had one hour at a mushy northend reefy knee to waist high, super shallow, nice water temp even in boardies despite the onshore
No problems with crowds. I had Perth's number 1 super bank all to myself and 4 others this morning..Shame it was really ****
But still better then being hit in the head with a brick
Went for a look this morning with the thought of a kite. A well known groin was doing it's best snapper impression. Wish we got more NW swells!
Should be better banks around later in the week.
Ah dammit, I forgot about leavers....
I've pretty much got the next two weeks off and my next job is in Margs...
Where to go...what to do...where to surf...
Hmm...to go out and brave the weather for the hope of some big mushy slabs...or stay home in front of the computer.....hmm