Dunes left was cooking between the close out sets today, some sick pits with a handful of crew. Unexpected offshore icing on the cake.
Flew out from bali early this morn-well was sposta be in the air at 620am but APEC delegates caused postponement of flight till 10am!!? New airport not finished so no food available except for Tim tams n coke 6 bonus hours in unfinished airport with ver little communication( makes for wife) but as we took off swell lines marching into airports left and right looked in the large category!!!
On the plus side did manage to get good fun beaches in the am at Padma b4 the wind came in! Happy for a "non surfing trip" happy wife leads to nighttime frolicking
Going to be bigger tomorrow in Bali. One of the surf schools (I think) posted a pic of a guy surfing a fair way up the creek at Canguu today.
Didn't have the nuts to surf Padang. Paddled out at Bingin instead, mid tide, dodging rogue sets.
Two guys out at Ulus on high tide today. I wasn't there at low tide, but outside corner looked awesome from our place at impossibles.
Good stuff smicko, looks like fun with nice clean conditions and hopefully you got slotted on that last one. How big is it in the second and third pics?
PM me if you like as not to upset people.
2&3 are only about 2-3 but fun and clean, pretty quick though, it was hard to make it much further than a couple of sections.
Had a couple of fun mornings on the right breaking towards that last left when it was smaller but that morning was nuts!! It must drop off pretty deep off the back of the reef as we spent most of the morning dodging bombs. Lucky it's only a short paddle to avoid annihilation.
Didn't get shacked on that one but got a few, one of the local lads got some sick pits. Was a bit on the shallow side too, you kinda had to go as deep as you could and come in behind the section or the drop got a bit nasty.