Wish I'd had a lobby on me in retrospect, would've been worth $20 to sit in airconditioned comfort with a coldie whilst those boobies massaged the Landy.
Did a half hour this morning at Perth's favourite Beachie.
Was sloppy and waist high at best, closing out in water less than a foot deep. 50-odd blokes out and angry little men on boogie boards challenging others to fights on the beach.
The Summer Bummer continues...
My favourite manoeuvre in that situation is "hungry lion leaps on gazelle". However, the same thing happened to me last night with an ancient bodysurfer and hungry lion let it slide.
I can't really comment on these topics since I'm one of the greediest, most selfish surfers in the water. However, whatever I do say you can take as gospel because I'm always correct.
There's one young guy who rips who was out last night, a former club champ. He never pushes for priority and always sits on the shoulder or further in or down the beach a bit. And yet, he gets heaps of waves and tears them to bits. I wish I was like him.
Just a heads up to any kiters, windsurfers, sups, divers, surfers and anyone else.
The last couple of days there's been a big white pointer (17') spotted feeding of the Bowes River mouth and some crew fishing in a runabout hooked one (accidentally) the same size just up the track off Horrocks and got towed around for a while. I don't know if this sighting has been reported. I've just heard it from a reliable source. So keep an eye out.
So mocha1 and/or smicko, do you remember what was happening with the swell that day? I seem to remember it was small. Tossing up which direction to drive on Sunday and the swell's a bit bigger than I would usually go to Bikini Wash's. Banks look like they might not be world-class either, with a gutter closer in? I'm tempted to go the other way instead, but not excited about the extra drive time. Feel free to pm me.
G'day Legion - it was very small - cos I decided it was not worth going 3/4 way to the bikini wash destination... and metro was snorkelling conditions. I know cos I opted to spend most of the day studying instead...
Legion, Rotto was 0.8, I'd reckon Sunday will be miles too big where Mocha and I were, mind you there's plenty of other options in the area.
1.5ish is about the absolute max for that beachie. We're going for a drive with the kids on Sunday, but not that far this time.
Metro = don't bother.
Small swell trying to produce a wave on northern beachies, but the tide is low and the SE strong (whitecapping)... so combined with some back-wash it's thigh high dumpers.... with 10 paddling for each wave
Hey Suba,
While the debate rages of east vs west and we all reminisce of the good old days when we were 4ft tall and the waves appeared massive everywhere in WA...You're actually getting some... good for you mate. Enjoy
I surprised myself by enjoying tiddlers off the rocks at city beach between the flags. Twas very nice to get wet.
Another clip. The render came out a bit crappy so its pixelated, but the raw footage is great. When I've got time to cut something together I'll upload a full 1080p HD video.
4' today where I was. 20kt offshore followed by calm followed by a light onshore. Lots of people though.
The conditions were too good to ignore today so Buster Leggy and myself put in the miles and scored. The first pic is Buster paddling back out after a wave and I'm not even in the water yet! It had some size today and did I mention Buster snapped his leggy
This pic is how we left it, still plenty of good ones coming through but we were exhausted and totally stoked.