Next Wednesday according to the SeaBreeze graphs:
6.1m swell with 32kt WSW winds around lunch time...
This should see some of the groynes working - and hopefully stir some of the dormant banks into action for winter...
Trigg was the usual circus - too many crew chasing shoulder high close-outs...
Small clean waves with some shape if you know where to look... [and only 6-7 out]
Just one guy out at Trigg this morning with a 30kn WNW blowing. He tried duck diving at first but ended up trying to swim out the back just dragging his board behind him. He made it about 1/4 the way out and a couple of hundred metres down the beach. At least he gave it a go I suppose.
Late starter what site is that from. Would love to get a surf report like that on my phone.
Surfed Sat arvo out from my house and was okay but only on the change of tide. Then it got a bit straight and ended up very shallow. Feet and toe coped it so hard Sunday struggled to walk. So won't surf again with out booties and hopefully that helps
Can't wait for this weather to pass and leave us a few betters breaks hopefully
How fast is that swell dropping off! Peaked at 5.8m last night and is down to 2.4m already.
At least the beaches have had a really good stirring up and there should be good banks when it turns offshore. Hopefully there will be enough swell around then to have some fun.
Just read that the Rotto wave rider buoy has come adrift and the readings are incorrect.
There's hope yet!
Alas, the swell is dropping like a stone........and the wind has turned southerly so back to straight banks again real soon. Tomorrow is going to be a hoax. Save yourselves from the inevitable disappointment
Dingoland was looking OK this arvo.
Banks everywhere from Freo to Hillaries.
Winter is officially here.
pretty good down here, chose a spot based on crowd factor and traded quality but certainly bigger than the 2m showing on the graph.Lumpy westerly swell with a shifty breeze, looks like some banks may have formed.
And I'm stuck staring at the surf cam with paperwork piled to my side and a coffee on the other... you lucky *&(*&(#*&