Forums > Surfing Shortboards


Created by Woodo > 9 months ago, 27 Sep 2012
WA, 792 posts
27 Sep 2012 12:21PM
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WA, 15849 posts
27 Sep 2012 12:38PM
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Just read it, not sure if its a good idea or not.

Someone had an idea of keeping burlying/chumming up to 10kays off shore in the kite forum, I think that idea has merit.

WA, 87 posts
27 Sep 2012 12:39PM
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Interesting; better that fisheries can manage things according to the situation without having to ring the political rep. If it fell into the hands of randoms then thats when the enviro damage would really be done.
Believe fisheries have demonstrated that they have responsible fisheries management in the past.

WA, 2153 posts
27 Sep 2012 12:44PM
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kwalkington said...

Believe fisheries have demonstrated that they have responsible fisheries management in the past.

They have?

WA, 87 posts
27 Sep 2012 1:32PM
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would actually just prefer to go for a surf than talk sharks again. Our fisheries have done better than others.

WA, 6913 posts
27 Sep 2012 1:34PM
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subasurf said...

kwalkington said...

Believe fisheries have demonstrated that they have responsible fisheries management in the past.

They have?

They will be able to now, with the extra $2 million dollars to buy JET SKIS

WA, 792 posts
27 Sep 2012 2:11PM
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jbshack said...

subasurf said...

kwalkington said...

Believe fisheries have demonstrated that they have responsible fisheries management in the past.

They have?

They will be able to now, with the extra $2 million dollars to buy JET SKIS

JB did you not read the article properly again?
Jetski's are going to the clubbies not fisheries.

WA, 14 posts
27 Sep 2012 2:13PM
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The jet ski's should be used like in eastern states. For lifesaving clubs and members, more regular roving patrols, heavily utilised on forecasted busy days. Ie. patrolling outside of the metro area. Area's such as Lancelin and wedge when there is a forecast that will bring people to the area.

Atm, ERGT or some bull**** idea runs lifesaving skies. The clubs that see larger amount's of people and cover larger stretches of beaches should also each have a jet ski to provide roving patrols and rescues.

Also, I know a man who has flown coastal routes in Perth metro for 18 years, and has never seen a shark. The helicopter patrols are a waste of money. It is an excuse for funding and advertisement for westpac.

WA, 6913 posts
27 Sep 2012 2:16PM
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Above is the direct link. One report i read this morning quoted $2 million. Buts its actually $500000 for new jet ski's. Honestly how many are they buying

The official report talks about $6.85 million that is added to the already allocated $13.65 million. So $20.5 million for over 4 years plus a further $2.5 for Ariel patrol increases.

My question is are we really seeing a good return for our investment

That's all. Not arguing culling or not, just the ridiculous expenditure.

1011 posts
27 Sep 2012 2:24PM
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FFS the last thing I want buzzing around when I'm trying to enjoy a surf is a fkn jet ski. Waste of $$$ must be a state gov election soon, trying to buy votes

WA, 15849 posts
27 Sep 2012 2:27PM
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surferstu said...

FFS the last thing I want buzzing around when I'm trying to enjoy a surf is a fkn jet ski. Waste of $$$ must be a state gov election soon, trying to buy votes

The lifesavers had them out at SH a few weeks ago, the new ones are pretty quiet. Plus it better than been eaten by a critter

161 posts
27 Sep 2012 2:29PM
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My first thoughts-

Somone spots shark near beachie

The person doesnt want shark unnecessarily killed so doesnt report shark

An Oblivious beach goer gets lunched.


WA, 792 posts
27 Sep 2012 2:30PM
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I can think of a lot worse things for the government to blow our tax payers money on.

WA, 6913 posts
27 Sep 2012 2:50PM
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Woodo said...

I can think of a lot worse things for the government to blow our tax payers money on.

That comment is true, but how many better things are more deserving

Oh and Boothie even as a shark advocate i would always report any shark seen to warn others for their safety so can't really see that being a issue.

