Any body been to the Maldives lately.Am thinking of taking the family for some relaxation (for them )and waves for me.All info greatly received
There is a lady in Noosa "Donna" who I think now runs a standup/surf school and she has run a business in the Maldives and knows it inside out. If you can get a hold of her I am sure she can give you some ideas/info on family friendly surf spots over there. You would probably get her number from noosa surf works or blue water players in noosa - balmoral boards in sydney would also have her number because I think she is a rep for a brand they import into Aus. She is a nice lady and a very good surfer.
I was over there in April and stayed at Hudhuran Fushi Resort (about a 30 min boat ride from the airport) The resort has it's own exclusive use break called Lohi's which had clean 2-4 foot waves everyday I was there and a couple of days of double over head waves (the photo is from my last day there which was also the smallest). There was never more than 8-10 people out and there were plenty of times I got it solo or with only 1 or 2 others out. The resort also has boat trips out to a whole stack of other breaks, I went to Ninja's, Sultan's and Honky's and didn't get a bad wave (f'n strong currents running through though). The accommodation isn't as flash as elsewhere but it included all you can drink beer and buffet meals. C
an't recommend the place highly enough.
Thanks Killbot,
Great info.I got straight on the web and read a few reviews of the hotel.Most good but a few mentioned bed bugs.That would really freak the missus out.What size boards do you recomend and who did you fly with,I hear Singapore Air are good!!
The interiors on the standard rooms were a bit old but they seemed to be pretty on the ball with cleaning so you'd have to be pretty unlucky to get bed bugs. If money isn't too much of an issue the resort has new over water bungalows which we stayed in for our last couple of nights there. They're dead flash and come with a butler who drives you to the surf break in a golf cart (even though it's only a 500m walk). There was also a Club Med on the next island over which has Ninja's on it. It looked like it was a bit of a walk from the resort but the only people that ever seemd to surf it were people from our island (never saw more than 2 people on it). So that could be worth a look in if it keeps the wife and family happier.
I flew over on Malaysia Airlines, wasn't that impressed but they were a couple of $100 cheaper than anyone else. Ended up having a fairly annoying stop over in Colombo on the way back (3hrs and we weren't allowed off the plane).
I took my 6'4 Webber and that was perfect for most days. If you're going between now and September it'd be worth taking a gun/semi-gun as it's supposed to be the bigger swell season. There were also plenty of blokes having a lot of fun on some small fish's which seemed to work Lohi's pretty well (and long boards for that matter). The resort also had about a dozen different Firewire's which guests could use on the surf boat trips (they don't like you using them at Lohi's though for some reason).