suba you must love 3" waves. I just drove past Leighton and it's flat. I had a look at the local. Perfect conditions, great afternoon ...
... and 1' sets and 47 out (I might have miscounted, too many to be accurate). Surely it was a joke and they were waiting for me to drive past and are now laughing at me.
I didn't bother heading down to check it. outta town might be good if you want to jostle with other crew. Not me. I've got veggies to plant.
Legion, it was a long wait between sets and they only rolled in as sets I'd two. Clean as you could ever want but real small.
Saturday 11:00am update...
Saw the Scarbs cam at 7:00am and it looked like nothing but closeouts... and figured Trigg would be mega packed... (and probably closing out too) so went to a northern beachie that has had very good banks for the last few weeks - right up to last Sunday that I know of...
Today was almost 100% straight - 300m long head high + walls with next to no shoulder. The northern end that can produce some magic seemed not to be working and the main car park break was full of thick weed.
Plenty out - but between the lids, the SB's and the mals I did not see anyone get a decent wave - me included!! Not happy Jan...
...oh and there was a surf school with about 30 learners on the inside of main car park... (but to be fair they were in the shallows and not in the way)
It's that time of year when there's heaps of sand around and occasional swell events but it all straightens out. Time to travel. If I didn't have so much on it'd be (long) day trips. As it is I'm saving up for 3 weeks until camping, two surfs a day every day.
Was awesome this morning when wind was offshore; went down again in the arvie for a double dip, wind had come in a bit .. snapped some photties...
Great photos Laurie
Was pumping again this morning where I was once again
Only two people out
Surfed out
Sat arvo bit blown out but still okay.
Sunday smaller but weed everywhere. That and i though it was still bit cool
had annual surf/fish/kite to gloo last week
off shore all week = no kite :-(
fishing slow ++, a few macks, bolt cutters and a 8ft shark
but surf going off all week, offshore a bit blowy at times
4-6 all day everyday 19 sec period swell on friday , nice thick waves
best place in the world
internet too!!
Geez bolgo, looking good. We're heading there in three weeks. I only hope the devil winds hold off and we score a few days like you did.
First one I reckon I can pick (if it's the obvious choice), second one not so sure but have my suspicions (the ledge in the foreground put me off at first then gave me my guess), third could be any of a number of spots.
sea reptile with flippers - bluff boys up there as wind into the bluff,( but as you can see some made bluff look good), too big with mega close out sets, inbetween a few like that shot thou, saw a 150m right hander taken across the channel , but he couldnt get back out
last one tombies
quiet as, surfed upto an hr in the am with just me bro', even with a late start (sunrise)
fri/sat deep ground swell, light offshore no one else to be seen -???
centres cranking good too
I found some good waves this morning, even found a peak to myself. Atleast for two good waves before it was noticed and a few crew paddled out.
My timing sucked. I managed a quick session just after the wind came in. A combination of onshore wind, strong rip and strong backwash made it difficult.
Drove up West Coast Highway just now. At 4pm the wind was still in. Now it's a LAGO. Should've gone now.