I personally think when it comes to the crunch there is some pressure on staff from management to go with the "requires more research" answer rather than admitting their are more sharks & protection is no longer required. Like some unwritten policies & procedures in the event of (sharks) to ensure ongoing funding, thus ensuring ongoing employment...facts are, people are seeing more great whites...if they were endangered, if they were low in numbers. We would not be seeing them so often & this is worldwide. Not just local...but I honestly think this outlook on ensuring ongoing financial backing for research is the encumberment to effective change. I'm not against research, just backing for great white protection.

WA, 2154 posts
6 Jan 2013 7:36PM
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MickPC said...
...facts are, people are seeing more great whites...if they were endangered, if they were low in numbers. We would not be seeing them so often & this is worldwide. Not just local...but I honestly think ensuring ongoing financial backing for research is the encumberment to effective change. I'm not against research, just backing for great white protection.

I just think before we remove their protection status we need to really thoroughly look at why we're seeing more of them. I'm not convinced it's due to a increase in population; I truly believe there are other factors involved, such as food sources etc. We're seeing a lot of weird things lately.

Given the reproductive and growth rates of White Sharks, I just don't see there population booming quite the way people are claiming it has, given the short amount of time they've been protected for.

If they can prove that there is definitely a massive increase in the White Shark population then yes, by all means remove them from the protection list. However, I have concerns about the amount of meatheaded fisherman (the minority I know) that will go out looking for an set of trophy jaws to prove to his mates how awesome and manly he is. I think that will just send us straight back to the situation we had in the early and mid 90s. I think it would be unwise to repeat a mistake we made in the past.

8266 posts
6 Jan 2013 7:49PM
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Your probably right, a lot of sightings are probably being attributed as being great whites when some are probably other species...& of course I'm not quite right when I say other marine life are not protected. A lot of fish are these days with restrictions being put on the amount you are allowed to catch or the minimum size...I would be very happy with the protection of great whites removed, but a minimum size restriction on what your allowed to keep. I'm thinking about 2.9m

WA, 2154 posts
6 Jan 2013 7:59PM
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Problem with that is we need the big ones to continue the species. They cannot reproduce until they are in their mid teens which puts them at the 4m + range, and then they only have one, maybe two, pups at a time (the rest are eaten within the womb by the surviving pups) and the gestation period is considered to more than a year, but we cannot be sure.
They are born at around 1.5m in size so they start off somewhat sizable but grow very slowly, which is the biggest concern we have.

The sheer lack of knowledge on white sharks is, I think, the thing that threatens their survival the most. It's very hard to make decisions that involve their fate when you have a hard time predicting the outcome.

Fisheries decisions concerning lobsters, crabs, demersal species etc are quite easy because we know a considerable amount about the species involved. The data collected neatly fits mathematical models developed to quantify what the researches want to know to help them make decisions about fishing bans, marine protected areas etc. With White Sharks it's just VERY hard to know what to do when you have sooo little in the way of data.

I'd be nice if researchers thought outside the box a little. The lack of sharks tagged in WA is a big worry for me; where as the yanks at OCEARCH are tagging white sharks with relative ease in great numbers.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
6 Jan 2013 11:12PM
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I have thought about getting into these discussions of yours for a while but have withheld...I feel for you boys out west and the last yrs events have been dreadful....but from my professional opinion its not too far out of the ordinary given the long term stats.....I have spent the last 15 yrs playing around with randomness, uncertainity and probability after studying it for 7 years before that.....especially with regard to low frequency high concentration events. I teach people like Suba whilst also working in the real world with a bunch of other scientists and engineers. We also do a lot of work in the risk perception space....over east where I reside we have had lots of recent shark issues in the notable change in behaviour from my observations and far less hysteria as well. The media loves to beat this sort of stuff up......they love these sort of stories.....and if anyone seriously thinks that shows like ACA are actually news related then they should take a good look at themselves

A lot of our work over the last 7 or 8 years has looked at how changes can be explained by societal impacts like wealth, inflation and population.....I would love to know if anyone has really looked into the population argument as a few of you have alerted to on this topic. Clearly there are more people using the beach than 50 years ago - we also know the general population has increased, we know water users have increased, we know the number of water sports have increased, we know previously undesirable parts of the coast are now holiday hotspots and we know that surfing has contributed massively to this coastal change. Think Raglan, Byron, Nossa, Goldie, Crescent Head, Yamba, Marg River etc the list is endless.