But lets look at the semantics of it. So the government will spend $2 million on setting themselves up to be ready to kill/cull boat for a shark that is causing danger to water users. One of the $500 000 jet ski's will report it and i assume in the reaction time drive the shark away from swimmers. So how long will it take for the super boat to arrive and what will they do then

Its just plan stupid IMHO

I've seen the money and the level of stupidity goes into the fisheries boats. This is just a way of making people think they are doing something and appeasing their officers by making their heated seats more controllable, their Ipod doc shuffler handle more tracks and there globes in the interior lights more apesing to their sensitive eyes[}:)]

Dawn Patrol
WA, 1991 posts
27 Sep 2012 3:00PM
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I would be surprised if they end up knocking many/if any off. It will be killed if 'imminent' danger is present. I suspect that would equate to a large shark right near the beach on a busy day.

So, someone spots the shark, call goes out, lifeguards try scare it off. By the time fisheries are there it will probably be gone. And even if it is still there, it would still need to be caught.

Ah well, like I said, would be surprising if they get many/any.

Hmm, 500k for jetskis, maybe I should start a surf club, to get jet skis for tow ins, I mean shark patrols...

WA, 2503 posts
27 Sep 2012 3:43PM
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jbshack said...

Honestly how many are they buying

5 that's 100k and the other 400k is to fund the feasibility study to work out that they need 5

WA, 6913 posts
27 Sep 2012 3:46PM
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I have been trying to find out what the Previous $13.65 million has or will be used on that the government had offered. I cant find a realise yet but will keep looking.
But in reading i just found out that we have 20 acoustic listening devices just in the metro area. But i can't actually find out how many sharks have been tagged

Suba i was wondering if you had any idea? No one at fisheries does. They talk in notes that its easy to tag them and even the fisheries guys could tag from fisheries boats especially when GW's are feeding on dead whales.

WA, 6913 posts
27 Sep 2012 4:08PM
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Found it and had a huge post about how the government is just playing with numbers but deleted it as i really think no one is interested anyway.

Lets just say the media has said there spending lots of money so we should all feel heaps safer. Well maybe after they go knock of a few just to pretend there spending money on helping[}:)]

WA, 144 posts
27 Sep 2012 4:11PM
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God willing, this will turn the tide of death.

WA, 15849 posts
27 Sep 2012 4:15PM
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Beelzebub said...

God willing, this will turn the tide of death.

Thats funny comming from the devil

WA, 902 posts
28 Sep 2012 10:00AM
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Sounds like a win win situation to me. The squids get cashed up for research which should keep them happy. If the sharks come close to people they get sorted out. It seems to make sense. I bought an esds yesturday and charged it up hopefully it works.

WA, 589 posts
28 Sep 2012 10:35AM
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Big whitey spotted at Cables this morning - apparently it breached just in front of the beach, a la discovery channel, to get a seal.

By the time fisheries got there, all that was left was half a seal.

They've just posted this on the SLSWA twitter feed:

"Fisheries advise White Shark reported interacting with seal 500m from Shore, 300m south of Cables artificial reef, Leighton"

Flares and pitchforks anyone?

WA, 144 posts
28 Sep 2012 11:11AM
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Damn, my kids went to surf there this morning. I am heading down there right now in case Fisheries decide not to harpoon the bloody thing.

Dawn Patrol
WA, 1991 posts
28 Sep 2012 11:19AM
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Man that'd be pretty cool to see.

At least it's eating seals

WA, 1916 posts
28 Sep 2012 3:59PM
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" interacting with seal 500m from Shore"

its ok everyone, its just trying to interact with you, hahahaa

WA, 2503 posts
28 Sep 2012 8:40PM
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Ohhhhh look Mummy that shark is balancing that cute little seal on it's nose, they must be circus friends.

WA, 421 posts
28 Sep 2012 8:43PM
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I rang up 882am today and got talk-back caller of the day for expressing my views of sharks. I thought I was maybe a bit extreme, but they gave me talk-back caller of the day!

Cables this morning!! No way. That's where I sometimes go. Too close to home!

Dawn Patrol
WA, 1991 posts
29 Sep 2012 1:50AM
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I don't really get why anyone is shocked or surprised a shark was eating a seal?

Would that count as imminent danger to the public?

Perhaps it should be culled


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"GWS" started by Woodo