Not surprisingly has been pretty straight all w/e -> week at Perth's most popular beach break.
Off topic but how is the shoulder Legion? Are you still doing your rehab on top of surfing? Just remember not to over do it mate
As with all things, it doesn't hurt in the water. Out of the water it's mostly OK except when I overdo it. I didn't really do any rehab - the stuff I was given was mostly ROM stuff and my ROM is OK. My personal rehab has been teaching myself clean and jerk . Surprisingly that's been going alright, although I've only been lifting very low weights and reps. I always wanted to be able to clean and jerk but have had at least one bad shoulder for many years.
After a long paddle session it hurts, especially in conditions like today (constant paddling for a couple of hours). NSAIDs help. That's about the only time I've been taking them, post-surf.
Anybody notice the swell seems to have picked up. Much more than our recent run of 'dick hieghts'
Yours truly
Long time lurcher.
went to the usual this morning, everything seemed right, swell,tide and wind. Nothing on offer, could see a lumpy horizon but it seemed to bypass us so I hope those that went offshore or north scored because we got zilch, not even enough to make a few "magnets" worth the paddle, to make things worse I gaffered up the wound, I was hanging out and certain enough to do it at 5am, not fun taking it off
Went to secret spot north this morn, admit others have discovered it too, I blame wanna surf and all other posters. Oh yeah and all that building of new suburbs of ranch.... Oh shizen have I revealed too much..........
Anyway wind was souther there as always but still got a cupla worth the drive, swell smaller than predicted tho.
Gotta laugh at ANGRY guy cursin an screaming his way thru his session he was having a wonderful time, not! wonder why he was even out there?
Was angry guy 45ish with greying hair, reasonable surfer on a retro-ish board driving a silver/grey GU Patrol?
Gotta wonder why he bothers if it makes him that angry hey?
Sorry mate its against the rules to talk LB come over to the Beer Garden forum and we can have a chat