So I would think that it would be plausible to investigate if the massive increase in the number of man (person) hours in the water explains this increase in recent times.......does anyone know if any study has been done like this? If so please post a link to it. There has also been some great work done on how the reporting of events like this have increased with access to communication and technology - maybe it could be argued that there were a lot more incidents previously but they were never reported..............

My personal view on sharks is that they scare the crap out of me and I try not to think about them. I also do not wish to see them harmed and believe that I am in their zone but I am happy to take the risk on. I surf at first light (hate crowds) as often as I can and have no issue paddling out when its still practically dark - even though this is not the wisest of choices . I often surf the reefs around home that are a good 20 minute paddle from the beach. I have been to Cactus several times and have spent 3 of my last 4 holidays over west in Gracetown. I have never seen a shark whilst I am in the lineup and will probably crap myself when I do.

WA, 421 posts
6 Jan 2013 8:16PM
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subasurf said...
And I'm tired of listening to people having a sook about what really is a non issue.

Firstly, I must truthfully admit it's one of your best worded responses.

But a non-issue... I had no problem with sharks until I had my son. He is just over one. Now things change for me a lot. I want the beaches safe because my son is not a waterman, he'll just be a little guy having a swim. And also, I am scared to surf because my boy needs a father.

Things change a lot when you invest more into a life than you think possible, and you wish nothing bad to ever happen to him / her. Then you see these sharks differently, and you will perhaps empathise with my opinion of the 100% safety of beaches being an absolute priority.

WA, 2154 posts
6 Jan 2013 8:20PM
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Ted, sounds like you'd love the book I'm currently reading. Just a bit of light reading before bed.

Would love to hear more about your work and studies.

Also, PaddlePig, the beaches will never be totally safe, sharks or not. Fact of life.

As for the concerns for your son, well, I can't really get into that because I don't have children.

WA, 421 posts
6 Jan 2013 8:23PM
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No worries mate. I think your arguements are valid and well written too, even though we disagree. Good stuff.

thommo 000
1670 posts
6 Jan 2013 8:25PM
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That was a good read Ted thanks. What are your thoughts on the cage diving ?

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
6 Jan 2013 11:50PM
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thommo 000 said...
That was a good read Ted thanks. What are your thoughts on the cage diving ?

Thanks.....not really had any exposure to cage diving.....but from a personal perspective I would be mortified if it was occurring near my local - especially if it started up after I started surfing there (and everyone else).

thommo 000
1670 posts
6 Jan 2013 9:09PM
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^^^Roger that Ted

PaddlePig said...
No worries mate. I think your arguements are valid and well written too, even though we disagree. Good stuff.

WA, 682 posts
6 Jan 2013 9:15PM
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PP don't be scared to surf due to your father status, I hope like me that you get major pleasure from surfing which in turn makes you a better person/father. It's true that kids make you take stock of your lifestyle and attitude towards life sooner than later for some (bit later for me!) but it's a unique sport that is unlike anything I've ever done and now all three of my boys have caught their first wave and the look on their faces is priceless and one I'll never forget. I was watching the Andy Irons tribute vid for about the tenth time the other day, there is a bit in it where he talks about his first wave and it gets me every time, the shark thing is in the back of my mind each time I surf but the feeling of being in the water doing something that has absolutely no impact on the environment and makes us feel so good overides it I'll add an image to back up this essay

WA, 2154 posts
6 Jan 2013 9:43PM
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Bakesy, was that AI talking about his first wave at the pier?

WA, 682 posts
6 Jan 2013 9:55PM
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not sure where it was mate just remember the joy on his face as he talked about it Think there is a series of vids called why I surf that I showed my students to help with an assessment I set them. I show the tribute vid to them as well as part of a media assessment, it's one of the most poignant bits of media I've ever seen and speaks volumes of the man and the surfing fraternity, bloody sad though

WA, 644 posts
6 Jan 2013 10:13PM
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thommo 000 said...
That was a good read Ted thanks. What are your thoughts on the cage diving ?

wouldnt have minded having a cage around me free diving 10mt for my anchor early this morning very dark and gloomy.epic waves though

8266 posts
6 Jan 2013 10:34PM
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Had some great input into this thread, awesome to see you breaking the silence Ted...I'll get into this when I've had 9 less James Boags...

We really need far more communication between people with pieces of paper & people with life experiences...not to say people with pieces of paper don't have life experiences or people with life experience don't have pieces of paper. I do wish they could give more credence to each others stance & remember not all valid knowledge comes from a published study that has passed a "hand it in" plagerism test haha ; )


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Dolphin killed at Mettams" started by Zuke